Title: The Tooth Is Out There Author: Marissa, a.k.a. White Miasma Rating: G! Complete farce! Spoilers: none Summary: Mulder and Scully investigate the phenomenon know as "The Tooth Fairy." Disclaimer: Mulder and Scully belong to CC, and the Tooth Fairy belongs to the DOA (Demons Outplacement Agency). : ] For my sister, for keeping her nose out of what I'm "always working on." For the shippers and their determination. And for Mulder and all of the other believers. (Do we have Scully on our side yet?!?) Special thanks to an unknown author who wrote that story about Santa Claus and our favorite FBI agents. WARNING -- WARNING -- FARCE AHEAD -- DO NOT TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY -- WARNING T H E T O O T H I S O U T T H E R E by Marissa, a.k.a. White Miasma "I've seen this before, Scully," Mulder said solemnly. The two FBI agents were standing in a child's bedroom. They looked like giants among the tiny chairs, miniature bed, and lots of little books and toys strewn across the floor. The black of their suits blared from the soft lavender of the room. "Legend has it that there is a demon that visits the house of a child who has just lost a tooth, and I think we're seeing it right here." "Don't be ridiculous," Scully countered. "A tiny pink demon who flies into children's windows and steals their teeth? Why would it steal teeth when it could go for . . . oh, the safe?" "Some cultures believe that the reward for stealing teeth is eternal life. Why do you think there are so many dentists in the world? Besides, Scully, people do all sorts of crazy things. Why not steal teeth? Why not?" "But you said this 'person' was a demon," Scully said triumphantly. "Why would a demon steal teeth? Not for eternal life." "No, Scully. For survival. When you were a child, what happened to your teeth after you put them under your pillow? Did you ever stop to wonder?" "No, but I suppose you did." "After --" Mulder's voice cracked, then he resumed speaking. "After Samantha's abduction, I questioned everything. Everything. And I found the truth. This is the work of a demon, Scully. Here, come take a look at this." He picked up a piece of paper with purple scribbles on it. "Mulder, that's a piece of paper that the child who lives in this room was writing on." "No, no, I can clearly see that this is a message written in Toothish." "You're making that up." Mulder ignored her. "It says, 'I will live forever. Or at least as long humans have teeth.' That's it!" "What now, Mulder?" Scully was getting P.O.'d. "It steals teeth from children!" "So what?" "So it's scared that humans will evolve into creatures without teeth. Actually, the process has already begun. I just saw a documentary yesterday about early infancy, and guess what, Scully! *The babies didn't have any teeth.*" "Mulder, children don't have teeth until --" "Oh, Scully, you always think you can explain everything with science. But this time, I know I'm right. The pink demon will strike again, and all we have to do is be there when it does." "Mulder --" "It needs teeth to survive, Scully. So it steals them, and builds vast, glittering white cities. It eats teeth for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I'll bet that there are millions of tiny pink demons preying on innocent children." "That is so --" "Come to think of it, Scully, I'll bet they took my sister! She had lots of teeth! They needed her for their food. Oh, poor Samantha!" "Mulder, if you don't --" "The next plane to Toothland, we're on, Scully. Are you with me?" Scully sighed. She wondered how she was going to explain "trip to Toothland to arrest the Tooth Fairy" on her expense voucher. WhiteMiasma@xfilesfan.com Comments? Questions? Concerns? E-mail me! "You're not me, therefore you're irrelevant." --Dogbert