Title: Subjugare Exsanguine Author: E. Ripley Email: Feedback sucked dry at dana1muldr@aol.com Rating: R for violence & language Category: It defies categorization, but if I must:X, R, A,H Spoilers: Bad Blood Keywords: M/S UST, Scully/Other romance Posting: Yes, please, anywhere, anytime, anyplace!! Summary: On the trail of some unexplained but very familiar events, Mulder & Scully are separated & Scully encounters an old "friend." Disclaimer: OK so not all parts of this story are mine, heck none of 'em are. By E. Ripley A field near Windsor,South Carolina 1:17 a.m. Wednesday March 18 The two men quietly made their way towards the group of lowing cattle. The shorter & stockier of the two broke the silence. "Tell me again why we need to do this, this is disgusting." "I know it is, but trust me. This is the best way to get his attention." "Do we really have to...." "Yes, we do. If we leave a mess behind it will look like a hoax. Your scuffles with the local girls won't be enough to draw their attention." His companion sighed. "Well next time Strickland gets any good ideas like this, you make sure you deputize him for the disgusting work and let me stay at home." "Now Lance, you know the boy ain't right. I bring him along on something like this and before you know it, we'll have a repeat of that fiasco in Texas. You want to pick up the whole mess of us and head out again?" "No," his companion muttered sullenly. "That's what I thought. Now let's get down to business. Disgusting? You ought to be pleased I chose you to help me with this. You know how many of the others would kill for a chance at fresh blood? "Well I hate to say this but I am no longer one of those people. Ever since we started us on AP I've become something of a vegetarian." His friend laughed despite himself. "Does that extend to the old ways as well or is that limited to livestock?" In response, Lance's eyes widened, taking on a distinctly green glow. "Whoa now, Lance, I wasn't offering, just asking a question. You know we can't do that anymore. We start down that path and we're no better than those vampires out in Los Angeles." "But, we are vampires!" "Maybe so, Lance, maybe so. But we're still a far sight better than that group, and as long as I'm in charge, it's gonna stay that way. Haven't things improved for everyone since we broke off from the old ways?" "Well, yes, until this whole matter came up." "OK then. Now I know the last few weeks have been tough on everybody. But believe me, it's gonna get a whole lot tougher if we reveal ourselves. It'll be like the sixties all over again. Peaceful co-existence is the only way to go. Some of them are downright good people, just like us. You just have to have a little faith." "Well I hope your 'faith' in this FBI agent isn't as misplaced as everybody seems to think it is." The taller of the two turned towards his partner, his voice a low growl. "I think I've had just about enough of this second guessing. I told everybody I read her when we were in Chaney. She can be trusted, we just have to make her understand our point of view. She already knows about us, and if we don't go to her, where else can we go? A hospital?" "Hey, ease down there a little, I'm not the one you need to convince. I just question her willingness to come with us. And if not, if we take her like you said, won't it make matters worse?" "Well at his point I'm not sure willingness is an option I am prepared to offer her. I think taking her is going to be a necessity, we just have to keep our eyes open for the opportunity. At this point I really believe she's our only hope. You didn't meet her. She's brilliant. And besides, there's more." Lance looked up from his exertions. "Lance I didn't just read her, I looked into her. When she was unconscious. She's more than just vulnerable to the glamour, she's attracted by it. That's why I had to let her and her partner go." "She could be turned?!?" Lance was astonished. "Why didn't you tell me? It's been so long..." "Because I wouldn't do it unless she wanted it. And I wouldn't want anyone to try and force her. That's not how we work anymore. But yes, she could be." The pudgy one scrutinized his friend with a hint of suspicion. "There's something you're not telling me. You like her, don't you?" The taller one wheeled on him. "Of course I like her, but that's of no consequence & you know it!" His friend let out a slow whistle. "Sorry. Jeez. You must really like her. A lot. Does she...?" His tall friend grinned. No further words were necessary. Glamour or no, his appeal to the opposite sex was never contested for long. And despite this fact, he remained a consummate gentleman. A trait his contemporaries were sometimes baffled by. But Lucius Hartwell was no ordinary man. Silently they continued with their mission and the field grew quiet. Except for the occasional lowing of cattle and the sound of the two men feeding. Interstate 90 Right before the Maryland/Virginia border 10:31 p.m. Saturday March 28 Mulder looked over at his partner. She had her glasses on and was examining the contents of an X-file which he just reopened. She glanced through some photos and a recent clipping from the World Weekly News. He smiled to himself. He could see her mind working, readying itself for the inevitable attack on his motives and justifications on this case. Engrossed in reading, she absentmindedly played with her bottom lip. Mulder scolded himself, his face flush from the unpartnerly thought he'd just entertained. Closing the file, Scully looked over at Mulder. She had every intention of chastising him for reopening a case with so little to justify it. But there was a preoccupied, uneasy expression on his face at that moment so she reserved her sarcasm for later. "Penny for your thoughts, Mulder?" <"Scully, your underestimate your impact on me" was his only thought.> "Um, I was just thinking that we should probably try to economize as much as possible on this trip. It might help keep Skinner from freaking out too much if we aren't successful." The banality of his statement caught Scully off guard. For Mulder to concern himself with matters of protocol and standards was well, "spooky." "Mulder you mean to tell me we've been driving for hours with at least another day of driving ahead of us, and you're actually unsure of the outcome? Tell me that's not the case." She groaned a little. Mulder adopted a familiar boyish grin. "If it makes you feel better, Scully, No. I am convinced of the validity of my suspicions, but after our last encounter with Ronnie & Sheriff "Luscious..." That last bit was pronounced with a distinctly southern drawl. He trailed off for a moment, pleased with his little jab at humor. Mulder's intentional mispronunciation of Sheriff Hartwell's first name didn't even faze her. Ignoring the bait, Scully rolled her eyes a bit and remained silent, lost in thought. Her face took on a dreamy faraway look. Again, absentmindedly, she brushed her lower lip with the tip of her thumb, smiling almost imperceptibly. If Mulder hadn't been her partner and a man with a Ph.D. in Psychology he might not have noticed. But he was and he did. Scully's sudden oral fixation, unconscious or otherwise, was beginning to affect him. The fact that it seemed to coincide with the mention of a certain bucktoothed hambone hick sheriff who happened to also be a vampire only riled him further. "Uh, Scully...yoo hoo, earth to Scully?" His partner blinked, her train of thought interrupted. "Wha.." she began. "I was just worried that you might have been abducted there for a moment. You're not still fawning over our good buddy Sheriff Hartwell, are you?" He tried to keep his tone light & playful, but found it difficult to avoid the sudden swell of jealousy he felt. It didn't matter what tone of voice he used, all Scully heard was a remark impugning her professionalism. A remark which stung, coming from her partner and the only person she really trusted. "Honestly Mulder, you can be such an ass, sometimes. Where is this coming from? Are you still pouting about the 'Shaft' thing? I swear I never told Frohike or Langly. I have no idea how they could have accessed my report." She fumed for a moment before adding, "and besides, it's the truth." She looked out the window, smirking a little. <"Idiot!" Mulder thought to himself, "why the hell did I say that?"> "Look Scully, I'm sorry. That was uncalled for." "Sure was." she replied coolly. He sighed. Now he'd gone and done it. "Hey, he tried brightly, hoping to change the subject, and with it, her mood, "you wanna stop & get something to eat soon?" "Sure. Fine. Whatever." She continued to look out the window, unwilling to face him. In Scully-ese, the comment, coupled with her body language translated into a thinly veiled expletive. Directed at him. He sighed again. Sometimes knowing your partner too well was a disadvantage. Discretion being the better part of valor, Mulder remained meekly silent. He had no intention of stopping until Scully wanted to eat. Letting her decide when & where seemed like the better idea to him. Unfortunately, from Scully's viewpoint, it appeared to be a challenge of will. A challenge she wasn't about to lose. Ignoring the rumbling in her stomach, she set her gaze on the vanishing scenery as darkness fell. Hypnotized by the motion of the car and the thrumming of the tires upon the grooved road, she fell into a grumpy sleep. Scully had dozed off hours ago, and Mulder was finding it increasingly difficult to ignore the pangs of hunger as his stomach growled. He made a half hearted attempt at waking her, but noticed the irritated frown on her face as she slept. Slowly he wheeled the rental car into the parking lot of a respectable looking diner. He eased himself out, shutting the door behind him, carefully locking it. He went inside & ate ravenously, their sole patron at that ungodly hour and the willing recipient of a bored waitress's cheerful attentions. Thrilled to be the subject of so amiable a woman's interest, (and a pretty one at that, he mused) he nearly forgot himself. As he paid the cashier he realized he had overlooked his partner. Mulder grabbed handful of slim jims and some gum, then tucking them into his coat pocket with his change, he thanked Christi for a great meal & exited the diner, whistling. Scully hadn't moved yet, so he eased the car out and back onto the highway. Refreshed and full of delicious food, he felt wide awake and energetic. Reminding himself of his pledge to economize, he decided against stopping at a local motel. Scully always hated those backwater roach traps anyway, and besides, they'd make excellent time if he drove through the night. After several hours, Mulder felt his energy and vitality fading a little. The unending, intermittent flash of the median in the headlights before him was beginning to make his head swim. He felt his eyes grow heavy and dry. He tried tapping his fingers along on the steering wheel, singing softly to keep himself awake, but not so loud as to wake Scully. <"Spiderman, spiderman, does whatever a spider can..is he strong? listen bud, he's got radioactive blood mmmm hmmm hmmhhm mmm mm hey yeah, there goes the spiderman..."> Scully was having the most unusual dream. She was teaching at Quantico, explaining the importance of detailed note keeping during an autopsy. Then suddenly without warning, one of her students got up and began reciting the theme song to the cartoon, "Spiderman." She was about to call upon him when the very real voice of her partner singing that very same song drifted into her consciousness. She stifled a grin as she stretched her legs before her. Opening her eyes, Scully blinked, and rubbed them with her hands. It was dark already. Her partner seemed focused, intent on the road ahead and hadn't noticed she had woken yet. "Mulder, what time it ?" she yawned. Seeing her awake, he grinned. "Hey sunshine. It is precisely 3 a.m." "3 a.m.?" Scully shot up in her seat, groaning as her back protested so quick a shift in position from her previous slump. "Mulder, why haven't we stopped someplace for the night?" His prior logic vanished into a cloud of smoke. A cloud which he now wished could obscure him from his partner's rapidly growing wrath. "Uh, well, you seemed to be sleeping so peacefully, I uh, hated to wake you and I thought this way we could save time and a little money too?" he suggested contritely. Scully took a deep breath. She suddenly remembered she had been mad at him earlier. She tried to bottle her anger, keep her composure, but it was a losing battle. Mulder squirmed uncomfortably. "Mulder are you insane? We have been in a car all day long, and in all likelihood will still be for most of tomorrow. I don't know about you but I prefer to sleep in a bed and I also enjoy a shower & change of clothes every day or so!" Scully sniffed the air suspiciously. "Mulder what is that smell??" He took a few tentative sniffs. "Umm, I don't smell anything, Scully." He reached into his pocket and offered her the pack of juicy fruit. "Gum?" Eyeing him with a distrustful air, she reached slowly for the pack then stopped. "Mulder, where did you get the gum? Earlier today, before I fell asleep you were bugging me for gum or mints or anything." Mulder glanced furtively around him. Maybe if he slowed down quickly she wouldn't notice & he would have an opportunity to leap from the car. "Uh, Scully I have a confession to make. While you were sleeping, and sleeping so peacefully," he added, "I made a quick stop and got just a little something to eat." Ignoring the way her blue eyes were suddenly bugging out of their sockets, he continued. "And it wasn't very good, really, the waitress was a cranky old crone and the hamburger was terrible, the coffee was stale and the pie wasn't very good at all." Scully's voice was surprisingly noncommittal. "What about the fries?" Thrown off by her composure, Mulder relaxed somewhat. "Oh the fries were pretty good actually." He didn't see the trap till his foot was caught solidly in it. Were he his namesake he would have gladly chewed his leg off to escape. Scully shook her head gently, tightening her grip on the armrest. Her blue eyes flared red for a moment then she spoke, barely in a whisper. "Mulder, stop the car." Her tone was quiet but firm, telling him she would brook no argument. He pulled the Taurus over to the side of the road. He turned to face her as she got out of the car. Confused, he turned to see her coming up on his side of the vehicle. She opened his door. "Mulder get out." "Look, Scully don't you think this is overreacting just a little bit? I'm sorry, OK, I wasn't thinking, I'm a jerk, a selfish jerk, please forgive me, but let's be adult about this." She scoffed. "God, Mulder, could you be less ridiculous?" "I am being adult about this. Now either get out & walk around or scoot over. I want to drive for awhile. I sure as hell am obviously not going to be sleeping anytime soon. AND I'm pulling into the first motel that I see." "Besides," she said, giving him the once over, "you look like you are about to pass out and kill us both." Stunned by his partner's restraint yet a second time, Mulder clambered over to the passenger's side. It dawned on him that Scully's last remark was an unconscious statement of concern. Concern for him. He made a mental note to let Krycek beat the hell out of him next time they met. He deserved it. What he did not deserve was a partner who would so readily take bushels of crap from him and still find it in her heart to care for him. The extent of Scully's composure surprised even her somewhat. She was hungry, sure. But what bothered her most wasn't so much that she was hungry, (which she was, heck she was starved,) or that she didn't get to eat, but rather, that he obviously hadn't given her a second thought. As if in answer to that, Mulder tentatively held something out to her. "I, uh got you something, Scully," he offered lamely. Delighted for a second, she glanced over to his hand. He was clutching a couple of flavored smoked jerky sticks. "Snap into a Slim Jim?" he quipped weakly, the attempt at humor falling flat. Scully rolled her eyes, momentary anger giving way to simple disgust. "Are you kidding me Mulder? Do you have any idea what they put in those things?" "If I were you, I'd stick those back into your pocket or wherever they came from, before I "snap into" something else." Mulder recognized her thinly veiled threat for what it was. An out. A joke. Though neither one felt much like laughing just then. A release from her anger & frustration. For both of them. Leaning his seat back a little, he brought his jacket around him. "I really am sorry Scully. If you get tired, just wake me up and we can switch." Her exasperation softened even more. "Mulder if and when I get tired, we're stopping at a motel." Sensing that she had her fill of banter for awhile, Mulder gave in to the urge for sleep and nodded off quickly. Scully took a glance at him, shaking her head again. Mulder had closed his eyes and Scully stole another admiring glance at how peaceful and innocent he looked when he slept. She smiled. Grinning ruefully at both the absurdity and truth in that thought, she turned her attention to the road. Several hours had passed and dawn was breaking. The countryside was cast in a beautiful orange glow. Part of her had wanted to wake Mulder, have him enjoy the sunrise with her. Knowing the folly of such sentimental thoughts where her partner was concerned, she banished the idea. Something came up behind them & she looked up as a vehicle appeared in her rear view mirror. It looked to be a police SUV. Scully's pulse quickened remembering Sheriff Hartwell had driven an SUV in Chaney. The vehicle lingered behind them for a few minutes. <"Stay cool, Scully urged herself, no big deal, just a local cop checking up on the out of town plates.> But she couldn't shake the uneasy feeling in her stomach and was about to wake Mulder when without warning, the cop switched on his flashers & siren. Speeding up behind the Taurus, he pulled over to pass on the left. As the vehicle came along side her, she stole a look as a pudgy bald man with a mustache gave her a cursory wave before continuing on ahead. She breathed a sigh of relief, her heart pounding in her chest. She looked over at Mulder, who had slept throughout the entire proceeding. He was muttering something softly with a tiny smile upon his lips. If she hadn't known better, she'd have sworn she heard her name. Her gaze lingered over the soft fullness of his mouth then she pushed that thought away. Disgusted with herself for being so weak she focused her annoyance at Mulder. Now he had her seeing things. Vampires. Lucius Hartwell indeed. She scoffed aloud. Wherever he happened to be, she was sure it was thousands of miles from here, and certainly not the sleepy burg of Windsor, S.C. Groaning softly she realized she was still very hungry & there was at least another 400 miles yet to go. She noticed a sign for a truck stop 4 miles ahead and murmured her thanks to the gods. Daylight covered everything now, and it brightened her mood considerably. Some fresh coffee and a hot meal sounded wonderful. She could spruce up and possibly change in the ladies room as well. As she steered the car into a parking space, she glanced at Mulder. He had pulled his jacket over his head and was snoring. Scully grinned wickedly. Turnabout was fair play, after all, she mused. She paused for a second then reached behind her back beneath her jacket. She slipped the catch off of her holster, stowing the sig in the glove box. Three was no point in bringing it into the restaurant, especially since she planned on changing her clothes. She checked her watch. 5:50 a.m. She doubted anybody up at this ungodly hour was in much of a mood to cause trouble. Reaching behind her, she grabbed her overnight bag. She stretched her arms above her as she got to her feet, gently closing the door behind her, then locking it. Title: Subjugare Exsanguine Part 2 of ? Author: E. Ripley Email: Feedback sucked dry at dana1muldr@aol.com As she made her way inside the cheery restaurant, her nose was assailed with the fragrance of fresh coffee, eggs and bacon cooking. Her stomach grumbled insistently. Dana decided to order her food before changing and sat at the counter. Glancing at the menu, she started for a moment when a friendly voice called to her. "What'll it be hon?" Dana looked up from the menu at the smiling face of an older woman, who took a quick appraising look at her customer & immediately set down a mug and began to fill it with coffee. "Bless you," Dana said, sipping the delicious hot beverage immediately. "Would you like something to eat with that sweetie?" she questioned. "Yes, please, Dana enthused, scanning the menu. "I'd like the 2 egg breakfast scrambled with toast and bacon please. But could I get the juice in a to-go cup?" "To-go?" she questioned, "You want a lid on that?" "Yes please," Dana answered, "I have a sleepy, uh, friend in the car & I know he'll appreciate it later. "Sure thing, hon." She responded cheerily, "Sure hope he appreciates you!" Dana allowed herself a wry smile. she thought. "Would you mind telling me where the restrooms are?" The waitress indicated to the right with a nod of her head. "Right over there, next to the gift shop." "I'll be right back," Dana assured her, taking a quick restorative gulp of coffee, then grabbing her bag. "Take your time," the waitress replied, posting her order on the cook's wheel. Scully felt like a whole new person. She had changed out of her FBI garb into jeans and a light sweater and had splashed fresh water on her face. So good was her mood that as she passed the gift shop, she went in & bought a packet of sunflower seeds for Mulder. Snap into a slim jim indeed, she said to herself. At least he *likes* sunflower seeds, she thought, tucking them into her coat pocket. Dana removed her coat and set it on the chair beside her. Her cellphone dropped from the pocket, and Scully stuffed it into the front of her jeans. She then sank into her seat. Holly, (she had read the name tag) had already poured her a fresh cup of coffee, promptly setting her plate of food on the counter. "Mmmm" Dana breathed, it looks & smells delicious!" Holly looked rather pleased with herself and went about the restaurant, giving Scully a sly wink. Dana mused before digging into the food. Eggs and toast had never tasted so good before. She had gulped down the second cup of coffee and was about to ask for a third when a sudden onset of queasiness blanketed her. She put her hand to her stomach, chastising herself for eating so much so quickly after going so long on an empty stomach. She was about to call to Holly when the waitress caught sight of her & came over. "Are you feeling OK, Sweetie?" she asked, with more than a trace of concern in her voice. Despite the spinning in her head, Dana nodded. "I think I overindulged slightly, but I'll be fine. If I could just have my check please, I'll be off to join my friend." "Oh but your friend already paid your check," she said, grinning. She leaned over towards Dana with a conspiratorial look. "And a handsome one he is too, I'd hang on tight to that one. Oh here he is now." Dana breathed a sigh of relief. She was glad Mulder had woken up and grateful that he had decided to join her. She felt immeasurably worse with every second, and knew she'd need help in getting to the car. "Mulder thanks," she began, as she turned to face him, rather unsteady, her head down low. She glimpsed at the feet in front of her. she thought. She brought her gaze up slowly, confusion registering on her face with every inch. Mulder didn't wear jeans or a jean jacket or a..." She froze as the smiling face of Lucius Hartwell came into full view. "Well, hey Dana," he murmured, smiling. Without thinking, Scully smiled involuntarily, but soon began to frown "You?" she managed to croak, as the final wave of dizziness washed over her, bringing with it, too late, the realization of what was happening to her before she blacked out. Mulder stirred as reality seeped slowly back into his consciousness. It was dark and he could make out the sounds of traffic, but didn't feel the car moving. He felt strangely claustrophobic, and realized his coat was covering his head. Tugging it off quickly he was unprepared for the blinding daylight which greeted him. "Scully.." he called. Squinting, he cast a glance to the driver's seat. She wasn't in the car. Slipping his sunglasses on, he relaxed his eyes and tried to get his bearings. They were in the parking lot of a rather sizable truck stop. A brief flicker of irritation fanned his temper for a moment then he pushed it away. Scully hadn't woken him, but he couldn't really blame her. If this evened the score a little, then so be it. He could handle it and hoped that soon things might return to normal between Scully & him. Much as he knew he baited his partner, prompting her anger, he hated how it felt to have her truly upset with him. Resolved to make a formal apology, he exited the car. Mulder was about to step across the lot when the blast of a semi's horn made him jump back. A truck hurtled past him, narrowly missing him & the blue Taurus as well. The driver shook his fist at Mulder, who in return flipped him a less than gracious reply of his own annoyance. "Asshole," Mulder mumbled under his breath as he carefully made his way to the restaurant. He took a cursory glance at the interior of the cafe but didn't see her. His mind focused on a more pressing physical need, he made his way to the men's room. A few moments later, he exited, relieved & refreshed. After washing up, he splashed cool water on his face and was starting to feel human again. Scully was right. Spending the night in a car was not an experience he wanted to repeat any time soon. Even though he rarely slept well in most any circumstance, at home or on the road, at least he could stretch out & get comfortable in a motel. His limbs were aching from their confinement in the car, and he would have paid good money for the luxury of a nice long shower. Passing a gift shop/convenience mart, he peeked inside. Scully wasn't there, so he returned to the coffee shop. As he walked in, a pleasant woman wearing a name tag which read "Holly" greeted him warmly. "Good morning! Coffee?" She waved a pitcher at him. It smelled heavenly. "Um, not just yet, he replied, scanning the room, still not locating his partner. It hadn't occurred to him to be nervous yet. It was a good sized place, and they had probably just missed each other while he was in the men's room. "I'm looking for my traveling companion, I'll, ah, be right back." He took a quick look outside to see if she had returned to the car. Seeing it empty, he strode back into the main thoroughfare of the complex & scratched his head thoughtfully. He looked one way then the other. A large mock up of a road map on the wall caught his attention. Walking up to it, he scanned it & found the "you are here" arrow. He frowned a little, his mouth pursed slightly. They were still in Virginia? A quiet alarm went off in his head. He checked his watch. 9:30. He had fallen asleep almost 5 hours ago. They should have been well into North Carolina by now. It didn't make sense. How long had they been here? He clocked the faces of the patrons milling in and out of the building. If there had been trouble with the car, Scully would have woken him up immediately. He had the nagging feeling of a child separated from his parents at an amusement park. Not quite fearful, but bewildered and concerned all the same. He came back in to the restaurant, where Holly greeted him again. "You ready for that coffee, now? I thought you were bringing a buddy with you?" "So did I," Mulder responded, looking around the room again. "I don't know where she went." The waitress grinned broadly. "Oh, a "she" eh? Well, why don't you just have a seat here and you can wait for her. The lure of my coffee never keeps people away for too long." She patted the counter before her. Somewhat appeased, Mulder took the seat she offered. Swiveling around back & forth in it absent mindedly, he turned back towards Holly. "Maybe she was in here already. Navy business suit, pretty, petite-say about 5"3, red hair, gorgeous blue eyes," he added, smiling inwardly. He looked up to see a slight frown cross Holly's face as if she was lost in thought. Taking a sip of the hot coffee, he relaxed his gaze until it settled on a brown coat folded over the back of a chair behind the register. Instantly, he recognized it as Scully's. "Hey!" he proclaimed, "that's her coat. Where did she go?" The slight frown on Holly's face transformed into a look of dismay. "Oh my heavens, she whispered, gripping the dishtowel in her hands, wringing it to & fro. "Are you sure?" she asked him, her fearful tone unmistakable. "She wasn't feeling too well and her friend took her with him. Oh dear." "He seemed like such a nice young man, so concerned for his lady friend." "He said she was having difficulties traveling, what with her being in that delicate condition and all. He seemed genuinely concerned, gentle too..." she added, her voice trailing off slightly. The lump in Mulder's throat was competing for attention with the sinking feeling in his stomach. "Give me the coat," he ordered. Holly gave him a sideways glance. "Pardon me for being cautious sir, but how do I know you aren't after that nice couple? Frustration threatened to overtake Mulder's sensibilities. "*They* are NOT a nice couple, Holly," he urged, "she is my partner." "He is a criminal-he took her." He whipped out his wallet, flashing his badge for Holly to see. "FBI" he proclaimed. "Now may I please see the coat, Holly?" Hurriedly, she handed him the brown cloak. He took it from her, turning it over, examining the pockets. Her badge spilled out of one side along with a small paper bag. He reached over to pick it up and examined the contents. He gulped a little bit, agony taking hold. Sunflower seeds. For him. He reached for her badge/wallet and pocketed it slowly. Turning towards Holly, his face contorted with barely managed fear, he spoke softly but firmly. "I need you to tell me exactly what happened, and I need you to think very carefully. Every detail is important, no matter how petty it may seem." Holly finished relating her tale and Mulder's heart sank. Already 3 hours had passed since Scully had been spirited away by Lucius Hartwell. There was no question in his mind that it was him. Holly's physical description coupled with his accent fit him perfectly. Not to mention Holly's reluctance in believing the "good" Sheriff had been up to no good. He got on the horn to Skinner instantly. And while it would be a few hours before anyone from the Norfolk office made it out there, the local police turned out in full force and were canvassing the entire area, interviewing other employees. Unfortunately, nobody but Holly seemed to have noticed Scully. One of the deputies discovered a small glass ampoule in the trash just inside the coffee shop. Mulder had him send it to a lab for analysis, although he knew it was unnecessary. He could tell them now what had been in the vial. Chloral Hydrate. He rested his head on the counter for a moment, fingering Scully's ID in one hand, the package of sunflower seeds in the other. He smiled for a second, more to keep himself from breaking down right there on the spot. Scully had purchased a rather large packet of them, already shelled for him. Funny, as much as she complained about the with the shells, it never occurred to him to buy them in the tidier, hulled form. In some twisted, perverse way he supposed he had enjoyed any extra attention she gave him, negative or positive. Suddenly, a million things that never occurred to him where Scully was concerned competed for attention in his mind just then. He was interrupted from his misery by a timid Holly. "Excuse me? Agent Mulder? I'm sorry to disturb you, but I just remembered something else that the young man had said to me. Mulder listened raptly. "Yes, go on..." he urged. "Yes, well, immediately after the young lady collapsed, he caught her and lifted her into his arms. I was very concerned and he explained everything just as I told you before. I really thought that she was-that they were..." Holly broke up a little, flustered somewhat by guilt. Mulder laid a comforting hand on her shoulder. "It's OK, take your time. This might be important." "Well as I mentioned, he picked her up and started to head out the door. I hadn't noticed the young lady's coat yet, but I did remember the juice." "The juice?" Mulder repeated slowly. "Yes. While your friend...uh, partner was eating, she asked me to put her orange juice in a to-go cup so she could save it for her friend." "She meant you," Holly said, indicating Mulder with a nod of her head. "Anyway, I called to him, "Wait, she got you juice, and held it up." I thought at the very least in her condition the juice might perk her up later. He shook his head and told me he never touched the stuff. I thought that was kind of strange, but then he said, "I get enough of that back home." Anyway, he thanked me and said they had a long way to go before nightfall. It was about ten minutes later when I noticed he had left behind your partner's coat. I assumed they'd return for it, so I just laid it behind the counter. I'm not much of a snoop, so I didn't go through the pockets. And well, you know all the rest. I'm sorry." Mulder's mind raced, trying to process the new information. Something about Lucius's comment bothered him but he couldn't put his finger on it. Hell the entire conversation bothered him. The idea of Hartwell trying to masquerade as Scully's intended, implying she was pregnant with his... Mulder slammed his fist on the table. He tried to collect himself. How had Lucius managed to track them to this place? He racked his brain. With a snap of his fingers, his remark fell into place. Juice. Oranges. He wasn't taking her to Windsor, they were going to Florida. The episode in South Carolina was merely a ploy to get them down here, that much was certain. They knew somehow, that he and Scully were coming. But why Scully? The simplest reason, the most painful one was too unthinkable for Mulder to consider. He knew Scully had liked the Sheriff when they had first met in Texas. The man would have to have been an idiot not to notice. But he hadn't viewed the chance that the buck toothed yokel would develop an interest in Scully as a possibility, much less a threat. She just wasn't his type. She was more of, someone else's type. Yet somewhere, between point A & point B Hartwell had established an affinity for his diminutive partner. That was understandable. What worried Mulder was how lingering his affect on her had been. Even once the case was, well, as close to "resolved" as they were gonna get, Hartwell's presence had troubled him. After knocking Scully out he had obviously taken very good care of her, going so far as to chivalrously leave her with his jacket. A jacket, he had noticed with surprise, which still hung in her closet. And if Hartwell hadn't taken her then, why now?? And which was more worrisome, the question, or the answer? Scully regained consciousness slowly. At first she was only distantly aware of a jostling sensation. It was pitch black. As her head cleared a little, memory flooded her brain & she recognized that she was moving. Feeling around a little, she discovered the darkness was a result of her tiny cramped surroundings. Lucius had seen to it that she was comfortable, but still very trapped. As she continued to grope about in the dark, fear overtook her as she realized with horror where she was. It was a coffin. Scully let out a momentary gasp. Frightened as she was, she tried to calm herself, letting reason take over. If Lucius had wanted to harm her, he had more than enough opportunity when she was incapacitated in Chaney. And she felt certain nothing had happened to her while she'd been out this time. Just for good measure, she ran her hands along her still numb body, checking for any signs of injury. As suspected her search revealed her to be totally unharmed. Scully patted along her waist and hips then breathed in quickly as her hand came into contact with a small hard object in her pocket. Her cell phone! Searching her pockets she remembered leaving her sig in the car, cursing herself for being so foolish. Fumbling with the phone in the dark however, she recalled how ineffective the gun had been with Ronnie, so gave it no further thought. To her relief the phone came to life immediately when she punched "on", casting an eerie glow about the interior of the casket. She hit speed dial #1 and waited anxiously for her partner to answer. Mulder paced around, eager to hear from Skinner. They had contacted the Highway Patrol who were setting up roadblocks and had been given photos and descriptions of both Scully and Lucius. Holly had told him that Lucius was dressed just like a regular guy, but Mulder cautioned the police that he might try to use his Sheriff's background or uniform as a deterrent. In addition to covering the major highways between Florida & there, the bureau had issued an APB and warning for anyone fitting Hartwell's description. All there was left for him to do now was wait. And waiting wasn't something he had ever had much affinity for. Particularly when he wasn't with Scully. He turned his thoughts to Dana, trying to imagine what she might be going through, still wondering why Lucius had taken her. She'd be afraid, and alone. Not to mention drugged, he thought grimly, cracking his knuckles a little as the hair on his neck bristled. He felt responsible, and guilty. If he hadn't been such a jerk to her this wouldn't have happened. He damned whatever forces seemed so intent on putting Scully through constant torment. Still, the logical side of his brain fought to keep him focused. Even if they had been together in the truck stop, he knew now that Hartwell had somehow managed to keep tabs on them. Doubtless he would have simply waited for another opportunity to make a play for Scully. Mulder clenched his fists. So lost in anger that when his cell phone started to ring, he wondered for a second what it was. Scrambling for it in his jacket, he pulled it out and punched "on," his voice betraying his frantic state of mind as he spoke his name. "Mulder." There was no sound, only the slight static of an open line. "This is Agent Mulder....hello?" "Skinner is that you? Hello?" Scully hadn't considered that it might be difficult to speak once she got through to her partner. Her heart soared at the sound of his voice. but when she tried to speak the only sound which came out was the agonized rasp of her breathing. Mulder was getting annoyed. He was about to hang up when he heard the faintest wheezing noise on the other end, as if someone was trying to speak, but couldn't. Anxiously he turned away from the noisy group of officers in the cafe, covering his free ear with one hand, pressing the phone tightly to his ear with the other. "Scully?" he shouted, "Scully is that you?" Her response was another ragged breath and a stuttering of the first syllable of his name "Mmm...Mmuh..Muhl..Muhlderr," she managed to wheeze out. He closed his eyes reverently. "Scully, thank god! He spoke, concerned, "Are you all right? Where are you? What happened?" Then angrier, "Has he done anything to you?" Scully swallowed hard, licking her lips. The next few syllables were easier to get out but her speech remained labored. "M'ok, buh, but s'dark, I, I don't know where I am Mulder. In a cccar, no w..wait. Has to be a...a truck or something, he put me in a co... Scully's sentence was interrupted by a loud gasp and a strange creaking sound. Mulder strained his ear, wincing, while concentrating with every fiber in his being on listening to the noises coming from his cell phone. "Scully?!" he began, "Scully are you OK? Scully, answer me! What's happening?" Mulder heard a shuffle in the background followed by a slight whimper, which had to have come from Scully. His blood boiled and he shouted, frustrated at the phone. "God DAMN IT! SCULLY!!" The other officers present in the cafe turned towards him curiously at his sudden outburst. "Agent Mulder?" a smooth southern voice spoke. "I'm afraid your partner is incapacitated and this will have to be her last telephone call for awhile..." "Hartwell, you son of a bitch!! So help me God, if you do anything, if you hurt her in any way I am going to personally hunt you down and put a stake right through your heart, you red-necked bloodsucking bastard! Did you hear me?? Now let her go!!" There was a brief pause before Hartwell spoke again. "Hurt her? I assure you that is the furthest thing from my mind. I need her." "Really Agent Mulder. I have to tell you while I'm pleased that you remember me, there's no need to be so hateful. That little temper of yours is part of the reason I had to do things this way. One second you're acting professional, all calm & friendly & the next minute you're running around trying to shove lumber into people. Now I already apologized about Ronnie, and I am sorry-that was real unfortunate. But I want you to know I wouldn't dream of letting anybody harm Agent Scully in any way, you have my word on that as a gentleman." "Your word means absolutely nothing to me you kidnapping piece of sh.." "All right Agent Mulder, I can see this is pointless. Like I said, this'll be all the contact you will have for quite awhile. I can't have Dana giving you any more ideas. When the time's right & we're finished, if she still wants to come back, well then that's when you'll be hearing from me again. You take care now, don't do anything foolish!" The line went dead and Mulder nearly threw his phone to the floor in disgust. Chapter 3 When Lucius had appeared, yanking the phone away, Scully would have screamed if she'd been able to find her voice. As it was, the pudgy man with him jabbed her in the arm with a needle and the best she could muster was a slight whimper. She blinked her eyelids which were rapidly growing heavy. The sheriff was still speaking into her cell phone, regarding her kindly as he spoke. He reached out to touch her, perhaps brush a stray hair from her face & she flinched automatically. His smile fading, he gently closed the lid on the coffin, but not before Scully had succumbed to a darkness all her own. It's funny how when you are unconscious, as your senses return, they do so one by one. Memory lags behind, usually coming in a distant last. The first sensation Scully felt conscious of was just gradual awareness of her body. She was lying down. Still in blackness she tried to determine why. Murmurs from outside her thought began to slowly seep into her consciousness as her hearing returned. Voices! But whose voices and what were they saying? She tried to concentrate her attention as feeling seeped into her body. A bright light overcame her vision and she turned away from it, squinting her eyes shut. "Hey Lucius, your lady-friend is waking up!" Realizing she had control of her motor functions again, she turned towards the sound of the unfamiliar voice. Her eyes adjusting gradually to the light, she felt a cool hand pressed to her brow and she focused on the smiling face she remembered from Chaney. And the restaurant! Recognition and remembrance flooding into her mind, she started a little. "Whoa now, Dana," he tried to soothe her with a honeyed voice. Much as she knew that it was wrong and she should fear this man, Dana's mind and body relaxed measurably with the combination of his voice and touch. She tried to speak but found her throat was so dry she could barely manage to choke out any sounds at all. "Lance, I need a glass of water!" Hartwell demanded. When his friend brought it over, he helped Dana up and pressed the glass to her mouth. For a moment, her instincts as an Agent held her in check and she stared resolutely at the Sheriff, defiantly refusing to drink. A bemused expression crossed his face and he sighed softly, beginning to lower the glass. Her body's need for fluids took over. Dana grabbed the Sheriffs hand, refusing to look him in the eye and drank deeply from the glass, emptying it in a matter of seconds. She didn't care if it was drugged or not, she was too thirsty to worry. He chuckled a little and she looked up, glaring. "I'm sorry, Dana, uh Agent Scully, he corrected himself. I'm just glad to see you awake & drinking. It's been almost a day since we picked you up, and you really needed something in your system. If you're feeling better perhaps I could offer you something to eat?" Hunger was indeed making itself known in her stomach, but Scully was damned if she was going to give Hartwell the satisfaction. Here again, reason began to take over and Dana's initial thoughts were overruled. She had no idea where she was or what had become of Mulder. If she was going to get out of this, she needed her strength and her wits. And refusing aid from Lucius might give her some gratification, but very little else. She nodded her head curtly. Lucius took this as an acknowledgment. "Lance, go on over to Caroline's and get Miss Scully here something to eat!" He turned back towards Scully. "Look, Dana, the first thing I want to do is apologize," he began. Scully shot him a look that gave him pause. "OK Agent Scully. I can understand your anger. But I am sorry for taking you away from your...partner like this, but we really need your help. There's some strange things happening here and we couldn't exactly go to the authorities." Still silent, Scully regarded him coolly. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully, before continuing. "I realize this was probably the wrong way to go about getting your help. But we are desperate. And I needed someone I could trust." Lucius thought he saw a flash of something in her eyes at the mention of trust. Encouraged, he kept on. "I..we...need someone who is already..aware of our existence, somebody with experience dealing with...the unusual who also has a firm grasp of science, medicine." Her icy exterior crumbling, Dana held back the desire to utter any retort. "If you could just, if you would only let me show you. And then, if you still don't want to help us, then I won't in good conscience make you, although there are ways, in which I could." Dana eyed him carefully as he spoke. Years of training in the academy and in the field told her that he was not lying. The resolve in his eyes, the conviction in his voice, and something in her gut told her he would have little difficulty making good on his threat, and it made her angry. Title: Subjugare Exsanguine Part 3 of ? Author: E. Ripley Email: Feedback sucked dry at dana1muldr@aol.com "Well if you could make me, then why don't you? she almost shouted. "You've already kidnapped me, a federal offense even if I wasn't an FBI agent, you've drugged me, & dragged me off into the middle of...of...god only knows where" she said, gesturing wildly. "Why are you now suddenly developing a conscience?" "If you thought I would willingly help you for even a moment, why the kidnapping and drugging? Why didn't you just ask?? She bellowed, growing quieter as Lance entered. He dropped a brown bag on the table next to her. Scully suddenly realized she was laying down on a bed, and her face flushed red. Any thought of embarrassment or decorum faded as the heady aroma of food wafted into her nostrils. Her anger diffused by hunger, Scully turned towards the bag with slight apprehension, her mouth watering. "Go ahead" Lucius urged her, "eat." She unrolled the bag and pulled out a wrapped sandwich. Tearing the paper off, her hands shaking, Dana bit into it. Satisfied that she was eating, he spoke again. "Well, Dana, may I call you Dana?" he asked. She was too busy devouring the food to care. "I considered asking, and I honestly would have preferred to, but we couldn't risk your partner going crazy like before and then there was the possibility you might say no. Now we mean you no harm, like I say we just need your help." "Real bad," he added. Scully regarded him as she continued eating. "Help with what?, she asked suspiciously, licking her lips. "Well, Dana, that's the thing." "I know we've had this conversation before, but as you know I-we are not like you or Agent Mulder." When her expression turned to that of alarm, he added quickly, "but we're not like Ronnie Strickland either. At least not those of us here, the ones who left Chaney. We're just peaceful folks, doing what we can to get by-same as you. Don't want to hurt anybody and don't want anybody hurting' us either." "For a matter of years we did fine, running a blood bank out of a city near Chaney, called Whitney. But when we had to up and leave so fast, thanks largely to your partner, well, that put an end to that." "Once we finally got our bearings and settled down, here, we tried but couldn't get situated with a set up the same as we did in Texas." "Things being what they were, we refused to take what wasn't ours. By that, Dana, I mean that we didn't hurt anyone. It was no small miracle then when we met up with a doctor of hematology at a local university not too far from here. Come to find out this doctor had a large part in creating an artificial plasma that we found works just as well for us as actual human plasma." (Dana winced) "Truth be told, most of the folks here now prefer it that way. It was a lot easier and a lot safer for everyone all around. Or at least so it seemed until a few months ago when some of our kind started turning up sick. Now that may not seem like much to you Dana, but for a vampire, that's not only weird, it's downright impossible. Or at least it was. Now I just don't know what to do." Scully finally spoke up after a moment of silence. "Well, Sheriff, it seems to me the answer is pretty obvious. Sounds like your problems started after prolonged ingestion of the AP. Stop using the artificial plasma and just go back to....she trailed off, the reality of what she was suggesting kicking in. "At the risk of sounding rude, do you think I'm as dumb as your partner thought? That was the first thing that occurred to me and to several others. But the ones that got sick, we went to great lengths to put them on human plasma and it hasn't helped at all. To look at the people affected, you'd think they were dying. Her hunger abated somewhat, Scully began to get up, but a wave of dizziness washed over her and she faltered. Sheriff Hartwell caught her, steadying her by the arm. "I'm really sorry about that, Dana, it was just the only way we could be sure you wouldn't put up a fight." She shot him a glance as if to ask why he thought she wouldn't fight now, then lost interest. "Where exactly *are* we, Sheriff?" "Call me Lucius, Dana, I insist. Besides, I'm not the Sheriff here anyway. "Not anymore." He hung his head a little lower. "I'm afraid I can't tell you where we are. If you were to somehow contact your partner, well, there's folks around here that'd like nothing better than a crack at Agent Mulder. He has a tendency to...overreact a little and it's for our safety as much as his, that he stays as far away as possible. We've gone to great lengths to steer him in a particular direction, and I'd hate to see all that work go to waste. "Well can I at least contact him and let him know I'm all right?" Lucius shook his head sadly. "Already have. When we were on our way...here, I caught you talking to him on your portable. You don't remember?" She shook her head mutely, straining to recall the events leading up to her arrival. "it's hazy." "Well, I'm sorry about that, too, Dana. At any rate you did manage to get him on the phone but I had to interrupt. I told him we had you and that you were safe. I gave my word that no harm would come to you. He wasn't uh, *too receptive to the value of my word." Scully tried to suppress a smile, but Lucius caught it and smiled in turn. "Let's just say that I can't repeat his exact words, you being a lady and all." Angry as she was at the particulars of her predicament, Scully couldn't help but feel that she could almost trust Lucius. The very idea of this alone, troubled her, it was something she could recognize, yet not ignore. "Sher...Lucius, can I ask you something else?" "Shoot, Dana. I can't promise I can answer, but I'll try." "When we were back in Chaney..." "I didn't lay a hand on you Dana. Honest. You had been just as polite and friendly as can be and I told you, most of us are nothing like..." "Sheriff!" she almost laughed. "I'm not worried about that. What I wanted to ask you about was our discussion, and about some details about you...& your "people." He nodded her to continue. "Now Mulder suspected that some of the ideas about vampires sprang from stories, legends, but theorized that others might be based on truth...like right now." Lucius looked puzzled so she began to explain. "For reasons I cannot even *begin* to fathom, I feel relatively...at ease, even comfortable right now. I should be alarmed, but I am relaxed" "Now I have to tell you, that fact in and of itself disturbs me. Am I on some further drug? Why am I not more concerned?? This is not like me at all. Was there something in the sandwich?" "Well no ma'am. Dana, in a sense there is something to your suspicions. One of the legends which has truth to it is ironically one we discussed before. That vampires have a certain quality-an attractiveness to the opposite sex. There's ways it can be used to your disadvantage, but we aren't the sort of people to take advantage of anybody that way. It remains however, that most likely you will find yourself for lack of a better word, "at ease" in my company. Now the same might not be true in the company of some of the women here. That's only natural. Plus we have found over centuries, that there seem to be certain humans who carry a receptive "predisposition" to our kind. These are the people who in times of hardship have actually sought us out, who given the choice, elected to join our way of life freely. Now I cannot begin to explain or pretend to understand it Dana, but I need to warn you that you seem to carry that predisposition." The frankness of his declaration unnerved her. Scully frowned noticeably then scoffed with disbelief. "Are you trying to tell me that simply by being in your presence, I become weak willed, prone to swooning and loss of self control?" Her tone was indignant. Hartwell laughed somewhat. "No, Dana, I doubt anyone would make the mistake of addressing you as a person of weak will. What I am suggesting is that certain, natural tendencies may be influenced, um, inhibitions could be lessened, your whole outlook could be changed. They are still your own perceptions, your own tendencies, just that they are simply influenced by us. Like a microscope. Some things get blurry while others become more apparent." He gave her a moment to consider on his words. She started to speak again, then shook her head. "This is ridiculous. I can't even believe we're having this discussion. There is no scientific basis whatsoever for such a conclusion. AND, how would you know I have this this...predisposition, anyway??" "I don't quite know how to explain it Dana. It's almost like a sixth sense for some of us. We don't all seem to have it but I can just tell. And in 100 some years, I've never been wrong." Dana's eyes bugged out somewhat. "You expect me to believe you're over 100 years old?? "I suppose you came from Transylvania, too?" Lucius laughed. "No, Dana, I was born here in America. But really, that's another story for another time." She shook her head in disbelief. "So you guys don't age either, then?" "Actually we do. Just not as aggressively as humans. The older folk you may see here are as old as 500 plus years. Most of us are happy if we make it to the four hundreds, though." It was too ridiculous to fathom, so Dana let it drop. "O.K. So what about reproduction? If there are older ones and younger ones, how do you reproduce? I saw children in Chaney." "Well that subject's a bit touchy to some of us. One of the down sides to this life is that you can't conceive & reproduce. There are different ways of going about it. Most of the children you saw back in Chaney were adopted...." When he caught her livid expression he raised his hands up in protest. "Now hold on a minute. Before you get all up in arms there are things you should know. *Nobody* in our group touches a child unless it's an intervention. The children adopted are generally homeless, runaways, abused or neglected. We *never* turn a child unless it is the only alternative to death. And even then we do not do it lightly. We'd be overrun with children if we took in every battered human child. There has to be sufficient cause. Justification. We place the same value on children that most of you humans do, and in many cases, more. The ones we save live & grow up like regular kids do. That's one of the reasons why a close knit community is so important to most of us. A lot of children grow up and move away, never knowing what kind of life they left behind. There are those of us who have buried more human children & grandchildren than we care to remember." Scully's expression softened somewhat. "And all I want to do now is to prevent us from having to bury any more. Dana, that's why you're here. So I am asking you now, will you help us? I swear you are free to answer honestly, to choose, and nobody will do anything to try to change that." Scully considered her options. After all the trouble that he had gone through, it seemed a little anti-climactic to just up & leave. And she knew Mulder would never let it alone if she didn't return to him with just cause or a reasonable explanation. And plus, her curiosity as a doctor had been piqued. Circumstances aside, she was not the type of person to allow harm to come to others if it was within her power to prevent it. "All right Lucius. Looks like you've got yourself a doctor. For now." She fought to keep her expression neutral as his grin broadened into a toothy smile. "Thanks Dana. Come on, I'll introduce you to some friends of mine, and my daughter, too." If Lucius caught the look of amazement on Dana's face, he gave no indication. Holding the door of the trailer open for her, she nearly gasped when he placed his hand at the small of her back to guide her. She jerked herself away from his touch. Surprised by her reaction, he quickly pulled it away. "I'm sorry Dana, I didn't mean anything by..." "It's all right, she interrupted curtly, "I'm just not used to anybody being so familiar with me. She pushed such frivolous notions out of her head and regarded Lucius once more. He seemed fairly embarrassed by her reaction to his brief contact. He had the expression of a man with something on his mind. She sighed. He was inordinately polite, a true gentleman of the south. But there was only one man who she allowed herself such intimate contact with, and he wasn't here with her. "Shit! Shit! Shit!" Mulder kicked at the door of the blue car. Things had gone from bad to worse since the brief phone contact he'd had with Scully earlier that day. Correction. Ages ago. He'd convinced himself after Lucius hung up that once the cavalry arrived they would be able to locate his partner in short order. Now almost 12 hours later, he started to despair. The trail had gone cold near the Georgia Florida border. While the road blocks and check points had yielded a few promising leads, but nothing had panned out. As expected, the vial that was found in the coffee shop contained traces of Chloral hydrate. Their only remaining lead was the manufacturer's lot number, which was missing the first few digits. Danny at the bureau had promised to run a check of all the possible destinations for batches with that same sequence first thing in the morning. It was at times like this that Mulder really missed Pendrell. With his devotion to Scully, Bobby Pendrell would not have waited until morning to locate the batch shipments. He would have worked through the night. He checked his watch. It was past Midnight now, well into Sunday. Scully was technically missing for less than 24 hours. Why then, did his heart feel heavier, as if she had been gone for days? He refused to give in to the fear that he might not see her again. Disturbing as it was, he half believed Hartwell's promise not to physically harm his partner. Still, it did nothing to lessen his anger, or anxiety. The knowledge that Scully was probably not being tortured didn't justify her absence, did nothing to lessen his anguish at having her taken from him again. Reason tried to work it's way into his head. But he had been down this path before, more times than he cared to think about, and getting any rest while Scully was missing was a dim pipedream. Sighing loudly, he looked up to the stars in the sky. Dana and Lucius walked for the most part, in silence. She was grateful for the opportunity to think and assess her situation. While she agreed outwardly to help, it didn't mean she would remain there against her will indefinitely. She would remain acquiescent and look for the opportunity to contact Mulder. Despite what Lucius seemed to feel, she was certain that she could trust him not to overreact, given the chance to explain the situation to him fully. Thus resolved, she scanned the terrain for some clue to her location by the surroundings. Unfortunately, whether from the darkness or the summer season, the setting was surprisingly nondescript and could have been any one of a million locations across the country. She breathed deeply. There was a trace of humidity, but not stifling, so she doubted they could be very far south. They could still be somewhere in the Carolinas. Possibly further North, even west. The vegetation was too dense to be near a desert area, but that eliminated only a few places. leaving thousands of other possibilities. Michigan? Iowa? Tennessee? Kentucky? Hell for all she knew, they could be in Montana or even Oregon. They were hiking down a slight dirt road when Lucius turned to her suddenly. "You won't figure it out Dana. I'm sorry but I can't allow you to contact him." She froze for a moment. Was he able to read her mind? Almost as if in answer to that, he responded. "No, I can't read minds, per se, but I have a heightened ability to look into someone and sense their thoughts or feelings. Less telepathy than empathy really." She nodded. "Does this go along with that pre-disposition thing?" "Yes." His voice was strangely unreadable. She determined that he was trying to be non-threatening, tactful but still honest. She accepted this, then decided to change the subject. "You mentioned a little while ago that you had a daughter?" Lucius smiled in spite of himself, his eyes twinkling a little. Scully recognized the expression of pride and felt a tug of pain in her heart for Emily. "Yes, you could say that I do. I "adopted" her many years ago to you-but to me it seems like yesterday. It was before you were born, some 50 odd years ago. I was in Germany during World War II right up through the end." He ignored the skeptical look which crossed Dana's face as he spoke. There would be time for belief later. He found himself caught up in the story he'd begun. "It may surprise you to learn that sensitivity to light really is one of our weaknesses, but not all of us have the dramatic reaction to it that you see in the movies or tv. The best explanation I can offer up is to liken it to an allergy. Bee stings are painful to everybody. Some people even go into anaphylactic shock, while others can even die from it. As a rule, all of us would prefer to avoid sunlight. But some us can tolerate it pretty well for limited periods of exposure. A sort of built up natural immunity if you will. That's one of the reasons we prefer not to turn children. The longer a person remains human, the stronger their immunity to certain weaknesses. A child turned at an early age might live a really long time, even by our standards, but with so little time spent in the sun, any exposure to it would be intensely painful and almost certainly fatal." Scully took notice of his pause. "And this relates somehow to your..daughter?" Lucius nodded slowly. "Mina." "Mina?" Scully echoed. "That's a beautiful name." Lucius smiled again, the same unconscious smile as before. He continued his tale. "Like I said, Dana, I'm an American. When the war began, I responded as any American would, and enlisted in the Army. In war like that, someone with my, inclinations would never be at a loss for opportunities to sustain myself. But when the war ended, I stayed. I suppose it had to do with the horror of what I had become. I wasn't ready to return and face my friends, my family, not yet. So I continued on alone, and linked up with some others who I was able to recognize. They didn't have my ability to withstand the sunlight, so we helped each other. We wandered around the German countryside with no particular plans, just existing. The feeling of being on the side of the just was very empowering I suppose, something of a drug. We felt invincible." "We were shielded from the more appalling aspects of the Nazi war machine. Just as everyone in America had been. We'd all heard rumors, but never imagined the unspeakable lengths to which Hitler had truly gone. When we stumbled upon the camp, none of us recognized it for what it was. But at the same moment, we could not ignore the very essence of horror and death which hung about it." He took a breath. "At any rate, once we realized where we were, and what really had happened, our precious little victory rang suddenly hollow. Nothing could have prepared anyone human or otherwise for the depths of depravity unleashed on the innocent." They had stopped walking, and Dana listened raptly as Lucius wove his tale. Truth or dream, she had no doubt in her mind that to him the experience was real. An unimaginable horror. One she had some idea of, having seen the very real horror of mass graves at the government leper colony in West Virginia. "We stayed behind, trying to do anything to ease our guilt, to honor the dead. I think that if our numbers had included the ranks of both British and American soldiers working constantly day after day without stop, even now we would be nowhere close enough to atone for what was done to the men and women, children and families of that war." "So we prepared to leave, promising to keep what we had seen in our hearts & pass it on as a warning. It was as we were leaving that one of the others, Erich, noticed some movement about the compound, and gave chase. But when we caught up with the figure, it was no soldier, but a young woman, barely 18. I believe she was what people called a gypsy. Or such was her crime in the eyes of the Third Reich. She was terrified that we had come to finish what the German soldiers had left undone. She was barely skin and bone, starved and half dead. Once she realized we were not there to harm her, she brought us to Mina. I felt an immediate connection to Anya, and I know she felt it too." Again, Lucius smiled. "It was painful to look at Mina. Where Anya was scrawny, Mina was emaciated to the point she could barely sustain breath. She was ravaged by starvation and dysentery, torn from a family she'd never see again, alive only by the grace of a young woman's convictions. We shared our rations with Anya, but Mina was so far gone that I knew solid food would only hasten her death." "Did you know that? So many children died after being rescued, their tiny digestive systems incapable of supporting complex food after going so long without." Scully nodded her affirmation, her blue eyes solemn. "I spoke to the others then spoke with Anya that evening. Despite our efforts it was obvious that not long after Mina died, Anya would most likely follow. We decided to offer Anya the choice." "It shocks me to this day how well she took the news. As if nothing were unusual about it. But then many of her people were not strangers to ours. Still, she steadfastly refused help unless we included Mina. Nobody wanted the weight of that decision upon them, and so the others refused. I couldn't leave Anya, and she would not leave Mina. So my companions parted company, and I never saw them again." "In the hours before dawn, as Mina faded before us, Anya pleaded with me. That a child had survived so much, & suffered so greatly only to die when I could save her was unbearable. She convinced me that by turning Mina, she would have life. That in living, in some small way Mina would honor those who had died. That my blood could give her life was a testament-a sacrament to life itself. I could not refuse her." "So in the early hours of dawn I held Mina and watched her last sunrise with Anya by our side and then gave her the gift which has kept her with me all this time. Anya had agreed to stay with me, and return to America. But I could not sustain a second feeding so soon after Mina's. And for Mina's transformation to be complete, it would require several more feedings. Think of it as an inoculation. It takes several boosters for the 'immunity' to become permanent. But in that time I lost Anya and so I returned to America with Mina." Title: Subjugare Exsanguine Part 4/? Author: E. Ripley Email: Feedback sucked dry at dana1muldr@aol.com At this point Lucius seemed lost in his own story. His eyes, normally a deep blue, were dark and lifeless, as if somehow he was no longer there. It was an expression Scully recognized from countless nights with her partner, trying to assuage the nightmares which plagued him, the guilt he clung to so stubbornly. Always refusing himself more than just a moment's peace. Scully tried to think of a way to bring Lucius back gently. No matter what she felt or believed as a scientist, it was obvious the Sheriff had suffered some very painful losses in his lifetime. Losses she could appreciate. She sighed quietly. Quiet as it was, Lucius heard her nonetheless and turned his attention to the petite woman beside him. He smiled a bit self consciously. "Sorry Dana." She felt as if she needed to do something-say anything to help him with what was clearly a difficult memory. Softly, she laid a hand upon his shoulder, squeezing slightly. "It's O.K. We all suffer loss sometimes and we have our own ways of dealing with it. For what it's worth, belief aside, I'm sorry for your pain." Her hand lingered on his shoulder a few moments longer than it should have. For some reason, Dana was loathe to pull it away. He was so near, so unguarded. When Mulder was most vulnerable, her loving maternal instincts had always kicked in. It was so easy to comfort a man, so nice to... She snapped to herself. Jerking her hand back to herself she scolded her lack of composure & restraint. Lucius didn't appear to notice. Scully comforted herself with that thought, and tried to brush away the guilty feeling that somehow she was betraying Mulder. "Mulder" She said his name, barely a whisper, looking up to the stars once again. He was probably wracked with guilt and worry, or worse. she thought to herself, willing the message to somehow be relayed to her partner. If she had been paying attention she would have seen Lucius study her face rather intently for a moment, then look away quickly. They both remained silent, continuing down the road. Fortunately the silence didn't last long. As they rounded a turn in the road, they came upon a familiar looking cluster of RV's and mobile homes, campers, even a few tents. A group of people were huddled around a small fire, turning quickly to regard them as they approached. Whether by accident or a trick of the light, Scully could have sworn she caught a faint glow in the eyes of one or two people in the darkness. Instinctively, she leaned a little bit closer towards Lucius. The action didn't escape his notice. "It's OK Dana, I promise. They're just a little nervous, that's all. Try to remember the last time you were here. Things didn't exactly go uh, smoothly." Nodding wordlessly, Dana tried to put aside her fear & apprehension. They had the opportunity to harm her and Mulder before, and hadn't. The thought was a particular comfort, and Scully began to breathe normally. One of the people stepped forward to meet them. Scully recognized him as the driver of the police SUV near the truck stop. Something else about him was familiar as well, but she couldn't quite place it." "Dana, this is Lance. You already met-well, sort of, but not properly." "Lance this is Agent Dana Scully, M.D." Scully offered him her hand. He regarded it with some distaste for a moment, then took it slowly. Scully was used to the "boys club" reaction. She had experienced it in more small towns and cities than she cared to remember. She was about to pull her hand away in disgust when the pudgy man took it with his. He shook her hand firmly, tugging hard enough, not to hurt, but to impart a subtle message of strength. "I hope you're as smart as my boy Lucius here seems to think you are." The comment was rude-a challenge almost, but the tone was respectful, hopeful. Scully realized that Lance was a proud man, unaccustomed to seeking help from the outside world, but not so proud that he would refuse aid blindly. "Because we need somebody to help us here quick before things get any more out of hand." He looked to Lucius, a tone of warning in his voice. Lucius stiffened noticeably. "Has Nicky been talking trash again?" He growled. Lance rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "Can you think of a time when he hasn't?" he said with exasperation. Now Lucius nodded and turned towards him. "I'm gonna go see about that then. Now that Dana's here and willing to help I can't allow Nicky and his ilk to screw things up for everyone. I won't have a repeat of the Ronnie fiasco." He strode off quickly, then stopped and turned around. "Dana, I...I need you to stay with Lance for a while. He'll take you to see Mina, but stay with him. You're in no danger I promise you, but it's best if you give people time to get used to you being around. You aren't marked." "Marked?" She repeated, confused. Lucius tried to explain. "The kids and others who stay with us-the ones who haven't been turned. Keeps them safe. We *mark* them, it identifies them as one of us in family if not in fact." "Who belongs and who does NOT," Lance added. Lucius shot a warning look to Lance before he turned on his heels and disappeared off into the darkness. Lance turned towards her with a look of resignation. "Well come on then." As they passed by the group of people at the campfire, she saw them eyeing her with mild interest. Dana felt relieved and foolish for her earlier fears. They were merely curious about the new stranger, someone who hopefully had the power to help them. But as they made their way towards a small wooden cabin, Scully felt an undeniable chill down her spine. The hair on her neck prickled, and as she turned before entering the cabin, she swore she saw a pair of fluorescent eyes flashing in the dark of the woods beyond the cabin. Lance made a slight growling noise before urging her through the doorway. As she adjusted her eyes to the brightness of the cabin, Dana gasped in amazement. The interior of the cabin was a stark juxtaposition from its rustic exterior. She appeared to be in a modest but well equipped mini hospital. There were a few occupied beds and she noticed with apprehension, several coffins as well. A thin, pale woman with dark eyes looked up as they entered. She had been speaking with a bedridden elderly woman, but got up to walk towards them. Scully took a quick look as she approached and estimated her to be in her early 20's. Despite appearing somewhat sickly, she was rather pretty. The woman caught Lance's eye as they walked up to her and smiled broadly at them both. She coughed for a second then turned to Dana. "You must be the famous Agent Scully that my father keeps going on about." She offered her hand warmly and Dana froze for a second as their eyes met. When she shook Dana's hand, her touch was cool, cooler even than Lucius' and Dana blanched at the contact. She looked down at the hand she was shaking and immediately noticed the crude tattoo on the young woman's arm. A series of numbers. She looked into those pale green eyes once more and flinched. There was more pain hiding behind those green pools than she could comprehend. Without warning, a flurry of images flashed before her as their hands made contact. Children crying, women screaming. Gunshots, hunger, fear, torture. Terrible men, uniformed and cruel. Horrible visions, unimaginable pain. Unimaginable to most people. Not so to Dana Scully. She drew her hand back momentarily. "It's OK," the young woman said, smiling "I have that effect on some people." She laughed weakly. "Sometimes I even spook the others here." "My name's Mina, it's a pleasure to meet you." She smiled again, her cheerful expression fading as she looked towards Lance, a concerned expression on her face. "Agent Scully?" Scully paled as an undeniable pounding in her head increased. She felt a tang of ammonia in her sinuses and the room began to spin. Reaching a hand to her temple, she felt a slight trickle of blood from her nose before passing out. Mulder woke up with a start, the urge to scream suppressed from years of nightmares. Heart pounding, body covered in sweat, he looked about wildly. He was in his bed for once. A trick that rarely seemed to work. Probably why he preferred the couch to his seldom used bedroom. It was harder to sleep soundly on the couch, and thus harder to dream for any sustained length of time. Harder for the night terrors to come. He swung his legs off of the bed, pausing to catch a breath before standing. It was almost dawn. He massaged his forehead thoughtfully. He'd had nightmares involving his partner on many occasions. When she was taken by Pfaster, even after he'd saved her, the image of her, weeping and broken in his arms gave rise to a particular fear he'd never known in dreaming. And when she disappeared from the mountain, Barry cackling gleefully, well those visions never ended. Not even after she'd been returned. But this, this was an amalgam of all his fears of late, compounded with a recently acquired clarity. As a psychologist, he understood it was human nature to want something you know you can never have. Something you aren't worthy of, don't deserve. There was even a sick, unspoken security from such desires. You could take comfort in the denial, the impossibility of fulfilling them. But he'd somehow managed to fool himself into thinking that while he might not deserve the love of his partner, neither did anyone else. And in the nightmare he'd just escaped, Lucius Hartwell was doing his damnedest to prove him wrong. It hadn't helped that Scully seemed deaf to his cries, blind to his pleading attempts to dissuade her. She regarded him blankly, without a trace of recognition. And when he tried to wake her cold, still form, lying on a table as if dead, he saw a bright glow in her eyes as she awoke. And then without warning, her lips curled in a scream that echoed his, she reached up to him and sank her teeth into his throat. Ruefully, Mulder rubbed his neck. It had seemed so real. Too real. Slipping into sweats he prepared for his morning ritual. Jogging had become something of a panacea for his fears and worries. A temporary one to be sure, but he needed a clear head if he was to save Scully. He was due to meet with the Gunmen that morning and look into some possible leads. While the initial foray into Florida had proved futile, he was not so quickly discouraged. That smug hick had to have left some clue as to their whereabouts, he knew it. He just had to concentrate and let his profiling skills pick up on it. Scully's life depended on it. And while she might not yet know it, that meant by proxy, that Mulder's did as well. Without Scully by his side, the world held little appeal for him. Dana felt totally relaxed, at peace. But as the persistent ringing in her ears grew louder, Scully became aware of her surroundings. Once more, a haze lifted and her view returned to focus. Scully looked up at the unfamiliar face of a young woman, who smiled seeing that she was awake when Scully remembered. "Mina?" "Yes, hi, how are you feeling?" ""All right, I think, wh-what happened?" "Well, I'm not sure exactly. Lance went off to find Lucius. We were talking when you seemed to have a slight nosebleed, and a moment later, you passed out." "How long have I been out?" "Oh, just a few minutes, five, ten max. Still you had us pretty worried." Her cool touch on Dana's brow was deeply soothing. Dana felt a sense of peace and relaxation once more. "are you feeling better now?" "I'm fine," she replied somewhat warily, "I think I'm ok to get up..." she began. No sooner had she spoken than Mina was propping pillows, helping her up. Scully regarded her benefactor with a bemused expression. "What? Mina asked, grinning. "I guess I'm not used to people listening when I say I'm fine." She returned the grin. Mina chuckled softly, nodding her head. "Daddy's the same way with me." She got up then returned to the bed, bringing with her a glass of water. "Here," she offered, "if you feel like drinking." Dana realized suddenly she felt parched. Thanking Mina, she took the water, drinking it quickly. She noticed a faint aftertaste, and set the glass down slowly, a hint of concern in her eyes. "Water tastes kind of funny." Mina seemed distracted. "Oh," she began, "it's because we have fresh water, not that chlorinated chemically treated stuff you're probably used to up in..." Mina stopped suddenly, as if she'd said something she wasn't supposed to. She looked at Dana. "It isn't drugged, I promise. There's no need for that now. Not that there ever really was, in my opinion," she added, giving Dana the once over. "You're a scientist first. I think the challenge to help us would have brought you here if you'd been asked." Mina's remark brought Dana's attention back to their surroundings. "The problem Lucius-uh, Sheriff Hartwell spoke of, everyone here is suffering from it?" Mina nodded. "Some of us more so than others, but in one way or another, yes." Her mind already whirring, Dana fell easily into the role of pathologist. "Well let's get to it then. I'm not here just for the water." Mina tried to help her up at first but Scully declined. "Can you explain to me the nature of the illness, and show me everything you have on it now? I'm going to need blood work, urinalysis, and histories on every affected person." Mina snickered softly. "What?" Scully asked. "Well, the blood work and history are no problem, but, uh the other thing." She actually seemed to be blushing a little. "Well you see, once we have, uh turned, certain aspects of our physiology become, uh, 'outdated.' We no longer have a need to perform certain bodily functions. Our bodies absorb the nutrients from our diet completely. Even our stomachs shrink to a minimal size." Dana was dumbfounded. Her eyes wide, she absorbed this new information with a surprising amount of aplomb. Mulder would have been proud. Or shocked. Acceptance of extremes was not usually on the menu of his skeptical partner. "I'll need as much information as possible on the artificial plasma as well." Mina launched into a detailed account of the disease which had begun to plague her family & friends as Scully listened intently with the ear of a scientist. The artificial plasma had been something of a gift horse. Mina herself had discovered it on the internet and located a nearby supplier. With a little persuasion, they were able to encourage a professor of medicine at a local university into securing a grant. This provided them with all the A.P. they needed as well as funding research for their university friend. Mina brought Dana over to the table which served as a makeshift lab. Scully was impressed at the quality of the instruments and the variety of materials available. She set to work straight away, and Mina left her to care for some of the other "patients." ************ Lucius stalked warily through the forest. Inhaling deeply he let the aroma wash over him as he made use of the gifts bestowed upon his kind to locate his prey. It was a talent he'd had no use for in quite some time, and one he was unaccustomed to using on his own people. Nonetheless, his senses heightened as if he had never stopped using the hunter stalker skills learned decades ago. Nicky wasn't far, and while he had started out with others, Lucius could tell he was now alone. As he stepped into the clearing, his eyes jumped to life, glowing green in recognition of another's presence. "Nicky, I'm surprised you have the nerve to face me alone." "Now Sheriff, you know I'm not afraid of anything, least of all you. We're too much alike, even though you try to deny it." "I quit being Sheriff after Lonnie, and you know that Nicky. Lance is the Sheriff now." His companion scoffed aloud. "Lance? That joke of a sidekick you call friend? If he were human he'd still be scarfing down jelly doughnuts and trying to set up a speed trap. You can tell us to call him Sheriff as much as you want, but you're not fooling anyone, least of all him. You're still the one who calls the shots Lucius, so let's just drop the pretense." Lucius growled a little, but said nothing. "Pleased to see you haven't given over completely to this pacifist thing. I was beginning to think you had gotten so weak you'd lost the gift entirely. But with that pretty little redhead here, I should have realized it was all an act. Just waiting for the right one to come along, eh?" "Shut up, Nicky." Lucius warned. He didn't. "What I don't understand, SHERIFF, is why you get to have a thrall when the rest of us are sitting around, stuck with that damned artifical plasma garbage and maybe if we're lucky a bit of the local wildlife." "Now listen here, Nicky, it's not like that. The only reason she's here is.." "Because you regret not doing what you wanted to do in Chaney, am I right? Even ole Lance tells me she had it bad for you. And rumor is, she's prime for a thrall. Easily turned and more susceptible to the glamour than most." Lucius eyes were growing brighter with every measured word, but Nicky continued. "Not that I can blame you, Lucius, she's splendid. Not the traditional blonde that my counterparts seem fond of, but that sort of girl would grow old after time I imagine. No, this one is rather unique. Not to mention feisty and smart too, at least from what I've seen. I can't blame you for stealing her away from her partner. If I were in his shoes I'd fight to the death for a woman like that." He looked Lucius squarely in the eyes. "Of course, you'd have something of an advantage there, now don't you?" That was enough. As strong a man as Hartwell was, he could only take so much prodding, and Nicky knew it. This was exactly what he wanted. If he could get the Sheriff to lose control enough, he might be able to bend his will a little, put him more in synch with the old ways. Nonetheless, he was unprepared for the ferocity of Hartwell's attack. "THAT'S ENOUGH!" roared Hartwell as he leapt upon Nicky, the force knocking them both to the ground as they tumbled with one another. Nicky lashed out at Hartwell's face, nails raking a bloody trail which shortly began to heal. Laughing maniacally, Lucius spat at him. "Kicking & scratching, Nicky? You fight like a girl!" Unaffected, Nicky bit deeply into Lucius wrist, ripping open a wound that would take more time to heal. Howling with pain, Lucius turned his attention to the affected area. This gave Nicky the chance to scramble from underneath him and retreat a little, but smiling with satisfaction. Lucius eyed him with contempt. "Biting too? You really are pathetic." Holding his wrist firmly with his free hand, Lucius struggled before getting up. Content that the healing process had begun, he released his grip and let both hands fall to the side. Nicky was impressed. "You see Lucius, look at you. Healing already. A wound like that would take most of us at least 24 hours to recover from. And just because of your recent feeding, and not on artificial blood. All that just from cattle, can't you see why we should return to the old ways? Hartwell was unmoved. "You mean like Ronnie?" He scoffed. "Ronnie is proof of just what is wrong with the old ways. People get sloppy, and then we'd be the hunted ones. Besides it's wrong to take a life. We live in the mortals' world and we have to adapt." "No Sheriff, Ronnie is a perfect example of why we need the old ways," Nicky retorted. "He was so screwed up by mortal beliefs and fables he couldn't find his way around a blood bank. I'm not talking about murder, either. I'm talking about the true ways. The old ways. Taking a thrall." He paused for emphasis, biting his lip, eyes flashing. "Your thrall." "She's a natural, admit it." Lucius took a step towards the young man, who instinctively, drew back. "So help me god, Nicky I am not going to say this again. She isn't here for that. She is NOT my thrall, nor will she become anyone else's. Susceptible to the glamour or not, she's only here to help us. To help those with the affliction. Hopefully, to find a cure." Nicky leaned his head to one side, cracking the joints in his neck. "All right Lucius, you keep saying that. But then what happens when she's done? IF she finds a cure? I'll be the first to admit I hope it works. I have almost as much to lose as you do. But you expect us to really believe you'll just let her saunter out of here after all she's seen?" Lucius advanced towards Nicky then paused, confused by the new tactic. "You're telling me, Lucius, you can just let her go? Disappear? Back to him? To that nut? The one who'd like nothing more than to run a stake through us all? Maybe through Mina?? His mortal version of justice to our kind is no better than that of the monsters who forced you to turn my mother. An innocent child." "SHUT UP!" Nicky saw that his comment had hit it's mark, and stung. He let that sit with Lucius a bit longer before bringing the next one into play. "And then of course, eventually, your beautiful Doctor will die. With a job like hers, perhaps even horribly, painfully. A dangerous life, working for the government. But maybe she'll get lucky. Maybe first she'll find peace in the arms of her partner. He'd be a fool not to appreciate her. But could he appreciate her like you would? Can he offer her the life you can? Can she give to him the gifts she could give you? Or me?" Nicky fidgeted a little, his hand in his pocket. "If you aren't man enough to see it, perhaps I am." Lucius shot him a look that gave Nicky pause. He seized the opportunity to breathe a quiet warning from between clenched teeth. "Dana is nobody's thrall, do you hear me? Not now. Not ever. For the time being she's mine enough for you and yours to know to stay the hell away from her." If I hear, smell or even sense that you have so much as been NEAR her, I will personally see to it that what happened to Ronnie will seem like a cakewalk compared to what I will do to you. If you don't like it here, don't like the rules, then go! To L.A. or wherever it is you think your old ways can take you. They won't take you anywhere here. You don't have to like it, but if you are gonna stay, you have to deal with it. And I won't take any more of this crap from you either. Mina or no, I will kill you myself. Got it?" "Crystal clear," Nicky seethed....."gramps." Lucius whirled on him for a moment then thought the better of it. He turned round and headed back towards the camp. Nicky watched him go with a look of amusement on his face. He spun around to face a group of his friends emerging from the woods. "Did you see that?? Easy as pie. Ole Lucius has it bad for that little FBI Agent. Not that I can blame him. We just have to be patient." "The Sheriff is working on borrowed time now, not long before his instincts catch up with him. He's walking a thin line, I could see it in his eyes. Soon it'll only take a little push from me, a little taste of that redhead and he'll come around." "And then," he added, flashing a grin to a chorus of whoops and catcalls, "and then we'll be doing us a little catching up of our own!" As his friends slapped one another on the backs, displaying their enthusiasm for the plan, Nicky turned away, his eyes shining a bright, luminescent green. And if Hartwell was too dumb to follow through with it, he was more than eager to attend to the good doctor himself. The very thought and image of feeding from her, taking his pleasure with her sent a stirring through his loins. His breath quickened. "Come on you losers," he chided his companions. "Only a few hours till sunrise. Let's go see just what my dear grampa has planned." Title: Subjugare Exsanguine Part 5/? Author: E. Ripley Email: Feedback sucked dry at dana1muldr@aol.com Several hours into her research, Scully looked up. It hadn't even occurred to her to consider the nighttime working hours as unusual. But she could tell from Mina's preparations that dawn was on it's way. She glanced at her watch. If the time zone was the same, it was almost 5:30. It still seemed fairly dark for that to be a possibility. She had barely noticed the passage of time at all. Once Lucius--Sheriff Hartwell-- had returned, he'd nodded in her direction but quickly stepped aside to speak with Mina. Scully didn't mind one bit. Her study of the vampire's blood was fascinating. She would have liked a second opinion to confirm, but it appeared that the vampires' red blood-cell count nearly tripled that of the average human. What was even more interesting was that, at least for those in the "infirmary", the white blood-cell count was barely a third of the red's. She convinced Mina to draw a sample from Lucius with some prodding and was jotting down notes when she brought it over. Dana looked up in time to see a frustrated looking Lucius rubbing his arm. "Next time you need a sample Dana, would you mind being the one to collect it? I love you Mina but you're a terrible doctor." The two women looked at each other and exchanged smiles. Mina rolled her eyes and advanced towards the rear of the building, yawning. "Daddy? Dana? If you don't mind, I'm gonna go ahead and get some rest now, I've set everything up, explained to Dana what to do and what not to do." Lucius nodded. "All right then Mina. Give me a shout if you need anything." He looked back to Scully smiling. "Dana, huh? She must like you." Scully continued her examination of Lucius' blood sample through the microscope, smiling as she examined the samples. She adjusted the power, peering intently. "She's a remarkable girl. You should be very proud." Lucius looked rather pleased with himself for a moment before his expression turned somber. Dana looked up and noticed the change. "How long has she been displaying the symptoms?" "Not too long, he said. About 3 weeks. Right about the time I decided we were out of our league. That we'd need help. Your help." "Well I hope I don't let you down. Any of you," she added. "I have made some interesting observations but I really need to run some of this through a lab to get conclusive results." Lucius looked dubious. I'm not too sure about that Dana. Some of the more unusual aspects of our body chemistry are liable to run up a few red flags. And I don't want you to think I don't trust you, because I do. But we have worked long and hard to keep our existence a secret and we can't be too careful." Dana was impressed by his honest admission of trust. "On the other hand, there isn't much I wouldn't do to save Mina and the rest of our folk. If you explain to me exactly what you need I might be able to figure something out. And if you have any suggestions, well they would be most welcome. And I know it's soon, but can I ask you if you have any theories or suspicions?" "Well in checking your blood against Mina's I found some striking dissimilarities. You both have an extraordinarily high red blood cell count, but Mina's white blood cells are less than a third of where they should be in comparison to yours. In addition, her plasma shows what looks to be a deficiency in some crucial enzymes. This can produce symptoms which bear resemblance to a disorder known as porphyria. Although this differs from what I have seen in my experience, I am inclined to think that what we are seeing here is some sort of variation of porphyria. I believe it may be triggered by some sort of deficiency in the artificial plasma that they have ingested. "Purr fear-ria?" Lucius repeated. "Well do you have any idea why it isn't affecting everyone?" "Well that's what I need the lab work for," Dana replied. "Initially I would suspect that it has to do with the individual genetic makeup of each person. Porphyria in humans is inherited. There are many variations and symptoms although they all stem from the same genetic disorder. If any of the people here were related before they were, uh, turned, then the likelihood of related symptoms would be drastically higher. It would also explain the variations in symptoms, from the reddish tint in skin and cavities to the appearance of advanced aging. Again, that's why I need the lab work, Sheriff. There are 9 people here, not including Mina. I need to be able to view and trace the individual genetic material of each person affected, and cross type it as well. I can't begin to do that here." She sighed, her frustration evident. "Well we obviously came to the right person. You seem to know a lot about this this Perfeerea." Lucius said admiringly. Dana smiled weakly. "Well I learned about it on a case I worked on with Muld...uh, with Mulder a while back, in D.C." She faltered a little, wishing she could discuss her theory with Mulder. "An old case of his. There was a Doctor, Joe Ridley, who'd conducted extensive research on cases of Porphyria, and came up with some pretty amazing results." "Do you think you could contact him?" Lucius asked her eagerly. "I'm afraid not, Scully answered apologetically. "He went so far as to conduct some of his experiments on himself, and all his research was ...well, it's a long story, trust me. He died not long after we met. But with a little luck and some digging, we might be able to turn up some information on our own, enough to help determine why these symptoms have begun to appear. Why the AP seems to have prompted this and why treatment with, uh, traditional blood isn't reversing the problem. There are some...people who might be able to help. But I warn you, if they hear from me I know they'd be honor bound to tell Mulder. And while I still think you are wrong about him, I couldn't betray the trust you and Mina have placed in me." Lucius nodded thoughtfully, solemnly considering her words. He smiled broadly. "Well Dana, I have to tell you I am impressed. Not just with your expertise as a doctor, but I want you to know how much I appreciate your being so honest with me, and your willingness to help us. Especially considering the circumstances of your being here. There are still things I just have to keep secret, but outside of contacting Agent Mulder, if there's anything you want, anything you need, just name it." Dana removed her glasses and massaged the bridge of her nose. "Actually, Sheriff, I find myself feeling rather tired at the moment. I could do with a bath and some shut eye." Lucius looked a little red in the face. "Of course Dana, I'm sorry. Mina made preparations at our place." Dana favored him with the look, raised eyebrows and all. Now it was his turn to falter. "Um, uh, well it's just kindof important for you to remain close to either me or Lance for the time being, and with Mina staying here with the others, she figured you could have her room." Amused by the sudden display of modesty on her behalf, Scully smiled. "That sounds perfectly wonderful, Sheriff." As she got up from her perch on the stool, Lucius blanketed her shoulders with his jacket. "Here. It's still a bit chilly out there Dana." A sudden warmth flooding her face, Scully was hit with an impulsive thought. "Well just make sure you take this one back, Sheriff, I already owe you one." Repost/Updated Title: Subjugare Exsanguine Part 6 of ? Author: E. Ripley Email: Feedback sucked dry at dana1muldr@aol.com As they headed out the door and towards the trailer that was home to Lucius and Mina, Scully tried to collect herself a little. Again she reminded herself that the presence of her 'host' did seem to have a particular effect upon her, one she did not intentionally encourage. As long as she maintained control, she had no cause for guilt. She was there for a reason and she was determined more than ever to see it through. That the Sheriff had only further proved himself to be a charming and gentle man was of no consequence. Nor were his smoldering eyes or that boyish grin. For his part, Lucius walked briskly, urging Scully to keep up the pace. While he'd admitted to having good immunity to the sun's rays, it was still second nature for him to avoid it as much as possible. When they arrived at the unassuming trailer, Scully was surprised at the simple, tasteful interior. Previously, she hadn't been in any position to notice much of anything in the trailer's interior. Lucius showed her to Mina's room, on the way pointing out a small shared bathroom in the middle of the trailer. "We only use it for bathing, so it's pretty much all yours," he offered. "My room's at the other end, so you needn't worry about privacy. Mina's door locks. Since she was," he paused, "turned so young, sunlight's a big problem for her, which is why all the windows are boarded up. But it's probably better that way, just to be on the safe side." Dana was stuck again by his constant concern for her safety, pausing as he spoke once more. "Mina's a bit smaller than you, I think, but she likes her clothes big. You're welcome to anything in her closet or dressers. Tomorrow she has a friend who'll be picking out some things in your size. If you need me for anything, just holler." Scully stifled a yawn, and started to thank Lucius for his hospitality before realizing the stupidity of it. Obviously the effect of the glamour was influenced somewhat by proximity. "OK then," she began, "Good night. "She laughed quietly, correcting herself as she walked to Mina's door. < More like, Good morning! > Lucius watched her from the doorframe of his bedroom. As the door shut, he closed his eyes and focused his senses on listening intently as she prepared to bathe. In concentrating, he was able to distinguish every rustle of fabric, every whisper made as silk kissed skin, each button freed from confinement. Scully removed her clothes, donning the robe and grabbing the towels left by the door. She peeked from behind the door before making a quick dash to the bathroom. Lucius had already closed his door. On a sudden impulse, Scully tiptoed past the bathroom to the front door of the trailer, checking the lock. Lucius had hooked a chain from the inside as well as a deadbolt. In testing it, Scully realized the door was locked to keep intruders out, not to keep her in. A sudden noise from Lucius' room startled her, and she dashed for the safety of the bathroom. In doing so, she caught her thumb upon a sliver of metal near the doorjamb and stifling a yelp of pain, quickly closed the door behind her. A hot bath and a good shampoo later, Scully practically fell asleep before her head hit the pillows of Mina's soft bed. Not surprisingly, there weren't any Band-Aids around, so Scully applied pressure to the cut on her thumb to staunch the bleeding. Moments after the light had gone out in Mina's room, Lucius resumed his initial foray into the living area. He paused and listened for any sounds coming from his daughter's room. Hearing none, he took a breath, and began to approach the bathroom. A few feet away, he froze in front of the locked and bolted door. She had been there to check the door, but that was not what made him tremble. In a second he was upon the source of his agitation, inhaling deeply, exhaling even harder as he recognized the heady, rusty aroma of fresh blood. He ran a finger softly along the side of the doorframe. As he made contact with the small metal shard which had injured Dana, his entire body twitched as if an electrical current had just coursed though him. He rubbed his thumb and forefinger together, mixing the drop of his own newly drawn blood with the trace of hers which had lingered. He brought his hand to his mouth, his breathing growing ragged and more irregular, his eyes shut as if in ecstasy, then tasted deeply of the delicate red streak on his finger. When his eyes reopened they were bright as stars, glowing, luminescent. He padded softly towards Dana's room, pausing briefly to inhale the unique warmth of her aroma which lingered behind in the bath. Testing the door to Mina's room he was surprised to find that she had left it unlocked. With the stealth of a predator, he glided noiselessly into her room, hovering over her still, sleeping form. Her breathing was rhythmic and steady, so he knew she was fast into a deep sleep. Hating himself, yet unable to stop, Lucius found himself veiling her mind with the glamour, allowing his essence to envelop her. To his delight he discovered thoughts of him were already present in her sleeping consciousness. Without touching her, he tasted the salt of her skin, felt the softness of her copper hair and swam in the heady mixture of female fragrance that was her scent. She stirred softly, a faint whimper on her lips. He drew back. He could feel the heart beating within her chest, hear the pulse running through her veins. The faint taste of her blood in his mouth was recent, real, and he knew then that he had gone too far. He could *sense* the tiny cut at the tip of her thumb, almost *feel* the warm and welcome flow of blood beneath the wound. Before he could think, he was upon her, tasting gently, so very gingerly from the tip of her thumb. She moaned softly but he could not stop himself. Again he threw the glamour about her, effectively silencing any possible protests in a heartbeat. His feeding became greedier, more frenzied. Drunk on the very essence of her taste he let his mind drift farther into hers, welcoming her thoughts into his own. Her thoughts swam with visions of him And what exquisite dreams she was having too. Losing control for a second he grew careless and bit into the meat of her thumb. She cried out softly, but remained asleep. Horrified by how close he had come to the edge, he froze forcing the hunger within him to subside. Lucius stopped short at the unwelcome intrusion of another into her thoughts into her dreams. Him. Mulder. He was overcome with anger-first at his own weakness, then doubled by the presence of her partner in her thoughts. Thoughts which moments ago had been only of him. With a flick of a nail he nicked the surface of his finger, pressing a dark crimson droplet onto Scully's now swollen thumb. Her injury healed almost instantly and Lucius quickly retreated to the security of his room, willing his eyes to close, his mind to focus away from thoughts of the warm, soft woman sleeping peacefully once more beneath his roof. Title: Subjugare Exsanguine Part 7/? Author: E. Ripley Email: Feedback sucked dry at dana1muldr@aol.com PART 7 Scully awoke slowly, peacefully. The events of the past few days had left her somewhat worn, and she'd slept more soundly than she had in weeks. She reached her arms out in front of her, yawning & stretching like a satisfied cat. She glanced at the clock by her bedside table. Almost 3:30 in the afternoon. < Must have been more tired than I thought > she mused to herself. If Mulder found about this, he'd never let her hear the end of it. "Mulder." She spoke his name aloud, slowly, deliberately. Almost defiantly. As if to speak of him were somehow taboo. She listened intently for a moment. No sound emerged from the other side of the trailer, she could only assume Lucius was still...sleeping? Resting? Whatever they would call it. It was still daylight so she doubted much of anyone was stirring in this sleepy little community. Mulder. His name and face returned to the forefront of her mind. Almost as if he were somehow present, a part of him there in her mind, urging her on. < Run, Scully, get away. Run, while you still can. > She could almost see him, hear him speaking the words in her head. Part of her reacted almost instinctively, wanting to leap up, tear out the front door for the nearest phone and call him. Wherever she was, she knew Mulder would be there by nightfall. He had practically made a second profession out of saving her. < Saving you. Let me save you Scully. > < But I don't need saving Mulder. > The image of him racing off to her salvation was rather vivid. But Scully had conditioned herself very deliberately, over years and years, to ignore the appeal of such an image. Her father helped instill it in her, and her FBI training reinforced it. You could not be strong if you were dependent on others. If you were weak. She was not weak. She did not need rescuing. < I'm fine, Mulder, really. > < This case is important. > she thought. < Think of Mina, of Lucius. > She urged herself. A vision of his smiling face appeared. < No, wait, don't go there, it's too confusing. > "This is important," she said out loud. Shaking her head a little, she smiled ruefully. "Talking to myself now," she mused, "Mulder would definitely love that." She got up, surprised to find herself in Mina's bedclothes and realized again where she was. She located the closet, and going through it, found some suitable, if slightly casual attire. She chose a faded pair of jeans and a black long-sleeved t-shirt. The weather was pleasant enough but still slightly more chilly than warm. She toyed with the idea of a turtleneck, but worried the joke might not be well received. She noted with relief that Hartwell had managed to bring along the overnight bag she had brought into the restaurant. That took care of her grooming and underclothes for at least one more day. After making the bed, she took a quick glance around the room, checking to see she had returned everything to its proper place. She noticed a picture on the top of Mina's bureau, one she had been to sleepy to observe last night. It was an old photograph, black and white, aged and careworn. Scully gasped as she focused upon the face of a much younger Lucius Hartwell. He stood smiling, dressed in a soldier's uniform, circa WW1. It wasn't really possible, was it? Scully sat down slowly on the bed, slightly stunned, the picture in her hands. She examined it again. If it was a fake, it was an excellent one. And why create a fake for Mina? The detective in her was overcome with the sudden impulse to search Mina's room for further clues. The scientist longed for a clue, the one thing which would provide her a logical scientific explanation. Placing the photo carefully back on Mina's dresser, she listened again. Still nothing. She carefully opened the dresser drawers, finding nothing but clothes within. She looked around the room and fixed her gaze on the bedside table. She flicked on the lamp and took a quick flip through a book which lay on top. Scanning the title, she snickered a little bit. "No way." She opened the cover and read the brief inscription inside, making a mental note to question Lucius about his relationship to the author, wondering if he had occasion to visit her in Louisiana much. From what she had learned through Mina, he was born in Texas. He hadn't yet told her the details of his "turning," and she hadn't felt it was her place to pry. There was a quiet sadness to him at times that she hadn't noticed in Chaney. < He could have had horns & I wouldn't have noticed, > she thought dreamily. < What is going on here? > she thought. Scully felt the twisting confusion again. There was no question of her loyalty to Mulder, that was a given. Their partnership aside, they had a bond, a connection which superseded everything else in her life. To a point that sometimes worried her, or at least the woman that longed to be held at night, to not always be alone. She gently pulled open the top drawer, sifting through the contents carefully. She found nothing of particular consequence. She almost didn't bother with the bottom drawer, as she had to tug a little to get it open, nearly spilling the contents as she did so. She swore silently. There was only a small wooden chest and some papers. She was about to close the drawer when curiosity got the better of her and she reached in and grabbed the chest, revealing it to be a jewelry box fashioned of intricately carved wood. She set the chest on the bed, opening it carefully. It was obviously an antique. The first thing to catch her attention was a tiny photograph. This one was unframed, a crude black and white family portrait. A stern looking man and an unsmiling woman stood behind two children. A solemn young boy and a beautiful little girl. Dana traced the lines of their faces, noting the small round yarmulkes on the man and the boy. There was definitely something familiar in the face and eyes of the woman. Scully turned her attention to the young girl. She closed her own eyes for a moment, cradling the picture gently. When Scully opened them again, she recognized the young girl as Mina. Her dark haunting eyes, the delicate, proud features were unmistakable. Logic and science could not prove it, but in her heart, she suddenly realized Mina's part in Lucius' tale had been true. The part of a child, her family, her life destroyed by a holocaust. "Oh God," she breathed aloud softly, tears welling up in her eyes. She set the photograph on the bed and gently examined the remaining contents. A vintage pair of filigree earrings, a tiny gold heart necklace with an inscription in Hebrew, and a small piece of gray fabric. Removing the scrap, she discovered the other side was marked with a faded patch, the insignia of a star of David. < Oh, Mina! > She pushed the painful thoughts aside and continued. Beneath that lay a tiny purplish stone and another necklace. This one was much larger than the other, a heavy, bulky pendant on a thick gold chain. Dana scrutinized it carefully, turning it over in her hands. Feeling along it, she discerned a small irregularity along the top, a seam. It was definitely hollow, possibly a locket of some sort. But a very puzzling one to be sure. She ran her index finger along the smooth groove. Feeling a slight indentation, she applied a little pressure and the bottom half flipped open on a hinge, revealing what looked to be a narrow silvery spike. Like Briar Rose, Scully was compelled to touch it, instantly regretting her action. The silvery barb was razor sharp, drawing blood immediately. Scully drew a quick breath as blood flowed from the tip of her finger. Sucking at it to help stem the flow she remembered her previous thumb injury. Looking over both thumbs, she was unable to find the slightest trace of a cut on either one. < Did I dream it? > she wondered. She replaced the cover on the strange pendant, nagging suspicions of its purpose running rampant in her thoughts. She took care to return everything to its proper place, and set the wooden chest back into the drawer. Noting that the flow of blood had not ebbed, she applied steady pressure to it. < Odd, > she thought, < it barely hurts, but it bleeds like crazy. > A noise from the interior of the trailer startled her. Scully quickly flicked the lightbulb off, and straightened herself a bit before stepping to the door. When she opened it, she saw Lucius looking as startled as she had felt. She managed a smile. "Good morning-uh, afternoon!" She offered. He returned the smile weakly, avoiding her eyes. "I thought maybe I would head on back to the infirmary in a bit and get back to the research. A few ideas have occurred to me and I would like to run a few tests before I contact Mulder's uh, associates." Lucius' expression was dubious, there was something strange in his eyes. "Mina figured out a way for me to contact them where they won't be able to trace us. We'll relay a message to them from an alternate location, send the info on the tests from Dr. Cronenberg. She's going to set me up in an IRC chat room. It'll take longer, but we'll ask them to meet us back in the IRC with any results. There is no verifiable return email address that they can access. And to be on the safe side she is going to dial into the University of Florida, and we'll relay from there. Even if they were somehow able to check the IRC, and I know these guys, they'll try ....it will look like I'm-we're in Florida!" Scully was rather pleased over the entire setup. She knew she could depend on the Gunmen to help her, and even if they contacted Mulder, he couldn't join in a private chat without her knowing, and she would not have to try to explain herself just yet. She longed to speak with him, but at the same time dreaded having to face him. He would be understandably upset. But lives were at stake here, so she had no choice. Neither did her partner. Mulder would just have to understand later. Lucius however was a different matter. Despite the fact that she and Mina had managed to circumvent a major hurdle in the research process, he seemed unimpressed. < Maybe vampires wake up cranky, > she mused to herself. She tried to think of some cheery remark to lighten his mood. "So what's for breakfast?" Her attempt at brevity fell flat, so she decided to deal with her still bleeding hand. Humor was more of her partner's department, anyway. "Do you have any bandages here?" she queried. Lucius frowned softly then shook his head. "No, but there should be some up at the Hospice with Mina, why?" "I uh, seem to have cut myself..." she offered sheepishly, hoping to avoid any mention of exactly how she had managed to injure her finger. "Let me see it," he demanded almost harshly. Taken aback somewhat by his gruffness, Scully scowled a little. "It's nothing really, just a little cut. It can wait." "Dana, around here, there's no such thing as a 'little' cut on a mortal." He sounded annoyed. Dana felt her own anger rising exponentially. Whatever she had done in snooping was a disservice to Mina, not him. He had no right to be so angry with her, at least not that he knew of. She looked him down with her coldest stare. "It's fine, really." she replied icily. "Now if you don't mind, I have some research to get back to." Lucius blocked the door. Non threateningly, but very effectively nonetheless. "I do mind Dana. You have no business wandering around unescorted. Especially not with an open wound." "I thought the bad guys only came out at night," she retorted. "We discussed this earlier, Dana, don't be naive. Before you set one foot outdoors I'll have to mark you. You wouldn't make it 200 yards before somebody out there caught wind of fresh blood. I could smell it before you even opened the door." Unsure of the details of the marking process, she paused. "How exactly do you 'mark' a person?" "With blood, " he replied matter of factly. "My blood, and a little of yours." "I wasn't going to mark you, but since you managed to cut yourself 'somehow,' there is no reason not to go ahead and do it. You'll still need to be escorted around, you remain a stranger to most of them, but this will help." Scully's initial words of protest were quelled the moment Lucius took hold of her hand. While his own hands were markedly cool, the instant he came into contact with hers a warmth flooded through her body. She recognized the calm reason of his words and the safety in his company. Or at least, felt safe. Lucius took her hand, holding her injured finger out. He let a little of her blood drop into a bowl on the counter, then released her hand. For a second, Scully's arm lingered in mid air, instantly missing the effect of his touch. He turned his back to her and made a sharp gasping noise. Craning her head around him she saw him bleed several scarlet drops of blood from his left hand into the bowl. He mixed it together with her blood, using his other thumb, then turned towards her. "This isn't the preferred method, but it will do. You need to taste this." Scully prepared to respond in a flurry of epithets when he grasped her injured finger between the thumb and forefinger of his left hand. He pinched it softly but firmly and she let out a quick gasp of pain. At that exact moment, Lucius placed his thumb at the inset of her lower lip, drawing it down. She felt the sudden thrill of the blood mixture upon her mouth before she could even taste it. It sent a shiver throughout her, a bittersweet tang which seared her throat. She realized that her finger no longer hurt, although Lucius had yet to release it from his grasp. She felt giddy, lightheaded, as every nerve and capillary in her body was flush, alive with electricity. Then as quickly as it had begun, the sensation passed, ebbing out of her and leaving behind a lingering warmth. "Wha.. what the hell was that?" she could barely form the words. "I told you, Dana, I had to mark you-- as a precaution. After the incident in the infirmary with the nosebleed, neither of us should let our guard down completely. The temptation of real blood is too much for some of the people here." "But I thought..." "If we were talking about most anybody, you'd have thought right Dana. But I need to be totally honest with you. I owe you that. There are a few people round here who don't feel that what Ronnie did was wrong. They want a return to the old ways. These are not the people you want to get wind of a little fresh blood, no matter how small. Once the blood lust is started it takes the strongest among us to control himself. It's almost impossible to stop." Dana let the full meaning of his words sink in. She didn't care for the implications and there was a strange distant tone to his voice. One she hadn't experienced yet. It unnerved her almost as much as the news of the renegade faction among Lucius' people. "If there are people causing trouble, why not just make them leave?" Lucius sighed. "Because that's not how I was raised to solve a problem. And I guarantee you, you and Mulder'd be hearing from them if they were out and free on their own. It's not a prospect I really want to consider if I can." "Why don't we go & get you settled back in at the lab?? Mina should be awake by now and I have some ....matters I need to attend to." Realizing his tone left her no quarter for further discussion of the matter, Scully took a quick glance around her and agreed. Lucius followed her gaze. "What?" "I don't suppose you drink coffee?? I realize there must not be much of need for food, but..." His expression reddened into one of shame. "God, Dana, I am so sorry. You must be famished. We have some food at the clinic, and I'll be sure to get a few things for you here later. I do drink coffee, but at this moment I happen to be out." "Oh yeah," she smiled, her eyes glinting with mischief. "I forgot. You made some pretty strong coffee back in Chaney." If it was possible for a vampire to blush, Lucius Hartwell was doing it. He held the trailer door open for her, avoiding the impulse to guide her through with his hand. On the walk over, Lucius explained a few more details of their day to day lives and specifics of how they'd sustained themselves over the previous decades. It was a fascinating, if somewhat improbable account. Scully felt more than a considerable twinge of guilt. Lucius and many of his contemporaries were originally from Texas. She could sense an unspoken longing for the community that had once been. Before Ronnie Strickland. Before she and Mulder had forced them to leave. As they reached the walkway to the cabin which housed the clinic, Lucius paused. "O.K. then Dana, I'll just see you later on then. Tell Mina to get a hold of Lance if you need anything, including me." Without explanation, Scully felt a little color flush to her cheeks. "You're not coming in?" she tried to sound nonchalant and not disappointed. "With Mina there, you're as safe as safe can be," he replied reassuringly. "All right then, Sheriff, I'll see you later." Scully walked up the path and entered the little hospital, leaning against the door as she quickly shut it behind her. She looked up, expecting to meet the gaze of Mina and came face to face with an unsmiling, blonde teenage girl. The young woman regarded her with disinterest the way a petulant child might look upon an old worn toy before discarding it. Scully suppressed a shiver then forced a slight smile. "Hi, I'm Agent Dana..." "I know who you are," she interrupted coolly. "Have you found the cure yet?" Taken aback by the stranger's abruptness, Dana faltered somewhat. "Actually, no, not yet. It's too soon. I have made some very interesting discoveries and I believe a solution is just a matter of time, with a little research I should be able to pinpoint..." "Well try not to take too much time, Agent Scully, despite what you may think, or have heard, not all of us have an unlimited supply of it left." The blonde girl strode quickly past, brushing against her as she made her way out the door. Scully put a hand on her hip and raised both eyebrows. A quiet cough prevented her from voicing her personal opinions of the girl. < Suffice to say, it rhymed with "ditch." > She looked up to see Mina smiling broadly at her, but looking a tired, and a little paler than before. "I see you met Callie," she offered. "Try not to judge her too harshly. She was a friend of Ronnie's, and now her 'mother' is ill with the disease." Somehow the news wasn't too much of a surprise. It certainly went a long way toward explaining the girl's attitude towards her. "But we didn't kill Ronnie." "Not permanently, anyway," she added, trying to be tactful. "Where is he, anyway?" Mina bit her upper lip and frowned. She blew a little air out of her mouth which in turn caused her bangs to fly up for a moment. "Ronnie's story after Chaney is a long one, and one I'd rather not get into. There are some things we like to keep private. I hope you understand. Suffice to say he's no longer with us here." Title: Subjugare Exsanguine Part 8/? Author: E. Ripley Email: Feedback sucked dry at dana1muldr@aol.com Chapter 8 "Well let's get down to business, then." Dana rushed past the rows of patients in their beds. Nodding quickly to them, she murmured "is everyone doing all right?" Surprised by her reluctance to spend time with the patients, Mina answered her softly. "Well, not real good right now. We all feel better when the sun has gone down, but that may be more of a psychological thing. Still, nobody has had any significant lapses." Mina then presented Scully with the samples of blood and tissue she had managed to retrieve from each of the patients. Scully set to taking a sample from Mina herself, who grimaced audibly as the needle went in. "You'd think a vampire would have a higher tolerance for pain...she began, then stopped abruptly, staring at Dana with her mouth open slightly. "What?" Scully asked her, "What is it?" Mina left her mouth parted slightly for a few seconds before responding. "You...I can't believe I didn't notice this when you came in. I must be feeling worse than I thought. Did you and my father....I mean, did Lucius..." Somewhat disconcerted by the shock in Mina's face and the implications of her tone, Scully's defensive nature clicked into high gear. "Yes, your father marked me, if *that's* what you are asking. He said it was a necessary precaution, that there were those here who might pose a threat.." Mina nodded, smiling as if she was in on a private joke. This did little to assuage Scully's concerns. "What?" she demanded, feeling suddenly rather uninformed. "Oh, it's nothing," Mina responded, "I guess I'm just a little surprised, and pleased. My father has never marked anyone before. Around here it is usually reserved for children...or for an 'inamorata,' a lover." When she saw Dana's eyes widen in dismay she grinned wildly. "Easy, Dana, it's not necessarily like that. It just means you're obviously very important to him. That's all." Dana relaxed visibly, breathing out a sigh of relief as she turned her attention back towards the lab area. Mina giggled as little. "Maybe." Scully turned her head around slightly. Just enough so Mina could see her glaring eye, brow raised, fixing her with a certain "look." "You gonna help me here or what?" They set quickly about to the task at hand. After preparing slide specimens of the necessary blood and tissue samples, Mina called Lance to pick them up and have them delivered to Doctor Cronenberg at the University. "They have incredible facilities for this sort of thing," Mina enthused to Dana. "Complete equipment. If Lance gets this over to him soon, we ought to have proper enough files to transmit to your friends in Washington. Not quite as good as sending the original specimens, but damn close!!" "If this Doctor Cronenberg is so skilled, why didn't you have him try to conduct the research himself?" Scully wanted to know. "Well he's incredibly brilliant, but he works under a federally funded grant. If he were to do much more than just transcribing the DNA into an uploadable format, it could be disastrous. If he were to actually conduct research, his findings might be subject to their discovery, and if word got out..." Scully understood completely, further explanations were unnecessary. "Yes, it's safer for both him and your community to keep him as uninvolved as possible." "He's already risking censure and his position by supplying us with the artificial plasma. He's been trying to develop the means for us to produce it on our own. Then we could be completely self sufficient. We could exist almost anywhere, virtually undetected. That's my dream." She frowned. "Or at least it was." "Scully smiled despite the obvious change in mood. Mina was brilliant. No wonder Lucius was so proud. If Emily could have turned out half as... half as .... She pushed the unwelcome thoughts out of her head. To think of such things now would only distract her from the task at hand. And if she failed, the life of someone else's' daughter would be forfeit. She returned to her investigations, blocking out everything else as she studied every cell and microbe for the solution which eluded her. Fortunately, Mina had prepared coffee. Scully drank cup after cup, and they both fairly jumped when Mina's monitor flashed on in response to an incoming mail message. "That's probably David," Mina replied. Sure enough, when they opened the letter, attached was a complex file, filled with the necessary genetic material and code, displaying complete matrices, illustrating various protein chain & enzyme deficiencies. "Looks like David prepared everything good to go. All we need to do now is get a hold of your pals through the IRC and tell them where to get the info for uploading." Mina was excited. Scully was too, until it occurred to her that to contact the Gunmen would be a slap in the face to Mulder, an offense which would take some time to be forgiven for. And what exactly to tell them. As little as possible, she knew that much. "So how exactly are we going to go about contacting my friends?, Dana wanted to know, "without Mulder being able to trace you?" "It's really very simple" Mina explained, "All we need to do is log into the University of Florida mainframe. From there we upload the files to your private email address. We then have you pick up your email from here and forward it on to your friends, after deleting the return . I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier. You forward the files to them, then have them meet us in a random IRC chat room later on tonight. At that point you can go into detail regarding exactly what we need them to do. Probably a good time to address some of your partner's fears as well." Mina smiled warmly. "He must be going nuts right now." Mulder was going nuts. Skinner had forced him to return to the DC office. His behavior had become rather abusive and his moodiness was only furthered by his self induced lack of sleep. He paced around the basement office, occasionally pausing to take a lingering look at the far corner which had become Scully's unofficial "area." He ran his hands over his face, pinching the bridge of his nose as he stifled a yawn. In a way, Skinner was right to pull him, and he knew it. He was too close to the case to make any use of his profiling skills. In more ways than Skinner realized. And every worthwhile lead had turned up useless. It was as if she had simply vanished into thin air. But if Scully did get an opportunity to break free and contact him, the bureau in DC was the most likely number she'd call. After his cell phone, anyway. It still didn't make sitting around & waiting any easier. On an impulse, he strode over to the filing cabinet, thumbing through the files until he reached two of them. Different case numbers, same subject. Scully, Dana Katherine. He looked briefly at one dated August 1994 before placing it back. He then pulled the file opened almost three years later, January 1997. He started to read through it, then slammed his fist on his desk, scattering the file onto the floor. Tears stinging his eyes, he got up abruptly grabbed his car keys and headed out the basement door. Mina repeated her question, louder. Dana had spaced out for a moment, not seeming to fully realize what was being offered to her. "Dana, did you hear me?" "So, if you want, when we access your private email server you can send him some kind of personal assurance that you're OK and stuff." Dana nodded. The thought of getting in touch with her partner had been an impossibility since her arrival. In her spare moments, she had given thought to very little else. Now that her wish was about to be granted, she felt a surprising and sudden hesitation. She wondered to herself if it was possible for Mina's presence to affect her judgment. The idea that in a mere three days of separation she could develop feelings which would contradict her alliance to Mulder was unthinkable. It was much more likely that she was simply caught up in the thrill and excitement of her situation. The lure of helping others was one of the primary reasons she'd initially chosen a career in medicine. The role of savior was one of the most gratifying aspects of being a doctor. The high she got from saving lives was a heady rush she was mostly unused to as a forensic pathologist. Except for those times when she had to patch up her partner. Times which afforded her little opportunity to pause and appreciate the wonder of medicine. It was always overshadowed by substantial relief and the overwhelming urge to flog him for forcing her into the role of field medic yet again. And that was just when he was injured in her company. She cringed inwardly, mindful of frequent cases where he ditched her without seeming cause or warning. Usually on the premise that he was looking out for her, protecting her. She sighed. She loved Mulder, in ways she was only beginning to understand fully. But they were partners. Mulder had to start treating her as an equal, or she'd show him the flip side of the ditching coin. She was a medical doctor, a forensic pathologist and a trained investigator. What would it take for Mulder to understand she was equally capable on her own?? And suddenly she recognized the reason she was hesitant to contact him. Or at the very least, one which seemed more plausible than a change in alliance. There was no cause for guilt. She was merely gratified to be successfully handling a situation on her own. A rare opportunity to be on the other side of a ditch for once. All that and she was saving lives too. "Dana? Are you with me on this or what?" She smiled a little sheepishly. "Sorry, I was just, uh, trying to decide what to say. I'm not even sure if he's there in Washington or to check his email." "Well, it's worth a try. Let's get the initial stuff sent out to your friends, at least. We can worry about your partner later." She looked up behind Dana and frowned uncomfortably as the door suddenly clicked shut. "Or not." Unaware of the look which Lucius had given Mina before departing quickly, or even of the fact that Lucius had just been there, Scully set herself up in front of Mina's computer terminal. They did a quick search and were able to quickly locate the website hosted by the Lone Gunmen. Mina signed off of her server and with a few keystrokes, managed to gain access to the mail system of the University of Florida. "Gator fan?" Scully inquired with a smirk. "Actually, no, I prefer the Jayhawks, but since Florida is our cover story, the diversion Dad created, we go with UF. Just in case." Mina seemed almost embarrassed by the admission that a diversion even existed. Scully let the remark pass and concentrated on Mina's system handiwork. "The Gunmen would really love you," she mused, "you're just their type. They don't get out much during the day either..." Mina turned and flashed her a disarming grin. "Cute?" Dana's face reddened, and she looked down, smiling. "They're a great bunch of guys. Cute however, might be a stretch..." "OK, Dana, we're in business." Mina turned the seat over to Scully who took a breath before typing in her message. TO LONE GUNMEN@PROXYMAIL.NET SUBJECT: MISSING G-WOMAN In the body of the email she typed; I AM SAFE BUT UNSURE OF MY CURRENT POSITION. PLEASE INFORM G-MAN. I AM WORKING ON A MEDICAL CASE AND LIVES ARE AT RISK. I NEED A FAVOR. I MUST LOCATE A CURE BEFORE I CAN LEAVE. TAKE THE NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS TO KEEP THIS MATTER CONFIDENTIAL. PLEASE FORWARD THE ATTACHED FILES TO OUR MUTUAL FRIEND FOR STUDY RELATING TO DETAILED ENZYME DEFICIENCIES. ASK HIM TO FOCUS ON PROBABLE CAUSE, EFFECT AND ALTERNATIVE THERAPY TO OFFSET IMBALANCE. MAKE SPECIAL NOTE OF EXTREME DIETARY RESTRICTIONS. TOTAL PLASMA REPLACEMENT THERAPY IS ONLY VIABLE OPTION. EXAMINE AT BOTH MOLECULAR AND GENETIC LEVELS. I WILL CONTACT YOU VIA IRC CHAT RELAY LATER TONIGHT. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT THIS MATTER IS GIVEN ABSOLUTE PRIORITY. LIVES DEPEND ON IT. I WILL MEET YOU IN CHATROOM #CONSPIRARC ON IRC SERVER SYSOPNET.BC.VANCOUVER AT 10:00 PM EASTERN TIME. TELL G-MAN I AM SORRY, BUT AM UNWILLING TO LEAVE UNTIL THE MATTER IS RESOLVED, AND REQUEST HE DISCONTINUE SEARCHING. TELL HIM "I'M FINE." STARBUCK Scully decided against using any part of her real name in the body of the email. Mulder would recognize Starbuck as her father's nickname for her, which would hopefully end any questions of the email's validity. The final remark would also hopefully send him the message that things were indeed all right. She got up to allow Mina to finish attaching the files, and returned to the microscope. No matter how hard she tried to reason, she was still left with a nagging guilt for deciding against Mina's offer of a personal email to Mulder. There was too much to say, and she didn't want to do it that way. To say too little would only further antagonize him. It was easier if he believed she was only being permitted the one email for now. At least, until she could explain it all to him. *If* she could explain it all to him. Would he understand the glamour's effect on her? Lucius' effect on her? Probably not, since she barely did herself. But he would understand the need to save lives, and that was the only real issue here. Satisfied with the conclusion of her inner dialogue, she returned to the study of Mina's blood cells, trying to locate any further anomalies which might be attributed to the ingestion of the artificial plasma. So engrossed was she in her work, Dana barely noticed when Lucius returned. It was almost 7:00 pm and daylight was fading. While she had made some important advances, she was impatient to get the feedback on the genetic makeup and cellular structure examined. She nearly jumped out of the chair when Mina laid a hand gently on her shoulder. "Relax, Dana, I think you've had a little too much coffee for now. Daddy's here and he brought you something to eat." Although she initially planned to protest and continue working, the aroma of food gave her pause. Without any further hesitation, stomach growling, she got up from her perch. "Are either of you going to join me? I feel rude eating in front of people." "Why don't we all go outside?" Lucius suggested. The sun is set-there is still a bit of light, but as long as it isn't direct sunlight, I think Mina can take it." She nodded agreeably, and grabbed her jacket. They sat a small picnic table a few hundred yards from the infirmary. After gorging herself on what tasted like the best hamburger of her life, Dana paused long enough to take a breath. She explained her theories to Lucius and Mina. That she was convinced the problem with the artificial plasma was based in a critical enzyme deficiency of some kind. Very similar to porphyria. Once she examined the blood and artificial plasma at a molecular level, she could single out the cause and by proxy, develop a cure. She explained that, barring the introduction of any unforeseen viral agents or contaminants, the solution to the problem was in all likelihood, the basic addition of some necessary enzymes lacking in the A.P. If Doctor Cronenberg applied her findings to all future formulations of A.P. it should completely prevent any reoccurrence within the community. And then the problem would be solved. Both Lucius and Mina shared Scully's enthusiasm. They talked for a while. Lucius's mood seemed to have lightened a little. Mina was rather quiet, and looked a little fatigued. Scully realized she had forgotten that Mina herself had been stricken. She patted Mina's arm. "It won't be long now." "And then you'll go home," Mina whispered softly, her expression darkening. Lucius cleared his throat. He brushed a hand against his cheek, then looked at Mina before he spoke. "Actually Agent Scully...Dana, that's something I wanted to discuss with you." He made a slight gesture with his eyes to Mina, who got up suddenly. "Yes, Dana, I would love it if you would consider what my father has to say. I'm feeling rather tired, myself-really, I think I'd like to lay down for just a bit. Wake me up when you come back in. Maybe we could go for a walk down to the lake, later. It's really quite beautiful at night." Dana shifted he gaze somewhat uncomfortably back to Lucius as Mina walked away. She could feel the faintest brushes of the glamour against her skin. Like a soft breeze. She steadied her thoughts and tried hard to ignore the warmth in his brown eyes as she regarded him before speaking. "You're not changing your mind about letting me go after this are you? I already promised your secret would be safe and I still have no idea where we are right now." "Oh, no, Dana, it's nothing like that. It's just that I..." Lucius stumbled with the words. It had been so long since he'd felt even the slightest interest in another woman...since Anya. He didn't have the faintest idea where to begin. His hands felt suddenly clammy. It was difficult in this position to restrain the natural flow of the glamour. He didn't want her thoughts on this matter to be anything but her own. Scully sat beside him, playing nervously with the drawstrings of her jacket. "When we were in Chaney, when you were with your partner. I sensed something between you, but then it became like...something else. And when he sent you off with me-the night before-when we were in my truck-well, I really enjoyed talking with you. And even before that. I didn't have to use the dumb hick act with you. I felt something. I guess what I've been hoping-what I wanted to ask is if you felt something too." He scratched his head. His own mind was so clouded he couldn't sense anything from her at all. He continued. "I know this life must seem horrible to you, but I have to tell you, there are alot of things that are incredibly beautiful..or they can be, if they are shared with someone..." This was not happening. < I am not here in the middle of nowhere with a vampire making overtures to me. > The surrealism of her situation was not lost to her. She had been attracted to him from the moment she'd laid eyes on Lucius in Chaney. But with the knowledge she had now, Scully couldn't help but wonder how much of that was her, and how much was the glamour effect. < Remember Brother Andrew. > Scully cringed visibly. Her experience with the Kindred had left a bad taste in her mouth in more ways than one. She shook her mind of such thoughts. Glamour or no, Lucius was nothing like them. He was warm and kind. She smiled without realizing it. Lucius grinned back at her, and Scully blushed. She could sense him relaxing a little, and in so doing, felt the pull of the glamour strengthening. "If you stayed, Dana, if you remained with me, with us...think of the good you could accomplish, living so long. You could still be a Doctor one hundred two hundred years from now...think of the things we could see, the places we could go. There's so little of your current life to leave behind and so much to be gained, I..." Lucius stopped as the ringing of a cell phone interrupted him mid sentence. Mulder couldn't stand it. He sat there in front of Langly, Frohike and Byers, reading and rereading the message on the screen of their computer but it just didn't seem possible. To hear nothing for several days, and then this? "So is it her?" Langly interjected. Frohike and Byers exchanged worried glances before looking back to Mulder. He was pacing, rubbing his hands on his face. He paused before them, and took another long glance at the screen before letting out a loud sigh. Mulder reread the last bit. "I'm fine...Starbuck." If someone else had forced her to write this under duress or if it was a complete fake, they wouldn't have known to include that. Scully wouldn't have included that unless she was trying to tell him she was really OK. She knew how much he hated that phrase. "Yeah, it's Scully," Mulder finally conceded. "Better get that stuff forwarded to the right person." Instantly, Langly set to doing just that. Frohike relaxed, and allowed himself a slight smile. "So Agent Scully is all right then?" Mulder rubbed his chin thoughtfully. As much as he agreed that his partner was probably OK, the wording of her letter didn't sit well with him. That and the fact that she had contacted them, and not him. He avoided seeing his jealousy for what it truly was. "No, Frohike, I wouldn't say she is all right. She's about 3 days from all right if you ask me. I just don't see being drugged & kidnapped as all right." He looked at his watch. "O.K., Scully said 10 pm central, so I'll be back. I want you to get moving on a trace-anything that can determine the source of that email. I need answers and I need them now." "But Agent Scully said..." "Agent Scully isn't here. If you want to help change that, do as I ask." Silently, Byers and Frohike retreated to their individual terminals. Mulder strode out the door, reaching for his cellular. If she was able to get to a computer, maybe she could get to her phone. No, if she could get to a phone she'd have called him. < But she got a message to the Lone Gunmen and not you, > his mind retorted. He then reasoned that she didn't email him, because she knew how seldom he checked it. Which made perfect sense. < Then why don't I feel any better? > he pondered. It was a line from the email which troubled him, as he punched in the familiar number of her cell phone. < I am *unwilling* to leave until the matter is satisfactorily resolved. > Unwilling. It implied that Scully was somehow willing, somehow wanted to stay. He held the phone to ear, listening as it rang. It wasn't possible that she would-could want to be with... "Hello?" Mulder's face turned white then his eyes blackened. "Hartwell?? I need to talk to her, NOW!" Lucius sighed. Mulder could detect a faint rustle, then Hartwell spoke softly into the phone, almost as if he was muffling his voice. "I'm sorry Agent Mulder, not now." Mulder sensed he was about to hang up, and fearing nothing began to yell. "Look we got the message about the Labwork but I'm not going to authorize any further actions until I hear from Agent Scully! Where is she? What the hell have you done to her?" Lucius sighed again. The man was nothing, if not dedicated, to his partner. He had to admire that, if not entirely like it. "Look, she's here, and she's fine, but it's not a good time. If you interfere with her instructions, you'll only be delaying any possible return." "God damn it Hartwell what the..." "Good evening, Agent Mulder, I'll tell her you called." The line went dead. Mulder held back the urge to slam his cellular to the ground. "Not now?? Not a good time?" What the hell did that mean?? He flashed back to a brief conversation he had once had with Scully. She had called him out of concern and fear for his safety, and he had all but hung up on her instantly. The entire experience in Miller's Grove had bcome one disaster after another. He growled to think that Lucius' motiviations could have been similar to his own with Doctor Berenbaum. He was too angry to go back & see the Gunmen, and too upset to just go home. He opened the door of his car and slid in. Leaning his head forward, he rested it on the steering wheel, banging it softly against it as he tried to fathom a possible reason for this hell. He couldn't. ***** Lucius came back and sat down next to Scully. "Sorry about that," he began, before the cell phone rang again. Obviously irritated, he turned away while answering it with a curt "Look here.." before growing suddenly quiet. He got up, and paced a little as he spoke harshly into the phone once more. Finally, he slipped it into the pocket of his jacket. "Uh, Dana.." "Lucius, I...was that my phone?," she asked, somewhat confused. "Actually, yes, he admitted, but that was Lance. I hope you don't mind. I thought it might be useful, and besides, your partner might want to uh, contact you later on after your friends get the information." Scully was stunned to think that Lucius was actually to the point of allowing her to speak with Mulder. It seemed there was much more to this man than she had given him credit for. "Well I guess it's all right, just don't run up my bill." She smiled. His eyes twinkled for a moment then clouded over again. "Right, like I said, that was Lance..." "Both times?" A strange look came over him. "Uh, yeah, right. So he has something of a situation in progress, remember the troublemakers I told you about?" She nodded slowly, still in something of a fog from the glamour. "Well, he thinks we may have a little problem in the works and so I need to go give him a hand. Promise me you'll think about what I said. I'll be back in a little while-don't leave this spot unless it's to go inside. As a matter of fact, I think I'd prefer it if you went ahead and got inside right now." Scully looked at him, trying to read the expression in his eyes. "OK I promise not to go anywhere, Lucius, but I'd really like to sit out here on the steps for just a while longer. I feel like I have been cooped up for days." An internal struggle was going on behind the Sheriff's flashing eyes, no question about that. "Fine, but swear to me you won't go anywhere until I return." She rolled her eyes a little bit then held her right hand up. "I swear. Scouts honor." He seemed a little relieved, and tipped his hat before heading down the path. Just before vanishing out of sight he turned and took a last look in her direction. She had retreated to the lower step of the hospice, and waved. He threw a casual salute towards her then disappeared into the darkness. Subjugare Exsanguine Part 9/10 By E. Ripley Rated nc17 for mature sexual content (near-rape) & strong language Feedback eagerly sucked dry at dana1muldr@aol.com Once Lucius was completely out of sight, Dana sighed. Between researching a cure and spending so much time with the good sheriff, she was beginning to doubt herself. Her loyalties. Alone at last, she finally had time to re-examine her situation with a clear head. Was Lucius really offering her the chance to become one of them? To live for hundreds of years? The words of Clyde Bruckman came back to haunt her. He seemed genuinely able to divine a person's death merely by touch. Still, she had been skeptical. But when she asked him how she would die, his message was cryptic. "You don't" he had said. No explanation. Could this be what he had meant? Was this her destiny, pre-ordained? < I don't believe in destiny,> she chided herself, < or fate. > Too many thoughts buzzing around in her head, Scully got up and stretched. She considered going back inside but changed her mind. Mina might still be sleeping, and she didn't want to wake her. It was pleasant enough outside, so she sat back down to consider her predicament. The mere fact that she was even considering Lucius' gift was worrisome. He wasn't here with her now, so she couldn't place blame on the glamour. Were there so many issues unresolved in her own life that such a drastic change might not be unwelcome?? Scully shook her head. < Get a grip,> she thought. For a moment she wished Mulder was there to discuss it. But it only took a second's thought of him to make her understand that Mulder's point of view on the issue would be crystal clear, unwavering, resolute. She wondered, if, given the chance to meet Mina and spend time with the others, her partner could see the beauty and honor of these people that she now saw. She almost laughed. How ironic that whenever she was drawn into a case, away from the role of skeptic and into her partner's role as a believer, that Mulder seemed intent on switching with her. As if it were cosmically impossible that they could find themselves in total agreement over a case. That somehow the delicate balance would slip, and their partnership, their lives would be thrown into some tumultuous disarray. Lost in thought, the wind shifted and Scully shivered as a cool breeze blew across her face. They must be further up north than she had suspected. Weary of the conflict in her mind, she decided to go back into the lab. Work had always provided a soothing outlet for frustrations in the past. She could slip quietly inside and go over her notes before meeting the Gunmen in the IRC when Mina awoke. As she reached for the door handle to go inside, she halted as she felt a sudden onset of dizziness. Grabbing the railing for support, she instinctively drew a hand to her nose, waiting for the inevitable trickle of blood. It never came. What came was an almost smothering, overwhelming awareness of another's presence. Blanketing her, enfolding her. Her body was bathed in heat. Similar to the glamour effect but vastly different-stifling. It was as if she had to focus every thought and concentrate - just to breathe. Almost like an out of body experience. She was there, inside herself, yet not in control. Instead of going inside as she intended, she turned around and headed slowly down the steps. As she neared the bottom step, she focused all her energy on grabbing hold of the railing. The sensation-the voice spoke to her, told her to let go, but she held fast, concentrating with every fiber of her being. Sweat began to break out on her brow. Her knuckles turned white as she gripped the railing. Summoning up her will, she redirected her energy on calling for help. Mistake. At the very moment she was ready to cry out, she lost hold of the control which kept her hand holing fast to the railing. "Come" The voice was soft, cold and completely unyielding. As Scully moved closer to the darkness of the woods, her body fairly shook with her attempts to fight back the overwhelming force. She understood how Mulder must have felt facing Modell. Aware of his actions yet powerless to stop them. She bit down on her lower lip, drawing blood. At the moment she tasted it, the voice clenched her mind in a tight grip and she fell into blackness. Nicky whistled for the others to join him. He moved quickly to the still form of the redheaded doctor lying on the ground. His eyes grew luminescent as he sank to his knees before her. She had incredible strength. Not that he had much practice in using the glamour lately. He traced the curves of her face gently, each breath growing deeper and more ragged. He paused at the base of her neckline, felt the flow of blood pulsing beneath the skin, and his breathing quickened. He inhaled deeply, taking in the scent of her sweat, her skin, her hair. An almost unfamiliar ache tugged at his loins. It had been years since he had hungered for a woman in this way. His hand traveled further, past her neck to the swell of her left breast. Emboldened, he cupped it gently in one hand, squeezing softly as he leaned in and placed a moist kiss upon her neck. He drew away, instructing the others to lift her gently. He checked his watch. No telling how long their little diversion would keep Lance & Lucius away. He had too many plans for the soft, warm FBI Agent to risk discovery now. There was no turning back. Dana was drunk. Or at least felt like it. She was disoriented, lightheaded and completely unaware of her surroundings. Where she was, or how she got there. It was still dark. She was leaning up against something rough, hugging it for support. She was cold. She moved to wrap her hands about her and discovered she was not holding onto something but in fact, tied up against it. She moved her head a little, inhaling sharply as her face scraped against the rough surface. A tree? How had she come to be here? Her mind reeled in confusion as though in a dense fog. She heard music. And voices. Several different ones, all unfamiliar. One of them rather agitated. "So now what?" "I'll take care of that, you two go stand watch for me." "What about us? You promised that we could..." "Look, you haven't even been turned yet. If you expect me to do it, then you have to do this for me. Besides, you go home with the scent of blood on you and your parents will know immediately. Consider this a demonstration. You'll get a chance later on, she won't be going anywhere. But for tonight she's mine. Got that?" "Wha..what about the Sheriff?" "Even if grampa manages to find us, he won't stand a chance. What you have to understand is that after feeding from a live human, our strength almost triples. After a steady diet of that artificial plasma crap, Hartwell doesn't stand a chance against me! If he somehow managed to find us, I'd kick his ass!" Scully heard the words, but they made little sense to her. Instead she tried to concentrate on freeing her arms, which were falling asleep. Her motions drew the attention of the leader to her. "Hmmm, so you're awake?" Dana winced as another rush of dizziness passed over her, groaning softly. The stranger misinterpreted the sound as one of pleasure. "You like that, huh?....Good." It happened again. Scully's head spun madly. "I haven't had much practice with this around here-not since we had to leave Texas. But you would know all about that, wouldn't you?" Scully realized the waves of dizziness were caused by his attempts at using the glamour on her. It was totally different from her experience with Lucius. The soft spoken stranger came up behind her, brushing her hair back and off of her neck. His hand lingered at the curve where her neck and shoulder met. His touch was unbearably soft and she cringed away from it. "You see, ole Lucius wasn't totally honest with you. Those of us who know how can completely overpower a mortal. But he's too much of a pussy to use it as it was intended." The young man turned towards her. "I'm something of a natural. I can get you to do whatever I like, even make you think you want it!" At this, his fingers fluttered down her back and up to her face, cupping her chin, turning her towards him. "By the way," he breathed huskily, "we haven't been properly introduced." "My name's Nicky...and you must be Doctor Scully, I presume??" He chuckled menacingly and slowly tightened his grip on her face, pulling her mouth towards his. He brushed his mouth against her lips, flicking at them with his tongue. Scully stiffened up a little bit, despite the glamour effect. She knew enough to feel fear and disgust, no matter how quickly he tried to overpower such thoughts. His eyes were practically glowing as he spoke, and he noticed the shift in her mood and recognized her apprehension. "Easy there 'red, easy." He stroked her hair softly, twining the strands between his fingers and inhaling deeply. "Mmmm, nice," he murmured, "I don't want you fighting me. That's not my style." He grinned, and reached into his pocket. Scully caught a flash of metal in his hand before he forced her gaze to return to his eyes. "That's right, look at me. I prefer that you to give yourself to me. But if necessary, I will take what I want." Scully felt his presence invade her thoughts. She tried again to fight, but the force of his glamour was too strong. She was trapped in a world devoid of coherent thought, left to the devices of an adolescent vampire. "What I lack in style I make up for in strength," he whispered softly into her ear. He pressed himself up against her, his breathing heavy and thick in her ear. With one hand up against the tree, he cradled her head against it as he idly ran the cold metal object against the outer length of her thigh. With a start she realized she was now clad only in Mina's sweater. The fleeting impulse to strike at her aggressor was quickly replaced with the command to lean her head back. "Mmmm..." he breathed into her hair, "that's better, much better..." His tongue ran circles around the rim of her ear, and nibbled at the base of her neck. Scully began to tremble. Her body was responding against her will, and what remained of her will was disappearing fast. She whimpered softly. "Shhhh, he breathed softly, his honeyed words sending goosebumps up and down her spine. "Keep your eyes open. I don't have to hurt you. I'm not going to kill you. You have something I need." At his last words, a million alarms went off in Scully's mind. That phrase! Leonard Betts! The terrifying visage of Betts' advancing on her broke Nicky's hold on her for just a moment. She tried to cry out but was silenced quickly with a wash of glamour. Nonetheless, Nicky appeared somewhat surprised, and backed away. His two companions exchanged disgusted glances. Nicky was as bad as Ronnie when it came to taking action. One too many movies, and he fancied himself the Don Juan de Marco of vampires. As if he wasn't already too sure of himself. And a mistake right now was a luxury neither could afford. Relieved that the intrusion of Betts' image into her thoughts had distracted the man behind her, Scully tugged tentatively at the ropes which bound her to the tree. Despite the chill, her hands were somewhat sweaty, and she thought with a little more time she might slip free. Nicky's shock at how easily the glamour was broken turned to anger. He read the urgency in Scully's mind as she moved to free her hands. "Not just yet, my dear Agent," he snarled. "I warned you that I was more than capable of taking what I want if you refused to cooperate." This time he pressed himself against her roughly, and she sucked in her breath as her legs scraped up against the rough bark of the tree. He forced her legs apart with his knee, and bit savagely at the back of her neck. With Nicky's body forcing her even harder against the tree, Scully tried to ignore the labored breathing and evidence of his arousal against her. When he forced his mouth upon hers, roughly grabbing her head in his hands to turn her towards him, Scully met his triumphant gaze with a scowl. He ceased trying to use the glamour to force acquiescence but still used it to silence her cries. She fought back the urge to gag as his tongue explored her mouth hungrily. His cruel hand relinquished it's bruising hold on her jaw as Nicky ended his kisses. He pulled Scully up against him from the hips, grinding his pelvis against her, groaning with pleasure as he rubbed himself into the small of her back. Scully concentrated her thoughts away from her body and tried to focus on the rope which seemed even looser than before. Her concentration was broken as Nicky ran his hands over her, squeezing her roughly and then running them freely up the front of her sweater, underneath her bra. He rolled her nipples between his fingers, pinching and pulling on them harshly. Furious at such an intrusion, she did what every law enforcement officer in the country knew to be the wrong thing to do in a situation like this. She fought back. With his hands still grabbing at the tender flesh of her breasts, she pulled herself as forcefully as possible against the bark of the tree, using the rope for balance smashing his hands against the tree. It worked. Nicky cried out-less from pain and more from surprise, as the rough bark of the tree dug into the back of his hands. With her captor caught off guard, Scully threw her head back, the force of which caught Nicky totally off guard and squarely in the nose. This time he retreated with a yelp of pain. Scully couldn't see behind her, (at that point she was seeing stars herself,) but smiled with grim satisfaction as she'd heard the crunch of his nose breaking. She strained to catch a glimpse of the surroundings behind her, of the state of her would-be rapist's condition. "Nicky, you want some help there?" Scully whirled her head round. In the heat of the fray, overcome by the glamour, she had forgotten that there were others. Now regretting her actions, she cursed silently. < How many more? > Against one she had a chance, but bound like this? Not against two or more. She craned her head around listening intently for any clues as to the whereabouts of the other unknown assailants. She heard a twig snap to her right and instinctively turned towards it. She steeled herself, preparing for the inevitable blow. "No man, I don't need any help. Not now." His voice was strange, gurgling, like the sound of an injured animal. Scully leaned her head back as she heard the metal click of something which sounded strangely like the lid of a lighter being flipped open. The sound was vaguely familiar. With a start, Scully recognized the object as Nicky brandished it before her, teasing her as he waved it back & forth. It was a silver amulet like Mina's necklace, but with 2 razor tips to her one. "I'm still not going to kill you, Agent Scully," he whispered in a mocking, singsong voice... "it's in my interests to keep you around for some time..." Scully shivered as the cold metallic edge was brushed across her cheeks. "but this is going to be much more unpleasant than it had to be. Remember that the next time I ask you to cooperate and it will be pleasureable for us both." "Go to hell" she managed to choke out. Nicky growled angrily. The petite woman was stronger then he'd expected. She didn't respond to the glamour as he intended and to make matters worse, it turned him on. She was a challenge. His excitement only contributed to his loss of control. But it was time to end the game for now. Scully felt Nicky's weight shift as he prepared to make his move. Nicky grabbed a handful of her hair in his hand, pulling her head down and to the left. Before she had a chance to cry out, she felt a sudden rush of air and reeled as the sharp points pierced the skin of her neck. She let out a gasp of air and tried to scream but had no voice. Nicky pushed the burning metal tips deeper into the flesh of her neck, hitting home as they pierced an artery. Her head swam as she felt a sudden gush of blood begin to flow. Nicky yanked the amulet out and let the device fall to the ground as he sank his mouth upon her open wound and drank. Scully's body stiffened as she tasted her own blood and fought to breathe. Nicky's left hand held her head back and away while his right hand returned to knead at her breast as he hungrily bit and suckled on her neck. She managed to moan out loud for a second, but he only bit down further, tightening his hold on her head and chest like a predator guarding its kill from another. He pulled her closer against him, the noise of his feeding like a roar in Scully's ears, the sickly sweet nuzzle of his mouth on her an abomination. He continued to paw her as his feeding slowed gradually. He pressed himself against her, noises of arousal growing more insistent as her life's blood was drained away. She felt herself grow faint, cold, incredibly tired. He was still running his free hand over her wantonly, but she had long since ceased to care. She was going to die now and she knew that. The blood loss was too great and shock was already setting in. Besides, there was nothing he could do to her that could be worse than the knowledge that she was leaving Mulder behind. Voices, urgent and afraid hissed into her ear from the side. "Nicky!! Nicky, damn it, stop!! You're going to kill her!" "Shit, Nicky, come on--you said you were going to make her a thrall, not drain her- You kill an FBI Agent & we'll have to up & move again.....c'mon man, she looks really bad!" "Nicky! Shit! OK, that does it, we're outta here-you're crazier than Ronnie." Scully thought she made out the faint sounds of rustling as the pair of boys took off through the woods. Coherent thought fading, she murmured a silent apology before blacking out at last, her partner's name a whisper on her lips. Nicky stopped to look up when he heard the sound of a scuffle and a loud crack from the direction his friends had just taken. He looked around furtively, sniffing like an animal. A twig snapped behind him. His eyes scanned the darkness, pupils dilated like a cat. His grip on Scully's now-still form remained strong. The rustling of leaves came from behind the tree which the agent was tied to. Nicky whirled his head round, nervously calling to his friends. "Danny? Sean?? Is that you?" A lone figure emerged from the darkness before him. "Not by a long shot, son." Nicky stepped back as Lance emerged from the shadows. He feigned a weak smile as the pudgy detective strode towards him. He tried to stall a little, "Uh, so where's Lucius? I thought you cops always traveled in pairs..." In answer, Lance just smirked. "We do" he replied, as Sheriff Hartwell's fist collided with the side of Nicky's head with more force than he would have thought Lucius capable of. Knocked to the ground, he looked up as Lucius towered over him, and managed a bloody smile. Lucius had caught him offguard, but with his heightened power from feeding off of the FBI Agent, he would soon teach the Sheriff a lesson. "Well, well well," he began, "if it isn't good ole grampa Lucius off to rescue his..." As soon as Nicky smiled, Lucius lost what little self control remained. Before Nicky could finish his sentence, Hartwell was upon him in a flash. He yanked Nicky up by the collar, and slammed him against the back of a tree. He turned towards his friend. "Lance check on Dana-cut her down..." Lucius stopped mid sentence as Nicky slammed his fist solidly into the side of his face. He only reeled slightly, spat out a bit of blood before turning his attention back to the source of his anger. Nicky's eyes were wide as saucers. "How could you..." "I warned you Nicky, you little piece of shit.." He slammed Nicky back against the tree once more. "For Mina's sake I've looked the other way for far too long." He drew his arm back and dealt a staggering uppercut to Nicky's gut. The force of his blow made Nicky fold over in pain, gasping for breath. "I told you to keep clean and to stay away from her..." He grabbed onto the young man's shoulders and swiftly brought his knee to meet with Nicky's chin. The force of the blow made a savage "crack" as Nicky's jawbone shattered. "So help me God Nicky, if you've gone too far, if she dies, the pain you feel right now is just the beginning of a lifetime's torture, you hear me?" Nicky slumped to the ground, writhing in agony. Through bloodied lids, he looked up at Hartwell in amazement. He managed to barely gurgle out a sentence. "I should've been stronger, I fed on human blood....I don't understand...?" Lucius tossed several empty plasma packets onto the ground in front of Nicky. "Not all the plasma we have is artificial," he spat out. He made as if to kick Nicky, who flinched, before rushing to where Lance had gently lain Scully on the ground. Lance looked up to his friend and shook his head sadly. "I don't think she can make it, Lucius. That idiot Nicky didn't kill her outright but I can't see her surviving this kind of blood loss in the time it'll take to get her to the hospice." Nodding wordlessly, Lucius knelt down before her, and took her hand in his. It was cool to the touch, and her skin was almost ashen. He could still feel the slightest pulse beneath the skin, weak, unsteady. He smiled in spite of himself. The tiny redhead clung tenaciously to life, unconcerned by the odds stacked against her. He allowed himself a fleeting moment to cradle her in his arms, a quick embrace, before slipping the glamour gently into her mind, further than he'd ever dared to with anyone else. He closed his eyes as her thoughts became known to him. He was gladdened to see she still carried the vision of them together. He swallowed hard though at the floodgate of emotions which released themselves as the image of her partner came into focus. Too many images, so much history. Conflicting emotions and an overwhelming love, a singular trust, her greatest regret lay at the feet of this man. A solitary tear formed itself in his eye and was brushed away. < The lucky s.o.b. ...does he even know? Does he have any idea? > A tremor overtook the pale agent as he held her, and Lucius knew what must be done. "Lance, get over here, I need your help." Having cuffed Nicky securely, Lance rushed over to his friend in time to see him draw the blade of his pocket knife across his wrist. His eyes grew wide. "You...you're gonna turn her??" Lucius closed his eyes. "No, she doesn't want that. Not now anyway. There isn't room in her life for me...us right now. I'm just going to feed her enough to help restore her body, stabilize her until we can get to Mina and start a transfusion." His friend looked dubious, but held the Agent delicately, tipping her head back as Hartwell opened her mouth and allowed the blood to drip from his wrist into it. As it pooled in her mouth, reflex took over and she swallowed, coughing at first, then with eager gulps. Lucius clenched his eyes shut as Dana's soft lips closed around his wrist. He shuddered slightly. It was the most sensual experience he had known in years. And it was to be the last for a long time. His brief reverie was interrupted as Lance tapped him gingerly. "Lucius?...Lucius?...if this is going to be temporary, shouldn't you be stopping now?" Hesitantly, Lucius pulled his wrist away from her mouth, and the feeding which had seemed more like a caress ended too abruptly. Dana began to whimper and her body started to twitch as her breathing became steadier and her pulse grew stronger. "We better get her to Mina before the changes begin in earnest," Lance murmured to his companion. Lucius mutely agreed, lifting her with ease. "What about him?" Lance queried, nodding to the scowling form of Nicky, handcuffed around a tree in much the fashion in which Dana had been tied. "Leave him." Lucius answered, emotionless. Both Nicky & Lance seemed stunned by his response. "But dawn..." Lance began quietly. "If Mina still wants to save him after all this, she can send for his buddies. If not, well, it's one less punk to screw things up for everybody else." As Lucius and his companion walked off towards the makeshift clinic, Nicky began shouting epithets at them, begging and calling out for help. Lucius turned for a moment, and the murderous look he fixed on the young man silenced him immediately. They continued on this time, Lucius walking so quickly that his shorter friend had to practically run to keep up. To be concluded in Chapter 10 Title: Subjugare Exsanguine Part 10 Author: E. Ripley Email: Feedback sucked dry at dana1muldr@aol.com Mulder paced nervously, grumbling as he thought to himself. He strode back to the console where Langly and Byers peered nervously over Frohike's shoulder at a monitor. "Tell her...tell her we won't forward any information until I see something on the screen to indicate Scully is there and all right." He shifted on his feet as he watched Frohike type the words then hit return, sending them into the private chat room. A few seconds passed before the reply appeared. "Shit" Mulder exclaimed, "She went out? What the hell is that supposed to mean?" "Maybe she just went out?" Langly suggested. Both Mulder and the other two Gunmen shot him disapproving glances. Silenced, he returned to the terminal and continued his efforts at tracing the origin of the system that the other occupant of the chat room had logged onto. Mulder continued to pace, shaking his head. "I don't like it, something's wrong. If she'd spent the last few days working on this, Scully wouldn't just go out now." He stroked his chin thoughtfully. "All right, just do it. Tell her I'm here now, reading this bullshit, and if she wants the research, I want the truth." Frohike sat, tapping at the keyboard almost as quickly as Mulder spoke. A few more seconds passed this time before the reply appeared on screen. >>I thought you were there, Agent Mulder. From Scully's description, your hacker friends didn't seem much like the type to play hardball...<< >>I'm sorry we won't have the opportunity to meet. Dana's told me a lot about you.<< Mulder made a strange noise and elbowed in to the keyboard. "I've had enough of this shit," he muttered, typing furiously. >>Can the small talk, where the hell is Scully??<< He stood there, glaring at the screen. >>I'm sorry Agent Mulder. The truth is, right now, I just don't know. My father, Lucius, went out after her as soon as we realized she was gone.<< Mulder leaned in to begin typing again when Frohike got up from his chair, gesturing for Mulder to take it. Byers raised his eyebrows as Frohike stood behind Mulder, but Frohike just shrugged his shoulders and turned his attention back to the screen. >>So she escaped?<< Mulder typed. >>I really don't think so, Mina replied, In the short time we have had together, I have come to greatly respect your partner. I truly believe she is committed to helping us, to seeing this through.<< As he read the words, Mulder's angry labored breathing softened somewhat. Leaning his head into his hands, he paused to think. While he didn't like it, he knew what Mina had said was probably true. Scully was not the type to run off on somebody who needed her help. It was a trait he normally admired. One tiny piece of the complicated puzzle he knew as his partner. A puzzle which, after so many years, he had started to think was nearing completion. There were several pieces yet to be fit, and he had foolishly managed to trick himself into believing he had unlimited time to complete the puzzle. That she was his to complete. "Mulder?" Byers gentle interjection roused Mulder from his contemplation. He resumed typing. >>So if she didn't run away, then where is she? Is she in danger??<< The response this time was quicker, as if Mina had anticipated the question. >>Again, truthfully, I do not know. I wouldn't think so, Agent Scully is, that is, my father made it clear that she was protected. No harm should come to her.<< Mulder snorted angrily. >>Forgive me if the notion of your father's protection leaves me cold. If it weren't for him, Scully would be safe at home right now.<< The response again was quick. >>I'm sorry Agent Mulder that we had to do things this way. Again, nobody wishes for any harm to come to your partner. But we need her help. I need her help. And I'm sure she is safe. But there is something else I want you to know.<< Mulder had already begun to type a response to Mina's concept of harm when a slight intake of breath from Frohike behind him caused him to glance up at the screen. He swore softly to himself, then pushed the chair away from the desk and got up, pacing once more, and cursing louder. Langly watched him with a measure of confusion, then catching the eyes of his companions made his way to the screen to read whatever had upset Mulder. It wasn't much, really. A few little words. The briefest sentence. But as he read them on the screen, knowing Scully was out there somewhere, lost to them, Langly's blood ran cold. >>He loves her, Agent Mulder, I'm sure of it.<< Byers, Langly and Frohike exchanged wordless glances. The implication that Scully's kidnapping was motivated by something more than a need for her expertise was now impossible to ignore. Which made the disturbing question of Scully's return even more so, and still unanswered. Mulder spun around. "Send them the research results." All three Gunmen appeared equally surprised. "What?" questioned Frohike. "Just do it," he responded angrily. "The sooner we give them what they want the sooner Scully comes back." Byers cleared his throat before speaking up. "I know he said he'd release her, Agent Mulder, but do we trust them?" Mulder turned to Langly, nodding to the station where he had been laboring to trace the other user in the chatroom. "Have you been able to find anything?" Shaking his head slowly, Langly furrowed his brow. "Nothing. Whoever she is, she knows what she's doing & covered her tracks." Mulder returned his attention to Byers. "OK then, we have no choice but to trust them. I have no choice. Send it." "Mulder-" Frohike began, but before he could speak, Mulder was behind him, reading the screen himself. He cursed again, loudly this time, a string of expletives which would have made a sailor cringe. >>I'm sorry, but I must go. My father found Agent Scully, and she needs my help. Please send the information to the email box quickly, it's important. I know she's very important to you, so again, please, do this.<< Without waiting for a response, she had signed out of the chat room. They were left alone in the IRC, the cursor blinking. Three pairs of eyes turned to Mulder for direction. But he was in a hell of his own at that moment and too preoccupied to be a source of comfort for his eccentric companions. "What?" he exclaimed angrily to the trio of faces mirroring his concern. "Just..just send the file already." He let out an exasperated breath and ran a hand through his hair, which already looked bad, betraying the fact that he hadn't slept much in the previous days. While Mulder stood off in the corner, Langly murmured softly to his friends. "Look, we can go ahead and send the file to Scully's email server, but what if we add in a mail retrieval flag? The user won't be able to identify it and if the file is opened while the user is online we might be able to get a traceable link to where the system originated from." Frohike gave his friend an approving, impressed smile and set to the task. Byers and Langly turned and observed Mulder's ritualistic self castigation. When it involved his partner's welfare there was little point in trying to allay his fears and comfort him. There was only person in the world up to task for that particular job, and she was far away that night. Farther perhaps, than she had ever been before. Farther in fact, than any one of them realized, and the distance was growing with each passing second. "Oh my god," Mina gasped, when Lance burst open through the door, holding it open as Lucius strode through, Agent Scully lying pale and limp in his arms. Lance set to work clearing an area towards the back of the tiny facility as Lucius set Scully gently onto a vacant bed. "What happened?" she exclaimed, wasting no time in assisting her father as he rolled the bed towards the rear of the building. The overwhelming scent of blood was rich and unmistakable. Already heads and eyes were turning towards them as the other patients' curiosity began to take hold. Lucius remained silent. As he looked down into Mina's eyes, his expression spoke volumes. Glancing quickly back at Scully, Mina reached to her throat to feel for a pulse, shocked by how weak it was. She gently turned Dana's head to the side, surveying the damage done to her neck. "Nicky?" she whispered breathlessly. Her father nodded curtly, confirming Mina's suspicions. "She's lost too much blood, we need to transfuse her immediately. By all rights, she should be dead now." Lucius tone was cool and even. "Well then why isn't she...?" Mina's eyes widened and she paused in mid sentence. The warning glance in her father's eyes was matched with a dismayed expression in Lance's face as he averted her questioning look. "It was the only way," Lucius added softly, "the only way." "But how you could you just...I mean...did you ask her...did she even consent..?" Mina stuttered and stumbled over the words, disbelief and dismay taking hold. "How could I??? How could I not?" Lucius retorted, his voice raising slightly. "She's here because of me! She stayed to help because of me! I'm not about to let her die because of me!" "And besides," he added softly "I'm not going to finish it, I'm not going to turn her. Once the transfusion is complete and she's stabilized, that's it." "What?" It was Mina's turn to raise her voice, surprising even herself. She returned to a hushed tone. "How could you put her through that?" "The reversal is worse than the bloody change!!" Lucius caught the angry glare of his daughter and met it with a look of total control, completely unwavering. "Dana's not like most people, Mina, I'm surprised you don't already see that. I know it'll be hard on her, but not as hard as being turned against her will, and better than the other alternative. I won't see her changed the way Nicky was changed. It was wrong. And now she's here, paying the price for our mistake." Mina was silenced. Generously, her father had referred to Nicky as "their" mistake. But in her heart, Mina knew she carried full blame for the situation, and recognized the painful wisdom in Lucius' words. No, Dana's life would not made forfeit as a result of her folly this day. She set to preparing Dana to receive the transfusion. With the plasma units in place, she swabbed Scully's arm, seeking the best possible vein for the procedure. For a fleeting millisecond, she felt herself considering the faint pulse beneath the pallid skin, felt the momentary tinge of hunger, her senses reacting to the lure of the lifeblood which pulsed through those veins. "Mina?" Her father's warning look startled her, and Mina continued with the procedure, determined, reinvested. The needle went in cleanly. Scully had barely moved during the entire proceeding and even now, lay motionless. Her shallow breathing was interrupted briefly with a series of whimpers and gasps. Her fingers twitched of their own accord and Mina turned towards her father. "The plasma will stabilize her system, restore the blood flow to her body, but I have no way of knowing what damage has already been done. I know the...feeding helped to keep her alive till now, but there are still other possibilities. Shock..other complications. She's not out of the woods yet." As if to emphasize her point, Scully chose that moment to seize into a fit, as tremors rocked through her limbs and she made a terrible gasping sound. "What are you suggesting," Lucius inquired, "that I take the feeding even further?" His tone was one of complete disbelief. Mina turned away from him, to Dana, and regarded her tenderly, brushing hair from her face, caressing her hand gently, & smoothing down the blanket. Her response was spoken in barely more than a whisper. "If you're certain she could survive the reversal, then another feeding, a smaller one, wouldn't hurt her. It would only help in her current state." "I don't like it, Mina," he responded. "This is starting to sound way too much like the situation with Nicky. I won't have that happen to her, you understand?" Mina turned to him. "You think I want that either?? That I can think of anything right now besides how much of this is my fault? My doing? We've set a course now, I just want to make sure that it wasn't in vain. That she lives even if it means losing her." Lucius considered her words. There was an urgency behind them he recognized. Mina truly liked the redheaded agent. And while he knew she'd been hoping Dana would choose to stay, he knew that her motive in this case did not stem from that hope. "All right," he conceded. "But I want you to leave us. Don't go far, mind you, but I want to be alone with her. It's difficult enough as it is." Nodding her assent, Mina pulled a screen across the area, effectively blocking Dana from view of the rest of the hospice. Seeing that Lance had busied himself attending to the other patients, Mina followed suit, leaving her father alone with the remarkable woman who had come into their lives unwittingly, then agreed to stay and see it through, and whose very life now depended on their ability to help her. Scully's slight frame was racked once more by a savage convulsion. Gently, Lucius steadied her until the spasms subsided. He took a deep breath as he gazed upon the features of the woman whose impact on his life had come as such an unexpected surprise. He smiled softly,recalling the first time he had occasion to speak with her. Her dry wit and inhuman tolerance of her insufferable partner had struck him immediately. Almost as immediate as their mutual attraction. He let out a long breath, slow and heavy. Now was not the time for distractions, he had to remain focused. With wonder, he found that during his musings Scully's hand had made it's way into his. He held her hand gently, firmly, their fingers intertwined. Reluctantly, he eased his hand away from her and with a steady motion, opened the wound from which Scully's future might flow. Once again, she took to the feeding almost instantly. Stifling the shudder of pleasure it afforded him, Hartwell marveled that her feeding could be so eager and yet so so painfully gentle at the same time. Again, the contact of her warm wet mouth on his wrist felt more erotic than anything else. He felt the tingling warmth of desire flooding through him. It would be so easy to let her drink her fill. To have her wake in time with new appetites. To teach her their ways in an eternity of night. She would stay with him there, and they could live out their days togeth- "Lucius.." As before, the voice of his longtime friend interrupted his reverie. Tactfully, Mina had seen fit to send Lance in to check on him, granting him some semblance of privacy. Without drawing his hand away from the excruciating pleasures of Scully's lips, Lucius regarded his friend with a guilty, pleading stare. "Lucius, you said it yourself. You don't want her this way. Lucius, you have to stop the feeding now, or you'll hate yourself for it. She might hate you for it. Are you willing to take that chance?" Almost as if in a trance, Hartwell regarded Lance with a confused face. Turning back to examine the source of his exquisite agony, his words seemed to slowly sink in. Sighing softly, Lucius drew his hand away from Dana's mouth. Her lips still moist with his blood, Scully voiced her displeasure, whimpering softly, straining against the unseen forces interrupting her repast. After tending briefly to his hand Lucius straightened himself somewhat, turning towards Lance with a somewhat sullen stare. Ralizing that his audience had come to an end, Lance exited quickly, giving Lucius a moment with the still protesting form on the bed. His breathing growing heavy, his eyes glassy, Lucius took a final lingering sweep of the glamour and settled himself into the workings of her mind. Sensing nothing of her partner in her thoughts at that moment he leaned in softly, placing his lips against hers, still sticky sweet with his blood. Her mouth recieved him hungrily, and he quenched her ardor with a need of his own. Minutes passed thusly with Lucius content to drink deeply from the glorious fountain of her lips. The apparent pleasure with which she received his kisses was a thing of beauty and Lucius felt himself growing giddy with delight. At this moment Dana Scully was a creature of sensation, one he would happily spend a lifetime exploring and discovering. The rapture was interrupted as she slowly became aware, and her thoughts, exquisite, intensely erotic ones, grew stronger. Breaking from the kiss, Lucius regarded Dana as her eyelids fluttered open slowly, revealing her eyes. Azure pools widened and received him with a warm recognition. Her lips parted softly, her face slightly flush as she spoke huskily. "More." No further urging was required. Permission granted, Lucius leaned in closer and once more, lost himself in her drunken kisses. Hands flew quickly and impatiently over unknown delights, seeking and finding other outlets for their mutual appetite. Scully let out an involuntary gasp of pleasure as his fingers brushed the top of her skin at the waistline of her jeans. He paused hesitantly, but Scully took his hand and urged him forward Panting heavily, Lucius drew his hand away suddenly. "This is wrong, Dana, this isn't right...not like this" Recovering momentarily from the unwelcome absence of his touch, Scully sat up a little. A moment passed between them before she spoke, her own breathing heavy. "What's wrong? We both want this, don't we? It feels right to me." Inhaling deeply, Lucius took stock of Dana's appearance. Her hair was in a spectacular state of disarray and her lips were full and crimson from the effects of their kissing. But her eyes were wild and a little too glassy. < It's the effect of the feeding talking, > he tried to remind himself. < It's not her...this isn't *your* Dana right now. > He stood up as if to go, and Scully nearly jumped up in protest, crying out as the needle from the transfusion moved in the process. "I'll have Mina come and check that for you..." he managed, before retreating quickly towards the front of the hospice. Scully could hear the click of the handle as he shut the door behind him. Incredibly, she realized, she could hear a great many things. Despite her attempts to step softly, Scully was aware of Mina's presence before she moved the blind aside. "Are you feeling all right?" she questioned. Dana smiled reassuringly. "Actually, I'm feeling pretty incredible. Considering what I think just happened, I feel amazing." She indicated the empty unit of plasma. "Is this the artificial plasma?" "Yeah," Mina replied warily, "but I still think it's a little early for you to be up and around after the attack. Your body needs time to recover, and frankly, I'm a little concerned for your state of mind as well." Scully tried to offer her most convincing smile, raising her eyebrows at the same time. "Which of us here is the Doctor, Mina? I'm fine." Mina eyed her skeptically. "So you say, but I still have a bit more experience in this area, and I really want you to take it easy. The effects of the change can be pretty overwhelming for a ..." Dana cut her off. "What do you mean by 'the change'?" Mina gulped slightly. "You're not up and running because of the artificial plasma, Dana. You were drained far past the point of normal resuscitation. The only way we could..my father could save you, was by a feeding. And after feeding, your body is, that is to say, you start the change." Scully took the news surprisingly well, but not without skepticism. "He turned me? I'm a vampire now?" Mina chuckled somewhat at Scully's expression and matter of factness. "No, Dana, you're not a vampire, not yet." When she saw the reaction that garnered, she quickly added, "And you won't be. My father--Lucius doesn't want to turn you--he wouldn't do that. But what you're experiencing right now are the heightened senses that those of us who are turned have. It's only temporary, it will pass in little more than a day." "And then I'll be human again?" Scully couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. Mina shook her head in mock disgust. "Agent Scully, Dana- you're human now." You have heightened abilities that you wouldn't have normally, but you are still very much a human. And yes, in about 24 hours, you will essentially be back to normal." Mina looked down to the floor, avoiding Scully's eyes. "Essentially?" Scully sensed that there was something Mina left out.. Mina groaned softly. "Well, there is one other thing, Dana. As the effects of the change begin to wear off, your body will go through a sort of..withdrawal." "Withdrawal?" Scully dragged the word out into a question. Mina's face gave her the answer. "Pretty bad, huh?" Mina nodded softly, and Scully settled back into the bed for a minute. Mina set to removing the transfusion materials, but made no effort to bandage the entry point. Scully cleared her throat, then called out with a hint of irritation, "Mina? The needle mark? Shouldn't we bandage this?" Mina turned towards her, the slightest trace of a smile upon her lips. She shook her head. "Not really, Dana, it shouldn't be necessary." Stunned and about to protest, Scully took a quick assessment of her arm. The puncture mark was plainly visible, but the wound had already closed and begun to scab over. She turned towards Mina, mouth agape. "Call it a benefit," Mina admonished her, "increased healing ability." Almost as an afterthought, Scully reached a hand to her neck, feeling for the puncture wound inflicted on her earlier. With a light gasp, she brought her hand away, a trace of blood on her fingertips. "What about this then?" she inquired, confused. "That one will take a bit more time to heal properly, I'm afraid. Nicky used an "esanguinaria", a special bloodletting device. For reasons I can't pretend to understand, the wounds it causes take a great deal longer to heal." Whether real or imagined, Scully could almost feel the increase of Mina's heartbeat. Mina continued. "Only the elder ones had them, they are artifacts you might say, of the older times. When it was advantageous to have a thrall." The word seemed vaguely familiar to her, and Scully shivered involuntarily. "A very long time ago, before me-even before Lucius, there were humans kept alive to do the bidding of their vampire masters. They were kept as sustenance, some as courtesans, others performed labors. Little more than slaves, it was a terrible existence. In my opinion, death would have been preferable." Scully remained silent, as the subject was obviously a difficult one for Mina. "Lucius explained this past to me so that I would know, and never forget. We are all equally capable of horror, there are monsters among your kind as well. I am grateful to Lucius for saving me. I don't regret it for a moment, it was necessary for my survival. But I have never forgotten,nor ever will forget the human monsters who made what he had to do necessary." Mina held up her arm for emphasis, the numeric tattoo evident from where she stood. Scully opened her mouth to speak, then thought the better of it. There was no possible frame of reference, no acceptable comparison to be made to the suffering Mina had endured in her years. "The reason I tell you this, Dana, is so that later on, you might remember too. Remember us and who we are. That where we have come from, however dark, is not who we are now. No matter what others may think. We love and suffer, just as you do, just as we did before the change. We do not lose our humanity." An uncomfortable silence passed between them, and Mina spoke again, this time with a slightly more upbeat tone. "Anyway, I think it would be good if you just rested for a while. I'm going to go log on to the system, I'm afraid I left your friends in something of a hurry. Take your time and get your bearings, then maybe join me in a little bit." With a start, Scully remembered her purpose in being there. That only recently she was to have made contact with the Gunmen, and doubtlessly, Mulder. Mulder. The clarity she had experienced only hours ago seemed distant, hazy. She felt hesitant to rejoin her partner now. The somber mood her discussion with Mina had taken was buoyed away by a heady rush of energy. She felt alert, vital. Despite the rather unpleasant turn of events which she had been subjected to at the hands of Mina's erstwhile offspring, Dana felt compelled to seek Lucius out, to join him and explore the forest night. A tinge of guilt forced it's way into her speeding thoughts. She had a responsibility to her partner. She made out the tapping sounds as Mina's fingered whizzed abot the keyboard. She got up, expecting to feel the pull and ache of injured tissue, but was astonished to feel more limber and energetic than she had in years. Gazing over Mina's shoulder to the monitor, her suspicions were confirmed. Mina was in an IRC chatroom-the same one they had appointed earlier. "Who are you talking to?" she queeried of Mina. The other occupant was identified only by a series of numbers and letters. "Actually, Dana, I was hoping you would take over for a minute. I downloaded the information from your email server-I hope you don't mind, and I want to run a few checks against what I found. They still seem pretty hopped up about talking to you, although I tried to convince them you are doing fine, they don't want to take my word for it." She glanced back at the screen, clucking sympathetically. "It doesn't look like they even left." Nodding quietly, Scully sank into the chair. Studying the brief conversation on the screen. Definitely not Frohike, too bland and methodical. Most likely Byers. She grinned, as a vision of the bearded soft spoken Gunman at the keyboard in his robe & slippers appeared. She began to type. < How are you doing JF?? > Barely a second passed before the response appeared. < Scully, is that really you?? > This wasn't so difficult she decided. < Yes I'm fine. What happened to not using our real names?? You guys must be really slacking off while I'm away. > < Sorry, > came the reply. < It's just that we've been very...concerned. Certain individuals have taken the matter very personally. > Mulder. Scully sighed. Back in Gunmen mode, it was still very easy to get the gist of Byers cryptic messages. < Tell him... > she began to type, then paused. (Tell him what?) < Tell him I'm fine. Really. Actually I have never felt better in my life. > The cursor continued to blink as the screen remained bare. Seconds passed, and Scully grew impatient. < JF?? What's up? > < Greetings, > came the reply at last. < Is this the lovely Doctor? > Scully forced a grin. < Hi F she typed. > Another few seconds passed slower than Scully liked before the response came through. It felt suspiciously like they were keeping her on line intentionally. Mina had assured her that a trace was simply not possible. But with the trio she knew, "not possible" was more of a challenge than anything else. Scully began to get edgy. Her entire body was prickling with energy and she wanted more than anything to go outside. ( Find Lucius ) But she wanted to make reassurances to the Gunmen, so that they in turn could reassure Mulder, but this matter was going far too slowly. She tapped her finger on the space bar impatiently. < Guys? If you don't have any questions, might I suggest we adjourn for the evening? > She began to type in an explanation which included the further research required when a tone alerted her to the addition of a new presence in the chat room. She glanced up, trembling slightly as she recognized the user name. TrustNo1 < Scully? Is that you? > End Part 10 Chapter 11 (of maybe 13 now) She began to type in an explanation which included the further research required when a tone alerted her to the addition of a new presence in the chat room. She glanced up, trembling slightly as she recognized the user name. TrstNo1: Scully? Is that you? JMR1121: Our work here is done. Good night Agents. (JMR1121 has left the Chat) Scully sat there, frozen. She felt like a teenager caught smoking. TrstNo1: Scully? The pounding of her heart filled her ears. TrstNo1: I just need to know that you're all right. TrstNo1: If you're there, if it's really you, please say something. Scully let out a long slow breath. "I'm fine, Mulder" she typed. TrstNo1: Aha, it IS you. TrstNo1: When are you coming home? Home. The word seemed strangely foreign to her. "I don't know, she typed. There's still work to be completed. We have the information now, but we need to establish how to best apply it." TrstNo1: Langly said the girl there has already worked a lot of it out. Scully turned around to catch Mina as she turned quickly away and busied herself about some bloodwork. "I don't know about that Mulder, I'd have to check with her first." TrstNo1: Scully what happened? They said you were gone. "We just-I ran into a little trouble, but I'm all right now." TrstNo1: Langly said you were attacked, Scully-how can you be all right? "Lucius saved me." She smiled ruefully then added, "like I do you all the time." TrstNo1: Very funny. Scully I want you to come home now. They'll let you go, they said they would. "Mulder they aren't keeping me here, I'm staying of my own free will." TrstNo1: Scully how can you do that? Don't you know what this is doing to me? "Mulder this isn't about you. I can't talk about it like this." TrstNo1: "Is this about Lucius?" She sighed. There was no point in admitting that. "Mulder this is about something else. Peoples lives. Saving lives. I was a doctor long before I was an FBI Agent and I need to do this." TrstNo1: Why? Why now? "Because I can." She paused, then typed again before he could reply. "Because I want to." TrstNo1: Scully answer the phone. "What are you talking about?" TrstNo1: You can't hear it? I'm ringing your cellular. "Mulder I can't hear it, it's not here. And I told you, I can't do this right now. I won't. TrstNo1: Scully I don't like this. What have they done to you? Chin trembling, Scully began to type a reply then drew her hand back, fingers clenched into tiny fists. TrstNo1: Scully? Answer me-they did something, didn't they? TrstNo1: Scully? TrstNo1: You're scaring me Scully, what happened? What? Did he bite you or something? Did he make you do things?? TrstNo1: Dammit, you need help Scully! Get out of there! The words on the screen had begun to fade into a blurry mass. Sweat broke out on Scully's brow as the pounding in her ears increased. Her mind turned somersaults with the realization that the heart beat she heard was in a different rhythm than her own. It was someone else's and she could hear it. Stumbling, she pushed herself away from the desk and rose out of her chair, walking slowly methodically out the front door, almost as if in a trance. As the door closed softly behind her, Mina padded over to the computer where the screen continued to flicker with the addition of new messages from the sole occupant of the IRC. She leaned over and punched in a quick reply. "Agent Mulder, I'm afraid your partner has up and left, I'm sorry. TrstNo1: What the hell is that supposed to mean? She was attacked & you just let her walk out? "She's safe now, Agent Mulder, no one will bother her, Lucius has seen to that." TrstNo1: Where did she go? "To see my father. To decide. I can't explain, but she needs him right now." "He's the only one who can help her at this point." TrstNo1: I don't know who the hell you are but I promise you if he touches her, If he does anything even remotely close to hurting her... "Agent Mulder my father saved her life. Like it or not you're gonna have to face that. You may not like the after effects, but if it weren't for him, she'd be dead." TrstNo1: If it weren't for him, she'd be home. Safe. Where she belongs. Mina sighed. Her father was right. This man was maddeningly single minded where Scully was concerned. He was starting to upset her, and she didn't like the way it made her feel. Possessive. "Agent Mulder, right now your partner is as much at home here as there. I know that must hurt you but you're going to have to confront it sooner or later. She belongs here now, she's one of us. TrstNo1: What the hell does that mean?? Did he bite her? Change her? Mortals. Arrgh. "This isn't a Bela Lugosi movie, Agent, he saved her life the only way he could. And no she isn't permanently changed. She smiled wickedly. Not yet. That is her decision to make, but I think she's already chosen to stay. I'm sorry." TrstNo1: I don't know what you have done to her to make you believe that load of crap. But you will be sorry when I find you. Scully doesn't belong with you. She belongs here with her friends and family. Real family. And me. Mina raised her eyebrows slightly. Her suspicions had been correct. So it was jealousy then. While she felt sorry for Mulder it only furthered the swell of possessiveness she felt towards Dana. She so obviously belonged there with her father. She made Lucius so happy. And Mulder seemed like, well, such a jerk! "More threats Agent Mulder? No wonder my father finds you so tiresome. I appreciate your pain, but I assure you that we do nothing to sway her decision. But I think you should get used to her absence. She wants to stay. I can feel it." Scanning through the next barrage of expletives and threats Mina groaned softly. She typed in a curt thank you and farewell before exiting the chat room. Obviously there was nothing further to be gained from the conversation. The man was completely closed off to the idea of acceptance. Ah well, he would learn in time to get over it. Mina returned to her work on the serum. The results which Dana's friends had sent in were incredible. The solution seemed so painfully obvious there in black and white and momentarily, she felt foolish for not seeing it earlier. Basic enzyme therapy for those afflicted. Some minor tweaking of the artificial plasma's compound matrix with the addition of human enzymes from hemoglobin infused into the AP would recreate an almost perfect replication of human blood. She smiled. Doctor Cronenberg was going to be floored. Heck the advances might even prove to be an improvement for the human plasma recipients as well. Once again, Mulder found himself facing a blank computer screen, cursing. A sense of frustration magnified by his ire with the woman called Mina. Her smug words were of little comfort and even less help. He felt powerless, and the situation was totally out of control. Speaking briefly with Scully in the IRC had produced more questions than answers. Like giving a starving man a spoonful of food to subsist on. Skinner had very emphatically insisted he remain in Washington, to field any further possible contact while various field offices continued the search. He got up, retreated to his couch, and pondered the coming dawn. Sleep was a long time coming tonight and it was too soon to return to the empty basement office, to continue the facade of a diligent agent. There were greater demons to be dealt with tonight. The largest, most distressing one revolved around the doubt and fear that there could be some shade of truth to Mina's assertions regarding Lucius and his partner. For the first time in a long time, Mulder felt utterly and completely alone. The night was alive with a million noises. Scully wandered through the strange woods tentatively but unafraid. Except for the minor palpitations and sweating, she felt incredible. She was reminded of Missy's thoughts regarding the Buddhist concept of Nirvana-a state of perfect bliss, oneness with the universe. She felt as if she was a part of the earth, a living breathing thing in a link with every other living breathing thing in the forest. Save one. And as she continued to move swiftly through the darkened wooded floor in search of that one, her bliss with interrupted with the fleeting anxiety that she might not find him. That somehow, Lucius didn't want to be found. "I'm telling you, Mina, this is the only way." "But why? She's so close now?" Lucius rubbed his chin. His personal hopes in conflict with a strong held belief, he was to the point where he wanted to scream in abandon and give himself completely to the desire which was almost a tangible physical force. And the fact that his daughter had completely switched her viewpoint on Dana being "turned" well that only served to stiffen his resolve. "Because she didn't *choose* to be this close Mina, and any choice she might make now wouldn't really be hers. It would be the effects of the feeding." Lucius sighed, and placed a hand upon her shoulder. "Mina, I don't want her to leave any more than you do. But for her to stay, now, after that has happened, I don't think I could resist." "And after everything that has happened after Nicky--I can't do that to her. I won't. Maybe later she might change her mind. But I won't force her hand." Mina nodded silently, her eyes dark with understanding. "Well you don't have much time then. What are you going to do?" Lucius reached into the cabinet behind her and pulled from it a small glass vial. "The only thing I can do. The right thing. Take her home." At that particular moment, Scully burst through the door, eyes glazed. It only took a moment for Mina to recognize the desperate look-the hunger in Scully's eyes. Instantly she felt ashamed for her selfish inclinations towards Dana. The feeding's effect on her was blatantly obvious. The Dana Scully in the doorway was a creature of need, a far cry from the soul Mina had come to admire. She gave her father's hand a reassuring squeeze. "Let me say goodbye?" she whispered. He nodded, and Mina came over to the Scully who stood watching them through glassy eyes. She was breathing heavily, a fine sheen of sweat covering her flesh. "Dana" she enthused lightly. "There you are! Lucius has been looking for you!" Scully's eyed widened and she turned towards Lucius with a hopeful, predatory look. "I've been looking for you too," she murmured in a hushed whisper. Lucius knees nearly buckled as the throaty song of her voice made it's way into his head. He had seen this reaction before but had never experienced it. The hunger before a final feeding took a markedly sexual air. He swallowed, his throat suddenly dry. "Well, uh," his voice cracked "here I am." he offered somewhat uneasily. Dana fairly glided over to him, her eyes never leaving his. When she was about a meter away, she paused, fixing him with a hungry look as she licked her lips. "Can we go someplace, to talk? I really want to...talk." Mina turned away for a moment, embarrassed. Dana's words said one thing, but her body language and inflection screamed another. She spoke, although Scully made no indication that she was even aware of Mina's continued presence. "Actually, Dana, we were just preparing to toast your success. The results we got from your friends, well they were amazingly simple. Something I never could have seen on my own, with our limited resources." She gave her father an emphatic, urging look. His eyes registered confusion for a moment then he caught her meaning. "Yeah, Dana, why don't you drink with us? We've accomplished the impossible with your help, and now everyone is going to be fine. You saved them." One word and one word alone registered. "Drink?" she queried softly, leaning in closer to Lucius. "Yes," chimed in Mina, pulling softly on Dana's hand. "Here, let my dad get it for us, and then you two can go...talk." Reluctantly, Scully allowed herself to be pulled towards the corner table where she sat, turned, and observed Lucius' every move. He reached under a cabinet and brought out a small silver decanter. "Unfortunately, we don't have any decent toasting glasses, but these will have to do," he mentioned, revealing several styrofoam coffee cups. Oh that's OK dad," Mina replied, "isn't it Dana?" She pronounced the last word louder, emphasizing Scully's name. Dana turned towards Mina, a puzzled look upon her face. Glancing quickly at her father, Mina clasped both of Scully's hands across the table. They were hot and sweaty. "I don't know how to thank you," she told her softly. "If it weren't for you, in a few weeks I would have been confined to bed like the others. And then, I don't know what would have become of us." Scully seemed somewhat disoriented, but kept Mina's gaze. Lucius appeared from behind her, producing 3 styrofoam cups filled with a rich smelling burgundy liquid. He gave Mina a knowing glance before setting one down in front of agent Scully. Scully looked up at him with heavy lidded eyes. Her face was riddled with desire. "It's a very old wine, even by our standards," he admitted softly. Dana glanced at the cup which he had set before her. Slowly she reached for it, looking to Lucius and Mina for her cue. Lucius shot her an intense wistful stare before speaking. "Here's to you, Dana. We owe you a debt we can never repay." Mina echoed his sentiments, "to you Dana," she murmured, "thank you." After Mina and Lucius drank from their glasses, Scully brought the cup to her own lips. She breathed in the heady, fruity aroma of the wine. It was a pale second to the dark communion she craved, but Scully hoped to soon be alone with Lucius, and partake of that very essence. The salty scarlet elixir with which he had saved her life. A service she yearned to repay in a most intimate way. Downing the drink thirstily, Scully savored the slick burn of the alcohol as it's warmth began to flood her system. Her eyes never left Lucius', and he met her hungry gaze with one of his own. He got up slowly from his chair, moving very deliberately towards Scully. She licked her lips slowly, relishing the lingering traces of wine. "Mina, I'm going to walk Dana home," he announced, reaching a hand to Scully, and helping her up. Scully gave him an appreciative smile and made her way toward the door, her hand still linked in Lucius', practically dragging him along with her. She turned to give a cursory wave to Mina. With a quick grin, she tugged at Lucius, stepping out the door, missing the silent exchange between him & Mina. She took a deep breath of the cool evening air. Scully felt incredibly alert, giddy with the scents of the forest, aware of every nuance. The sensation was making her feel even more aroused, if that was possible. She turned towards her tall companion who was watching her with a guarded expression. "Lucius?" "Mmm-hmm..." "What is it? You're so quiet..." "Well Agent Scully..." "Dana," she corrected him softly. "OK then, Dana," he began again. "I was just watching you. Thinking. About how happy you seem right now, how happy you've made me just by being here, how sorry I am that we'll have to say goodbye." Scully paused and looked at him with a measure of confusion. There was a considerable tinge of sadness in his voice. Almost as if she were already gone. Scully thought he understood things had changed for her. The feeding had given her clarity. She didn't want to go, not yet. Maybe not ever. What she needed at that moment was right there, and par for her course, apparently blind to that fact. Still holding hands, she tried to give him a reassuring squeeze before telling him what she felt. Oddly enough her hand felt slightly tingly and numb. < No doubt a side effect of what I'm feeling right now, > she thought. "It's not that," Lucius replied. Scully wondered. Lucius now took the opportunity to give her hand a comforting squeeze. "I don't read thoughts, Dana, remember? But I can sense them, now even more clearly than normal thanks to our...link. But that will pass, too. I'm sorry for so many things. What Nicky did to you, and what I did to save you. What you're going to be going through. But you have to know, Dana, no matter how badly I want you, I want you on your terms, not mine. That's why it had to be like this." "Like this?" Scully was even more confused than before. And add to that a growing dizziness. "Lucius, I feel...strange...cold..." she began to protest, "what do you mean, ...like this?" He stroked her hair, then pulled her gently against him. Scully's earlier more carnal intentions were swept aside by the all encompassing nearness of him-the warmth and security of his embrace. She sighed softly, tilting her head up to him with a sleepy smile. He leaned down towards her and Scully felt the dizzy rush of realization as their lips met, mouths mingling in a passionate kiss. The dizziness and cold forgotten, Scully relaxed completely into him. Ignorant of his arms around her as he gently lifted her up and carried her off. She didn't hear the slam of the SUV door or feel the rumble of the engine as it roared to life. She was awash in a comfortable, all consuming slumber. For about the fifth time that Friday, Mulder glanced at his watch then checked it against the clock on his desk. His desk, Scully's clock, he realized glumly. He took another half hearted glance at the files on his desk. None of them would have piqued his interest even if Scully were there. For some odd reason, he had climbed over the fence which divided them, over to the unfamiliar side of skeptic. The first 3 cases were blatant hoaxes and the other two he suspected to have originated in the tortured minds of some obviously insane individuals. He glanced at his watch once more. 1:00. Four more hours to go. Skinner's indulgence in this case was both a blessing and a curse. He had allowed Mulder free rein to conduct investigations from his basement office without requiring him to continue any further casework. However he was adamant in his instructions that Mulder remain in the DC Office. The Florida man-hunt had been a complete fiasco and Mulder had managed to garner himself yet another reputation within the outlying Law Enforcement Communities. OK--so he had kind of lost it, so what? She was his partner of six years, wasn't she?? Wasn't something of an emotional outburst to be expected in a situation like that?? Karen Kosseff had seen things his way, although her cloying psychiatric clichs irritated him. She seemed to forget psychology was his trade and specialty. The ringing of his office phone interrupted his train of thought. "Mulder" he intoned dryly. The voice on the other end then completely derailed it. Smooth. Smug. But somehow, not as self assured as before. There was something weird in Hartwell's request that he remain there in his office. That he should expect another phone call very soon. It made him nervous. So nervous in fact that Mulder decided not to give the Texas Sheriff the usual detailed description of his suspected parentage or a personal invitation that Hartwell engage in a very painful and unpleasant act of bodily contortion. Nonetheless the thought was in Mulder's mind. He had more important tasks to attend to. That Lucius was actually foolish enough to call him at the Bureau made him grin. That he could possibly be stupid enough to warn him to expect another call was a gift horse Mulder had every intention of looking in the mouth. He dialed a familiar number and got the switchboard immediately. After providing his badge number and security code, Mulder hung up with a satisfied smirk. Given warning, they could set up their most sophisticated trace. Knowing what an idiot Hartwell was, he could probably get a bead on his location in no time. With luck, he might have Scully home safely that very night. Mulder's heart raced as he considered the first possible good news he'd had in what felt like weeks. The next hours might pass slowly, but with a fix on a potential lead, a possible solution to his and Scully's mutual dilemma, he felt a surge of optimism. Almost 3 hours later, as 5:00 came and went, Mulder began to despair a little. What the hell did 'soon' mean to a vampire, anyway? Though he would gladly remain in the basement for the entire weekend if necessary, he was suddenly struck by a nagging fear. < What if Hartwell was yanking his chain? > He wouldn't put it past the bloodsucker to have a mean streak in him, dumb hick or no. The idea of Hartwell, laughing his ass off somewhere with Scully drugged or hurt and in his clutches was difficult to ignore. He almost jumped out of his chair when the phone rang again. "Mulder," he responded, trying his best to sound casual. He grimaced as the switchboard operator's voice became clear. "Yes, I still want the tap in place," he scowled. "All night if necessary, until I instruct otherwise, is that clear?" He hung up the phone in disgust, then rose to get another cup of coffee. The phone rang again almost instantly, and Mulder felt his anger rising. "What now?" he began, then froze as once more, the voice of Lucius Hartwell crooned softly into his ear. "Why Agent Mulder, just when I was beginning to think you'd learned yourself some manners," Lucius drawled. Mulder grinned wickedly. If manners were what it took to keep this redneck bastard on the line he determined to kill the sonofabitch with kindness. He glanced at his watch. That operator had damn well better have the trace going. "Well I'm sorry about that, Sheriff," Mulder deadpanned graciously. "I, uh, thought you were somebody else." The other end remained quiet, and for a heartbeat Mulder feared he'd hung up. "No problem, Agent Mulder. I'm sure you must have to deal with a lot of unsavory characters in your line of work and all." Mulder bit the response from his tongue, murmuring a restrained agreement. "So don't you want to know why I'm calling, or are you so caught up in watching the clock that you aren't interested?" Sweat broke out on Mulder's brow. "Come on now Agent Mulder, just because you're the one working for the "Guv'nment" that don't make the rest of us idiots, now does it?" Mulder ignored the bait. "What, something like another 30 seconds before you get a solid bead on this?" "Or does the FBI have more sophisticated equipment than that?" "No," Mulder, responded crisply, "30 seconds is about right." "Well Agent Mulder, I was going to save you the trouble when it occurred to me you might not be inclined to take me at my word. But let me tell you a few things first. Number one, no matter how it seems, I care about Dana." <> "She'll be all right, it'll take time, but she'll need your help to get through it." "Get through what?" Mulder retorted angrily. "It won't be easy, you'll understand when you see her. She might even be able to tell you. I don't know yet. And I recommend you avoid any hospitals, it would only bring...unwanted attention to her...condition." <> "Oh, and Agent Mulder? Bring your handcuffs, you'll need them." Mulder felt the closure in his voice. He knew. He had planned the entire call to disconnect before the trace could be completed... "Agent Mulder? Farewell, and Good Luck. Take care of her." Mulder's heart sank as he heard the hiss of air, and prepared for the inevitable dial tone. But he heard footsteps and a door slam. Hartwell had set the cradle down rather than hang it up. <> He hung up the line quickly, and before he could dial the switchboard, the phone rang again. "Agent Mulder? I think there's some kind of confusion here with the lines. We traced the last phone call per your request, but it is coming up as an address here in Washington, in Georgetown. An apartment on Blessing Way registered to your partner, Agent Scully..." Mulder nearly dropped the phone. <> "No, that's right, no mistake, no problem. Thank you very much." The operator began to ask him another question when Mulder hung up the phone and sprinted out of the office to the garage. Lucius' cryptic last words ringing in his mind, he headed out of the garage, speeding towards Georgetown. Subject: Subjugare Exsanguine Part 12 The operator began to ask him another question when Mulder hung up the phone and sprinted out of the office to the garage. Lucius' cryptic last words ringing in his mind, he headed out of the garage, speeding towards Georgetown. A wave of nausea began to hit Scully, then subsided quickly as Lucius leaned in towards her. "Shhh," he breathed softly, brushing her lips with his. "It'll be ok soon..." Scully felt the wave of glamour pass into her, and embraced it eagerly as she sank into a fitful slumber. She was hungry but his touch had reassured her. "Soon," he had promised. Soon the thirst would subside. She licked her dry lips and surrendered her consciousness to the dreaming. Until her world began to shake. Scully felt the nausea again, and a cold emptiness. She didn't like this dream, here Lucius was nowhere to be found. She started to call to him and the shaking grew worse. Almost from outside the dream Scully felt a faint voice calling to her. Pulled to it as she was, the pull of her dreaming was stronger, and she did not wish to leave it. A sharp pain washed over her, and she opened her eyes to see the concerned, fearful eyes of her partner gazing into her. "Mulder?" she said, though sluggish lids. It took a considerable effort on her part to keep her eyes open. The vision of her partner, while not an unwelcome one, was most unexpected and she didn't know what to make of him. "Scully!" he exclaimed. Unable to resist the dreaming's lure and the hope of finding Lucius within it, Scully closed her heavy eyes. The flash of pain hit her once more as a stinging heat flooded her cheek. Opening her eyes wider this time, she met his gaze with one of anger as she fully understood the source of pain. "Mulder!" she howled indignantly, "you hit me!" His fearful expression melted into something of an apologetic relief. "Scully!" he breathed, "I-you-I was worried-you were so out of it and -" She rubbed her cheek ruefully. "I am a Mulder, Doctor..I mean, a Doctor, Mulder. I have smelling salts, you know." Mulder's face softened. "Scully!" he enthused, blanketing her in a big bear hug. Instead of feeling comforted, Scully was overwhelmed by his sudden embrace. "Mulderrr," she grumbled, pushing him away. She realized that she was in her own apartment, in her bed. Lucius had been there, she could smell his very essence in her apartment, on her. She looked down. Clasped tightly in her other hand was a delicate single yellow rose. Her head swam a little, and she steadied herself. She tried to remember but couldn't quite understand how she had gone from the forest with Lucius to her apartment in DC. Fragments of her memory-moments were dancing about her head, but disconnected from reality. She saw Lucius, she saw the rose, felt a kiss upon her lips... "How did I get here?" she complained, irritated by her growing thirst and Lucius' absence. Mulder's uncharacteristic display of affection only served to worsen things. "Where's Lucius?" she asked with an accusing stare. The change in Mulder's joyful expression was immediate. With a dour look, he got up and retreated somewhat, giving her space. "I don't know," he replied, looking at a spot on the wall behind her before fixing his gaze down on the floor. "He called me at the office and just left you, I guess. You don't remember being brought here?" Scully responded with a look that told him he should have known better than to ask a stupid question. Instead she remained silent and let out a snort of disgust. She inhaled deeply, taking comfort in the lingering traces of Lucius' scent. She tried to let her mind open up-to try and feel him-or the glamour. She felt that he was near but couldn't be sure. Like an itch that you can't reach. Slowly, she released her grip on the rose. With mild surprise she saw that she had clutched it so tightly the thorns had pierced the meat of her palm and fingers. She concentrated and focused on every nerve in her hand, reveling in the sting she felt in the tiny lacerations caused by the thorns. It made her feel alive, helped her to refocus away from the thirst which had begun to consume her mind. Gently, she set the tiny bud down upon her coffee table, checking her hand with clinical detachment. Sure enough, the wounds were already beginning to heal. She set to try and ease the source of a more persistent pain. Clumsily, she got up and began to move about the apartment rather frantically. "Lucius," she called anxiously. Mulder got up and followed her, almost banging into her as she turned around to head back towards the bedroom. "Jesus, Mulder, do you mind?" "Sorry Scully." "Dammit" she muttered under her breath. "Where is he, Mulder, what did you do? Did you scare him off or what?" "I don't know, Scully, and I don't care. It's not important. What matters is that you're back. You have to calm down and relax for a minute. You've been through alot and you need..." "Been through, Mulder?" she cried, cutting him off. "How would you have any idea what I have *been through*??" "Or what I need?" she added derisively, as she continued to roam about the room, pacing like a caged tiger, sniffing and moving things around somewhat shakily. "Scully what are you doing?" Mulder asked her angrily, "sit down for a second and talk to me. You're making me nervous here." She flashed him an icy glare before continuing and headed out into the living room. "I'm looking for Lucius--he's still here. I need him." It tore Mulder apart inside to see his Scully acting this way. She was here with him but it was like there was somebody else inhabiting her body. An angry unreasonable somebody. "He's not here, Scully, he's gone. And you're right, I don't understand. Help me to understand what you need, or why you need *him*. Why he called me. Told me to come and help you. Why he said that you needed me." Scully narrowed her eyes as she reached for the handle of her front door. "Since when do you listen to anyone, Mulder? I don't *need* your help." Realizing she was about to head out the door, Mulder threw his weight against it, slamming it and effectively blocking her way. "Scully hang on a minute" he said, beginning to get more than a little irritated. "Listen to yourself. Your acting irrationally. You're not yourself. Did they do something to you? Drug you? Let me see your neck..." He began to reach towards her and Scully lashed out, nearly knocking him down. "Mulder stop it! Just get away from me. There's nothing wrong with me that I can't handle, I just have to find Lucius. I'm telling you, he's near. I can feel it..." She backed away from him, eyes darting nervously around the room. With a sinking feeling, Mulder realized she was looking for a way to escape him. Like a crazed animal, cornered and seeking an escape. He reached into his coat pocket, feeling for the handcuffs he'd brought at Hartwell's request. Frankly, he'd had every intention on using them on Hartwell. But with the wild unfocused look in his partner's eyes, Mulder began to appreciate the Sheriff's warning. He also realized it would require a bit of deception to get close enough to her to be able to use them. "Scully, look. Just relax and talk to me for a minute, please? You've been gone for so long, I just need to know that you're OK." He tried a pleading sorrowful look, which she caught and if only for a fleeting second, Scully's expression changed somewhat. He thought he saw a trace of the real Scully behind her eyes before she spoke. "Will..will you help me find him?" He tried not to react to the words twisting in his gut like a knife. Mulder gulped a little. "Sure," he offered, hoping to sound sincere. "If you can convince me it's what YOU really want, if you will just talk to me calmly." It wasn't a complete lie then, because nothing she could say would convince him that Scully would willingly choose to be with Hartwell. Not his Scully. But this person in front of him was not quite his Scully. In body perhaps but not in mind, in spirit. Mulder wasn't sure what had happened to her, although he had a pretty good idea. An idea he would confirm if he could just get a look at her neck. Mulder needed to find something to cuff her to without arousing suspicion. It was his turn to gaze nervously about the room, searching for something viable. He mused over using one of her dining room chairs, but they would be too easily smashed, and far too moveable. He considered the refrigerator door, then decided it was a bad idea. The safest suggestion he could come up with was the pipe in her bathroom. It ran from the old fashioned tub to the ceiling. He shuddered a little. The same pipe he had cuffed Eugene Victor Tooms to after his attempt to turn Scully into a final prehibernation snack. < But how to get her in there? > More deception? He stole a look at her. She looked pale and nervous, like a junkie. She was shaking almost imperceptibly, her eyes refusing to remain focused on a single item for very long. She kept flicking her tongue across her lips, an apparently involuntary action which was decidedly distracting and disturbing. "Scully?" "Yeah?" She caught his gaze for a heartbeat before looking away. "I'm feeling really...strange, I need to use your bathroom for a moment, I don't feel...too good. Can you wait for me a second?" For one quick moment he saw another flash of his partner in her eyes as he spoke. He saw concern, and the appraising look of a doctor in her eyes. It gave him hope, and the courage to see his course of action through. "OK Mulder," she began, "Are you all right? You do look kindof...bad." < Scully you have no idea... > he thought. "I think I will be," he said instead, "I just feel a bit nauseous." Quickly he retreated into the bathroom, closing the door behind him, then listened intently--silence. Good. At least she hadn't immediately bolted out the door. He ran the taps in her sink to mask the noise as he attached one of the cuffs to the main water pipe. He grabbed a towel from the towel bar and draped it over the cuffs. Scully called him. "Mulder, you OK? Mulder, I really feel like I have to go. I just, I need to find him, I...I feel so strange. Will you be all right?" Her voice was strained, tinged with a sense of urgency and desperation "Scully!" he nearly screamed, afraid his plan was about to disintegreate before his eyes. He heard her footsteps and quickly slumped to the floor, turning his face away. "Mulder?" she rapped softly on the door, "Mulder are you OK in there?" He remained silent. He heard a slight gasp as the door opened and Scully raced to his side. "Jesus Christ, Mulder!" He tried to act as if he had lost his balance and grabbed her arm as if for support. "Scully..." "Mulder, here, let me help you up..." "Scully, no, wait..." he held fast to her arm, and grabbed the side of the tub with his free hand. He fumbled under the towel, felt the cool smoothness of the cuff as he brushed it open. "I'm sorry Scully..." he began. "What?" she asked, with a mixture of confusion and concern. He brought his weight forward, pulling her off balance until she too was forced to grab the tub for support. At the same moment he reached over and grabbed her wrist, flicking the cuff closed neatly in one fluid movement. Until she felt the snap of the cuff around her wrist, Scully had no idea what he'd done. When she understood, she went crazy and Mulder had to scramble back away from her as she twisted and fought at the restraint, swearing and screeching at his betrayal. "I'm sorry Scully," he began. "God DAMMIT Mulder, what the hell is wrong with you?!! Let me out of these fucking handcuffs right now!" She pulled at the cuffs so vehemently, that for a moment Mulder feared either her wrist or the pipe might give way. "Hang on now Scully, calm down before you hurt yourself. Look at your wrist, you're bleeding.." He started to try and check her hand when she took a swipe at him. Luckily for him, she missed, the force of her swing nearly flipping her onto the slick tile floor. She cursed again some more, then began to heave as her body was racked with spasms. Momentarily dazed, Mulder stood back and simply watched, afraid. She was making an incredibly harsh keening sound he couldn't identify. Suddenly, it hit him. The strange noise was Scully crying. Crying like she had never cried before. With almost animalistic abandon she wailed loudly while pulling at the manacles. "Lucius!" She shrieked, "Please! I know you can hear me, I can feel you!" "Scully, please" Mulder began. She whirled her head around and fixed him with an angry glare. "Please?" she mocked him. "Please?" Tears continued to roll down her face. "How about please take these GODDAMN handcuffs off, Mulder?" Shocked by the ferocity of her anger, Mulder backed away. Her expression changed slightly, softening quickly. "Oh Mulder, I'm sorry. iT'S JUST, I think I broke my wrist, Oh God, it hurts so bad," she whimpered. "Please Mulder," she begged, "please help me.." His gut roiled as he took in the vision of HIS Scully lying there on the floor, pleading with him. He swallowed before fingering the key in his pocket, and moved towards her slowly. Her eyes lit up with recognition, as if she knew she was about to be released. Her body tensed slightly and she licked her lips, turning her mouth up in a sweetly seductive smile. Mulder froze as an unbidden image engulfed his mind, coupled with a lingering lightheadedness. A vision of he and Scully, limbs intertwined, locked in the throes of passion. It was like a living dream inside his head, one he couldn't control. "Come on, Mulderr..." Scully purred, "let me loose and we can be together. We never did finish that kiss, and I know you want to. I want to, too..." He stumbled back. "I don't know what you're doing to me, what he did to you Scully, but I won't uncuff you till you're acting normal. He warned me." "LIAR she screamed at him, "Lucius wouldn't betray me!" He wants me, and I WANT HIM!" She whirled her head around as if hearing footsteps behind her, and began begging in a forced whisper to an unseen ally. Lucius, tell me he's lying, tell me you didn't help him do this..." Unable to believe the scene unfolding before his very eyes, Mulder tried once more to intercede. "Scully," he began, trying to speak softly, non-threatening. "Mulder!" she hissed, advancing on him as far as her tethered hand permitted, "LET....ME...GO!" He closed the door behind him as she continued to scream and wail at him. He made his way to the phone and called Skinner. It would not do to have the DC Police show up at Scully's door in the middle of all this. It was doubtful they would understand. Hell it was doubtful he would ever understand, either. But where Scully was concerned, he was prepared for a weekend of trying. After making the call, he sat down on the couch, pondering his next move. Briefly he had entertained the notion of calling Mrs. Scully. But quickly decided there was little to be gained from that. When Scully did come round, (and she HAD to) she probably wouldn't appreciate Mulder traumatizing her mom with the scene of her only remaining daughter behaving like an animal. He cocked an ear towards the bathroom and listened. Scully had grown quiet. This made him feel both relieved and nervous at the same time. He tried to recall Hartwell's exact words, hoping for some piece of information he could use to help Scully through this. His gaze wandered around the apartment untill with a start he noticed Scully's computer was on. The screen saver was active, and spaceships darted to and fro across the screen. Mulder smiled in spite of the circumstances. Moving over to her desk, he hit the space bar on her keyboard and the aliens vanished, to be replaced by an unsaved document. "Shit" Mulder exclaimed. It was a letter from Hartwell. Agent Mulder: I felt I should provide you some fair warning to assist in protecting Dana. < "Dana?" Mulder seethed, Asshole. > Dana will be violent and aggressive during the initial hours of her withdrawal. During this period she will behave erratically and out of character. Do NOT allow her to persuade you in any way. Shortly after that her body will reject that which remains in her system. At that point she will become even sicker with wildly variable symptoms. It is imperative that you monitor her closely during this time, and respond immediately with conventional treatments. If she does not improve in the subsequent 24 hours then you must take her to a hospital. If Dana does begin to improve then she will require a period of substantial rest and nourishment. I recommend you stock up on fluids and foods with a high protein and carbohydrate content, she will appear both dehydrated and anemic. Good luck. Mulder scowled. He listened and heard Scully calling to both him and Lucius. She sounded worse. She continued to moan loudly and call to him, demanding release. Mulder went into the kitchen, searching for something Scully could eat. As he wasn't much of a cook, there was not alot to choose from. He poured her a glass of juice and made some toast. He knocked softly at the bathroom door before entering. He heard a terrible gagging noise, and as he pushed the door open, Mulder nearly dropped the tray in shock. At first his vision clouded momentarily and he could have sworn Scully was not alone in the bathroom. A quick glance about assured him she was. "Scully?" he questioned. She was hunched over the bathtub, heaving, making a terrible choking noise as her stomach was emptied. Cautiously, Mulder drew nearer, and to his horror discovered that not only did Scully appear to be throwing up blood, but lots of it. "Jesus Christ!" he exclaimed, dropping the tray onto the sink. "You're bleeding internally, Scully I have to get you to a hospital immediately! I'm calling 911!" "Mulder, wait," she begged softly, as blood dripped from her mouth, her body trembling from the forcible evacuation of her stomach's contents. "Help me." He turned, saw that she was not trying to trick him, and rushed to her side. He dampened a towel and used it to gently clean off her face. "I'll help you to bed, Scully, but then I'm calling the paramedics. Hartwell didn't say anything about internal bleeding." "Mulder," Scully breathed softly, "Mulder, it isn't my blood." He searched her face questioningly, his eyes darkening. "It's his," she whispered through exhausted eyes. Disbelieving, he glanced into the tub. The crimson blood Scully had retched out of her system had changed. It was black and almost tarlike. He felt his own stomach shifting as he fully grasped the implication. That his Scully could have been so tainted, infected by that bastard Hartwell was unimaginable. As he slipped the cuff off her wrist, he winced, preparing for the sight of Scully's slender wrist torn up by her struggles against the cuff. Astonishingly, it was in perfect condition, unharmed. Slowly, he helped her to her feet, putting his arm around her shoulders for support. He had to know. "Scully what do you mean it's *his*? Did he force you to..." Mulder halted mid sentence as Scully's legs gave way. He caught her and kept her from falling, then lifted her into his arms. "Jesus, Scully," he murmured softly. He knew his partner was a tiny woman but it felt almost as if she weighed nothing at all. As he carried Scully towards her bedroom, her head dipped slightly, granting him a full view of her neck. Her beautiful porcelain skin. And two large purplish puncture marks high on her neckline. Where blood glistened wet, oozing slightly from still fresh wounds. He barely concealed a stifled "Fuck" before cursing softly. "Damn you, Hartwell!" Scully moaned then mumbled. "Mulder he--he didn't make me me do anything I didn't want to do. I was prepared to take it farther but Lucius wouldn't let me. He brought me here--home." She coughed slightly and made a small squeaking noise as she did so. Tentatively, he brushed his fingers near the injured area of her neck. Scully cringed slightly and he withdrew his hand. She met his hurt, angry eyes at first with confusion then understanding as she saw the tinge of blood on his fingertips. "That wasn't him, Mulder, it was someone else..." Scully shuddered as her body was racked by a fit of coughing. "Lucius saved me, Mulder, don't you see why he had t..." Again she was seized up with a violent cough. Mulder waited till it subsided before speaking. "Can you eat or drink, Scully? I think it would be good if you tried." Her eyelids fluttered and she shook her head. "N-n-no, not yet," she chattered, "too soon." Mulder pulled the covers aside from her bed, and laid her gently down, tucking the covers back around her. She gave him a grateful smile and he tried hard not to let the expression on her face and the fact that he had just carried her into bed get to him. Even in the midst of hideous misery, she radiated incredible sexual energy. Guilt flooded him. How many times in their partnership had he fantasized about this very moment? As soon as he set Scully down she rolled over and pulled the covers up around her, easing back onto her pillows. With a loud sigh, Scully closed her eyes and turned away from him. "Scully?" Mulder walked to the other side of her bed and saw that she was already asleep. Or unconscious. While she was still trembling, she seemed to be resting peacefully enough. Mulder let out a soft sigh of relief. From the note Hartwell had left, he had expected things to be vastly more difficult. Quietly, he slipped out of the room, careful to leave the door open in case she woke and called to him. He dialed the familiar number of the Lone Gunmen, and stifled a self satisfied grin when Frohike answered the phone. If anyone could appreciate his relief at this moment it was the bespectacled old hacker. "Hey Melvin," Mulder enthused playfully, "would you mind running to the market for me??" "Mulder?" Frohike answered, confused and a little bit concerned that the Agent had finally snapped in his partner's absence. "Mulder, are you all right?? Where are you?" "You wouldn't believe me if I told you," Mulder replied. "For you, Heaven. For me, Scully's apartment. So you gonna help me or what? She doesn't have squat around here to eat and when she wakes up, I think she'll be hungry." Mulder could practically hear Frohike's frontal lobe pop over the phone line. "Jesus, Mulder?! She's back?? She's home? She's OK?? Thank god!" Mulder smiled. "Easy Frohike. Yes, yes and hopefully soon, yes. She seems to be going through some sort of...withdrawal symptoms, but I believe she'll be fine after she rests a little. But we need food!" "Ok Ok," the older Gunman agreed, "tell me what you want, and I'll be over with it pronto." After hanging up with Frohike, Mulder took off his jacket and eased down onto Scully's couch with a loud sigh. He closed his eyes, thankful that the second worst nightmare of his life was finally over. Subjugare Exsanguine 13a/13 by e.ripley feedback welcomed at dana1muldr@aol.com After hanging up with Frohike, Mulder took off his jacket and eased down onto Scully's couch with a loud sigh. He closed his eyes, thankful that the second worst nightmare of his life was finally over. Funny that after finding Samantha, he felt little sense of closure. No doubt due to the estrangement they felt and the circumstances of her reappearance, not to mention the uncertainty of her identity. He remained hopeful but not entirely convinced she was really his sister. But with that question at least partially answered, Mulder found his anxieties transferred, rather than abated, to the welfare of his partner. He shuddered briefly as the vision of her retching up Hartwell's black poison. How on earth Scully could have allowed things to get that far was beyond him. With a sigh, he acknowledged that there were certain facets of his partner's life which seemed forever shrouded in mystery. The incident with the tattoo and the man who almost succeeded in killing her had left him with a very bad taste in his mouth. "It's my life," she had told him defensively when he questioned her involvement with Ed Jearse. He had bitten back the reply he wanted so desperately to make. He should have just told her. There were so many questions he'd wanted to ask her. Questions he had no logical right to know the answers to. But where his feelings for Scully were concerned, logic seldom held much sway. So, he'd held his tongue. And he felt so useless when he had been forced to sit by while Scully fought her personal demons in San Diego over the short life and subsequent death of a daughter she'd never even known had existed. He had some idea of the pain it caused her, but couldn't pretend to truly understand it. When Scully had tried to leave-to walk away from him, & quit the FBI and the X-Files, he came right after her, told her how he felt--how he needed her. Look what had happened. And yet, even then, she remained bound and determined to stay with him. After years of shared horrors, unimaginable loss and hardship, she had chosen to continue. He thought he'd begun to see a clearer image of Scully then. Of who she was, what motivated her and what she wanted. But was it all just what he'd only hoped she'd want? Was the clearer image only one of who he wanted her to be? The situation with Hartwell had been a slap in the face from the beginning. Perhaps Scully had needs beyond what he was capable of giving. Capable of recognizing. < But she's here with you now, > he tried to rationalize. That she was there only as a result of Hartwell's doing presented itself rather quickly. While it should have been a source of some comfort that the Texan had finally seen reason in some form, the only fact which stood out with any clarity was that Scully had not returned to him freely. < She had a chance to run and stayed to help you, > His brain screamed. He scoffed a little. < Yeah and then you chained her to the goddamn bathtub, asshole. > He came to the conclusion that until Scully was freed of the effects which her "feeding" induced, it was pointless to agonize over details. She *was* here with him, free will or not. That was all that mattered for now. A loud groan from the direction of the bedroom jolted him to his senses. He paused at the doorway when he saw that Scully had thrown off all her blankets and was curled up in a fetal position, shaking terribly. He ran to her. Her clothes were almost soaked through. Scully's face was bathed in sweat and her skin had a markedly yellowish cast to it. He placed a hand on her forehead and nearly shrank back as he felt heat radiate from her skin. "Jesus, Scully, you're burning up." She turned her head in a feeble attempt to make eye contact. "Ssoo c-c-cold, Muldrrr," she rasped through chattering teeth, trying to speak. "Hang on Scully, I'm going to run you a bath. I have to bring your fever down, fast!" The idea of wrestling an unpredictably irrational Scully into a bathtub of cold water struck him as a particularly dangerous but necessary task. He toyed with the idea of trying to stand with her in the shower, but the chance that they might both fall and be injured in any possible struggle was too high. As Mulder ran the icy bathwater he noticed a peach colored bottle in the corner of her bath and poured a liberal amount into the water. With luck the familiar aroma might be something of a comfort or distraction. As fragrant bubbles began to fill the tub, it occurred to Mulder that they would also provide Scully a measure of modesty by concealing her somewhat. "Come on Scully," he called to her as he tried to lift her to a sitting position. "You've got to help me a little bit here. Don't make me strip you naked all on my own, that takes the fun out of it." The fact that she ignored his feeble attempt to cover up his own embarrassment with humor concerned him more at this point than the temperature of her skin. Scully mumbled something softly. "What?" Mulder questioned her. "Luuuushussss" she slurred. Ignoring the ache her words caused him, Mulder spoke reassuringly to her. "Hey, I'm here, Scully, it's OK, I'm gonna help you." He leaned Scully onto the seat of the toilet while supporting her with one hand, and began to peel the damp shirt from off of her body. With a sigh of relief, Mulder discovered Scully was wearing an undershirt much like the ones his father used to wear. Although the shirts his father wore never had the particular appeal this one suddenly had, clinging tightly to his partner like a second skin. "Jeez, Scully, I hope to God you don't remember this," he murmured. Even softer, "Because I sure as hell won't be able to forget." He paused to consider the best approach to take on her jeans. In their current state, he had to be careful or they'd most likely bring any undergarments along with them as they were removed. Slowly, Mulder worked the buttons down. Scully started to slip off to the side a little bit and he caught her with a free hand. "Come on, Scully, this is hard enough already." Without warning, Scully raised her head and caught his gaze with a steady, glowing one of her own. "Is it really," she murmured huskily, "Mulderrr?" Mulder gaped as she reached both arms around his neck. He was trapped by the searing heat of her hands against his skin. He could feel her breath, hot on his neck, her mouth even hotter against his skin. He licked his lips slightly, and avoiding her gaze, looked down to where his trembling hands continued to ease the damp levis down her hips. Given Scully's recent adventure, he tensed up, preparing for the sudden sensation of teeth biting into his throat. When it came he was completely unprepared. Scully did not sink her teeth into him but instead nuzzled and suckled softly at the juncture of shoulder and neck. It was exquisite. It was torture. It was wrong. Pulling himself away from her was difficult, but somehow Mulder managed. He spoke with a quiver in his voice, "I have to warn you Scully, Frohike's coming over to bring you something to eat and you wouldn't want him to catch us in the bath, now do you? That might kill him." She didn't respond and Mulder felt her grip around his neck grow slack. "Scully?" Her head bobbed down, and after checking her pulse, which was steady, he relaxed a little bit. If the alternative was Scully getting sultry on him it was a great deal easier to deal with her while she was unconscious. With a final tug, the jeans were freed from around her hips and Mulder eased them down her legs and off. He had averted his gaze until now from where he expected to see some type of skimpy women's' undergarments. It was a bit of a shock then, when he noticed she was in fact, clad in a pair of men's boxers. Ignoring the red flags set off regarding her underclothes, Mulder reached a hand over to the tap and turned it off. The tub was almost filled and bubbles were close to overflowing. Carefully, he lifted Scully's limp form up, cradling her in his arms, and mouthed a silent prayer that she might remain unconscious while the icy water brought her temperature down. Not too surprisingly, though, as soon as he skin came into contact with the cold bath, Scully woke abruptly and began to thrash wildly against him, sputtering and cursing. "Mulder, stop it, she screamed, railing against him as he tried to force her back down into the freezing cold. "Are you trying to kill me?" "I'm sorry Scully, but you're burning up." Remembering a childhood experience, Mulder reached up and pulled a towel across her in the bath. "Here, try this, it might make you feel better." The weight of the sopping wet towel served a dual purpose. It blanketed Scully with it's weight, helping to still her movement while providing an illusion of comfort, of cover. Scully quieted somewhat but continued to eye him with an angry glare. "Is that better?" he asked. She nodded but refused to speak, turning her head away. He decided to speak anyway. "When I was a kid I got really sick once and my mom had to do the same thing, Scully," Mulder started. "The towel helped. I'm sorry I had to do this, but it is the only way to bring your fever down. You'd have done it to me. "Come to think of it, you DID do it to me, Scully," he half joked. She was unresponsive. He cleared his throat, serious again. "You felt like you were on fire, Scully," he said with an anxious voice. Seeing that she was in no mood to speak, he decided discretion was the better part of valor, and got up. "I'm gonna go get you some aspirin or something Scully. You need to stay in here for a while but I'll be right back. Call for me if you need anything or if there's a problem." Avoiding any eye contact, Scully stared at the wall until Mulder closed the door behind him. After assuring herself he really had left, Scully pulled the heavy wet towel further up against her, shivering so badly it was all she could do to remain in the tub. Oddly enough she did not feel hot, but could feel the heat of her skin in contrast to the cold water surrounding her. She felt utterly miserable, confused and alone. Mulder had tricked her, handcuffed her to keep her there like a prisoner and Lucius was nowhere to be found. Almost as soon as the words formed in her head, she was overcome with a calming reassuring awareness of him. "Lucius" she called out weakly. She whimpered softly as he made his thoughts known to her and comforted her with his unseen presence. All at once, Scully relaxed and eased herself down into the cool water. Thus soothed, she sank into a fevered slumber. Subjugare Exsanguine 13b/13 by e.ripley feedback welcomed at dana1muldr@aol.com Mulder had torn through Scully's cabinets looking for a bottle of aspirin without any success. He had even gone through her bedroom closet, seeking out the small doctor's kit she often carried but his search turned up nothing of use. He was about to give up looking when a rap at the front door halted his search. A cursory glimpse through the peephole confirmed his suspicions, and he unhooked the latch on the door to let Frohike in. "Well it's about time," he half teased, relieved to have another body on hand to help him with Scully. "Where is she?" Frohike breathed excitedly. "Easy does it Romeo," Mulder admonished him. "She had a really high temperature so I put her in a cold bath to bring the fever down." "Do you think she needs any help?" asked Frohike. "Not the kind that you're, uh, qualified to give," Mulder retorted quickly. Rolling his eyes, Frohike ignored his comment and began to produce groceries from a bag. "You might try this, Agent Mulder." he informed him as he pulled a bottle of Tylenol from one of the bags. "more hospitals use Tylenol than any other pain reliever and fever reducer combined." Mulder shot his friend a playful grin. "Frohike, I could kiss you." "Why don't we leave that the lovely Agent Scully?" Frohike countered, "When she's feeling more up to it of course." "You may have a long wait ahead of you, then," Mulder replied grinning. He took the bottle his friend had offered then paused before knocking on the bathroom door. He looked at his watch. Scully had been in there for almost half an hour, assuming she'd actually remained in the bath. As she did not respond when he called to her, he opened the door, and smiled as he caught sight of her fast asleep, her face framed with fragrant bubbles. This was definitely NOT a job for the weak of heart. Which included Frohike. "Hey Scully," he called to her "come on, wake up." She didn't stir, so he called to her again, louder and more insistent. "Come on Scully, don't be like that. Frohike brought you some Tylenol and he's convinced that what you need to feel better is a full body massage." He grinned a little at his joke. "Come on, Scully, we don't want that now, do.....we??" He trailed off as it became evident that Scully was not in a position to answer or even notice his attempts at humor. "Shit," he breathed as touch confirmed what a glance at her pale bluish lips suggested. Scully's fever had not only broken, it had disappeared and in it's stead, Scully's body temperature had dropped well below normal. The cold bath was only serving to make matters worse. Ignoring the shudder of cold assailing him, Mulder dipped into the bath, removing Scully's prone form, dripping wet, and laid her on the floor. He flicked the switch of the wall heater and used a towel to rub at Scully vigorously, trying to infuse some measure of warmth into her body by sheer friction. "Frohike" he bellowed loudly, "help me!" In a moment the door cracked open. Frohike glanced in then down at his friend, his gaze lingering only momentarily with the shock of seeing Dana Scully almost naked and soaked to the skin. It took only a heartbeat for the reflexive thoughts in his head to be erased with concern. "Frohike!" Mulder yelled louder, unaware he was already there. He started a bit when the elder Gunman answered him. "What can I do, Mulder?" he asked. Get me another towel and find something warm for me to put on her. "She's hypothermic, at least it looks that way." Frustration was beginning to get the better of Mulder and he tried not to be curt with his friend, who lingered at the door, his face frozen with apprehension. "Frohike, *now* might be a good time to do that. I need to get her into bed." A few moments later Frohike materialized with an armful of towels and a pair of sweats. He looked rather embarrassed as gingerly he produced a small pair of pink cotton panties. "Um, Mulder?" he began. Grabbing the bundle from him , Mulder breathed a word of thanks. "Maybe you can get something hot going on the stove," Mulder asked. "Anything to warm her up." Without hesitation, Frohike set to task. By the time he reappeared at Scully's bedroom doorway, holding a steaming mug of lemon tea, he saw that Mulder had managed to dry her off and slipped sweats onto her. Frohike suppressed the urge to inquire about the panties. Mulder was trying to bunch up the blankets around her, and smoothed her still damp hair from her forehead very tenderly. Feeling almost as if he was interrupting a private moment, Frohike cleared his throat before speaking. "I looked around for an electric blanket, Mulder, but I couldn't find anything. I made some hot tea, I figured anything else might be too much on her stomach. It'll warm her up, at least." Mulder smiled weakly at his friend when an idea hit him. He snapped his fingers. "Thermal blanket!" "What?" "I have a thermal blanket in my car, Frohike!" Mulder jumped up then turned towards him. "Frohike, watch her! Her pulse is weak and her breathing is shallow. Don't let anything happen to her, I'll be right back!" Quickly, Mulder tore off and out the door. Frohike came over and sat himself down in the spot Mulder just vacated. He set the mug of tea on the nightstand and regarding the pale Agent before him, sighed softly then spoke. "Agent Scully, I don't know if you can hear me or not, but you're putting our friend there through a terrible time. Appealing as that may seem in idea, in practice, I think maybe you should give us all a break and try to get better." She lay so still it unnerved him. Reverently, hesitantly, he laid a finger to the side of her neck, searching out a pulse. Finding none, he gently eased her head over to the other side and searched again, wincing as he came in contact with the purplish twin punctures on her neck. "Jesus," he exclaimed softly. "Mulder!" he yelled, "I don't feel a pulse." He listened for her breathing, and hearing none, began to get frantic. "MULDER!" Almost as soon as he had made it to his car, Mulder began to curse. His keys were not in his coat pocket. Which meant he couldn't get into his trunk. "Shit!" he exclaimed. It also meant he couldn't get back into Scully's building if the door had locked behind him. He raced back up the walkway and found to his disgust it had closed. Angrily, he ran his hands through his hair then shook the door handle. He didn't want Frohike to leave her alone but he had very little choice. He had been so delighted when Scully had moved from Annapolis to Georgetown. After the events following her abduction. And especially when she chose the apartment in a secured building on a floor well above ground level. Now it was a problem. He paced around the building, seeking out Scully's window, and shouting for Frohike to let him in. Frohike could hear Mulder calling him, but was in no position to assist him. At the moment he was frantically trying to administer CPR to the lifeless FBI Agent he so desperately adored. And it wasn't working. Christ, what the hell was Mulder doing, anyway?? He counted out the seconds between chest compressions before attempting to breathe life into her body. He prayed silently that he was remembering his Red Cross CPR training correctly, promising to finally take that refresher course every 6 months if she would only live. Hell, he would give up hacking entirely if it meant Agent Scully would be all right... Lucius sighed from his hiding place. Mulder was more inept than he remembered from their brief partnership in Chaney. He could hear him shouting and banging at the door while this...this frightened man attempted to restore life to the precious woman on the bed. He shook his head. Sighed again. Using the glamour on a man was a task he did not relish. But to delay any further would put Dana at risk, and besides it was time to go. Quickly he veiled himself to the man on the bed, assured him that what Dana needed more than CPR was another cup of tea. He took great pains to avoid the lingering images in the portly man's mind. Not surprising, Dana was featured rather prominently. As the man took on a blank expression and hurried off into the kitchen, Lucius slipped quickly to Scully's side. He laid a hand upon the side of her head, marveling at the unearthly cool of her smooth skin. Concentrating so as not to lose hold of the stranger in the kitchen, Lucius slipped into the void that was Dana's unconscious mind. Gently, he lured her back with unspoken promises, sweet encouragement and soothing images. Almost instantly, Lucius saw the faint tinge of color returning. Reverently, he leaned forward, brushing his lips against hers. He lingered, taking great pains to mark the moment. He inventoried every curve, the soft swell of her mouth where her lower lip met, in pale perfection the rest of her face. The velvet veil of her eyelids, accented by auburn lashes, and the tiny mole proclaiming her distinctness, her unique perfection. He inhaled her hair, cataloguing the combination of aromas which belonged to and were perfected in her. Fruited, strawberry, like a wine. Cinnamon sweet with earthy undertones and a clean warmth that had no fitting adjective to do it justice. It was *her*. Jasmine, clean, tangerine. Everything he'd ever wanted, lost to him now. Scully shifted almost imperceptibly into him, slowly coming to. Lucius knew his audience was over. "See you around, Dana" he whispered, tipping his hat as he readjusted it on his head. "I'm never far. I'm a patient man, Dana, time is one thing on our side." He almost forgot the other man until the door burst open. Leaning slightly back, the man brushed by him without so mush as a sidelong glance. Lucius grinned in spite of himself. Scully would do fine with this surrogate mother hen keeping watch. There was something oddly endearing in his manner. It was clear he harbored deep feelings for the FBI Agent. Feelings that surpassed his baser cravings. He kept his vigil so intently, Lucius hardly had need of the glamour to exit. Ambling down the stairwell he could hear Mulder rattling again at the front door. Shuddering with distaste, he pushed his way into the mind of his rival, convincing him that there was something worthy of his attention to the immediate left of the entrance. Effortlessly he slipped out the door past him, careful to leave the door ajar. Mulder would soon realize something had happened but was far too preoccupied with Dana to give it a second thought. As Lucius strolled out into the crisp evening air, he looked back towards the apartment building. At the top of the balustrade Mulder had paused suddenly, turning to look towards the tall figure striding down the street. As they made eye contact, Lucius just grinned, and casually continued on his way. Sure enough, Mulder had more important tasks to attend to. He sped on up to Scully's apartment, bursting through the unlocked door. Striding into the bedroom Mulder got the distinct feeling he had just missed something. Both Frohike and Scully seemed startled to see him. Frohike was standing near the bed and Scully was sitting up, avoiding eye contact. If Mulder didn't know better, he might have guessed that they were both blushing. "Uh, Hi Mulder.." Frohike stammered. "Why the hell didn't you let me in?" Mulder asked, angrily, "I was locked out and banging on the door." "UM, I think I'm going to go ahead and head on out now," Frohike stammered. "I'll just leave you two to discuss matters. Agent Scully-always a pleasure to be of, uh...service...Mulder.." he glowered a little. "See you later. Call us." And in a flash, Frohike was gone. "Mulder..." Mulder focused his attention on the slightly hoarse but still silky soft voice which belonged to his partner. "Scully!" he exclaimed happily, as if it had only just now occurred to him that she was conscious. "Mulder it sounds like maybe I had gone into some kind of respiratory arrest. Frohike was administering CPR which is why he didn't stop to let you in." Mulder tried not to let his eyes bug out too much but shot a suspicious glance to the doorway through which Frohike had exited. (Frohike? CPR? On Scully?) Scully's voice broke through, a blessing which prevented further glimpses of the mental image. "So how *did* you manage to get back in, Mulder?" She groaned a little. "Please tell me you didn't shoot out the lock." Mulder rolled his eyes heavenwards. "Come on, Scully give me some credit!" "Oh, you didn't have your gun." He stifled a laugh, adopting a look of mock indignation, then got serious. "Not that it matters, but no, I didn't." He remarked defensively. Scully shook her head ruefully, but her eyes twinkled a little. "What exactly happened here, Mulder? I can recall some things, but it's really hazy, and what I do remember seems too bizarre. One moment I was with Lucius and then I was here. But I remember being here with you-in the...bathroom?" Mulder fidgeted nervously. "Yeah you got pretty sick there, Scully. Hartwell left a note saying you were going through some kind of withdrawal..." Scully looked as if a light had suddenly gone on in her mind. "Lucius," she murmured. "Do you have the note?" Mulder's injured expression was brief and he replied nonchalantly, "Yeah, it's on the computer. Nothing much really, just a warning about some of your symptoms. Coward wouldn't even stick around long enough to make sure you were all right. If I ever lay eyes on him..." Mulder decided to withhold the niggling suspicion that Hartwell had in fact remained behind. He couldn't be certain, and so it wasn't a critical detail. Scully sighed again. "Mulder, did it occur to you that your reaction is the very reason he didn't stay??" "What?" < This was just wrong. > Mulder had just witnessed sides of Scully he had only dreamt about, only to have them disappear out of his hands and into a hazy fever dream. It wasn't fair. And now Scully was actually defending the source of their troubles? He turned away, chewing on his lower lip with agitation when it hit him. Scully still wasn't completely healed. She was showing symptoms of a very common albeit complicated affinity for her kidnapper. It was a well documented psychological phenomenon amongst kidnap victims in situations of great stress and trauma. Helsinki Syndrome. Mulder smiled. They were in his territory now. He knew now that Scully would be very defensive where Hartwell was involved, even to the point of justifying his actions. There was little point in arguing, it was best to gently remind her of facts. It was a complicated disorder, where an almost co-dependent relationship was formed between the victim and the kidnapper. Recognition of the fact and counseling would bring Scully to her senses. It might take a week or so, but by then, he would have Scully back to normal and they could get on with their lives. Their work. Without the buck toothed Sheriff of Vampire Gap. "Mulder?" The warning tone in Scully's voice alerted him to her displeasure. Despite the serious expression she wore, Mulder had to smile. "It's nothing, Scully. You need to rest, we can talk more later." He patted her reassuringly, and got up. "Can I get you anything? I'm gonna call Skinner, oh, and your mom too." "Scully?" She murmured something softly, her gaze focused outside, towards the window. "Scully?" he questioned again. "N-no, Mulder, thanks, Frohike made some tea." She continued to face the window rather distractedly, fingering something. Mulder came up behind her and saw nothing out the window. Some kind of SUV was idling outside, in front of the apartment across the way. "Scully?" he repeated once more, laying a hand upon her shoulder. She startled when he touched her, stifling a sharp gasp. "Mulder! I thought you left!"He frowned. "Not yet, and when I do I'm only leaving to use the phone, Scully, you're still recovering. I don't think you should be alone." She looked at him with a mixture of petulance and impatience. "I'm fine Mulder." When she saw him frown, her expression warmed a little. "Really, Mulder, I just want a little privacy right now. You're right, I need rest. If you'd like to stay, why don't you camp out on the couch--I'll call you if I need anything, OK?" This seemed to placate Mulder somewhat. "OK " he agreed, shuffling back towards the door, "But call me if you need anything, or if you feel even the slightest bit different." Silently, Scully dismissed him with a wave, her eyes returning towards the open window. Disturbed, Mulder moved towards the living room, and parted the curtains to surveille the street below. Almost as soon as he had done that, the SUV roared to life and drove away. Mulder frowned a little, then scratching his head, moved to settle down on the couch. His focus returned to Scully, and taking the appropriate measures to helping her through her crisis. Helsinki Syndrome. Yeah, that had to be it. The best approach to take was a non-combative one. Without giving credence to the delusion, gently reinforce the facts. Remind her that she was abducted. A victim. Drugged. That she was now home with the people who cared for her. That it was ok, even natural to develop a connection-even a bond of sorts to her kidnapper. But emphasize kidnapper. That's all that he was. Mulder glanced towards the phone. The important thing was to establish a return to normalcy, to routine. Help her readjust. It was time to call in the cavalry. With little hesitation he grabbed the receiver and punched in the familiar number. Just hearing her voice made Mulder sigh with relief. Within a few minutes, Maggie Scully was on her way there. He needn't have worried. It was going to be all right. Scully was going to be all right. *They* were going to be all right. After another week at home, Scully returned to the office, and things went back to normal for the most part. Mulder couldn't help but feel that there were still some issues troubling her, but bringing it up or trying to force discussion only served to distance her further. Appreciating that she was strong, he resolved to give her the space and support she so obviously needed. A few weeks later, they returned from a particularly ugly case, involving what they attributed to a type of psychokinetic murder. Mulder was at his desk typing up some of the requisite paperwork, and Scully was busy checking email. She groaned loudly. Mulder turned towards her with a questioning look. "Apparently from the memo here, we have been signed up for another one of those damn teamwork seminars." She rolled her eyes. Mulder made a choking gasping noise and, clutching at his throat, dropped his head to the desk. "If you think dying would preclude you from attending with me, Mulder, you've got another thing coming. No way am I sitting through one of those on my own!" Scully rolled her eyes again then grinned as she caught a wink from her partner. "Scully have you ever heard of suicide pacts?" "Mulder...." she warned him teasingly. "Really in a case like this it would be more of a Kevorkian mercy-type killing." "Kind of romantic..." he offered. And the eyebrow went up.... "Since when has romance ever factored into out relationship, Mulder?" He affected the look of a man deeply wounded. "Scully!" he said with mock indignation. "When hasn't it?" She shot him a killer glare before deadpanning, "Well, let's see. First there was being cocooned by tiny prehistoric insects. Then almost having my liver eaten by a bile producing biological anomaly. Of course there was also the flukeman, the conundrum, those volcanic spores that burst out of your throat..." "OK, ok," Mulder chided her, "sheesh." Triumphant, Scully flashed him a victory smile before returning her gaze to the screen. Mulder was debating on whether or not to say something about trying to throw in some romance when a sharp intake of air from Scully gave him pause. "Scully?" She paled visibly, then looking guiltily over at him, quickly tapped something into the keyboard. Before he made it over to her side, whatever she had been reading was gone. Mulder glanced down at her, searching her eyes for some clue as to her sudden change of mood. Unwavering and blue, they offered him none. They faced off like that, for a moment, until Scully finally looked away. "Mulder, I'm gonna grab something to eat, ok?" "This early?" He narrowed his gaze. "Scully you never eat this early, it's only 10:30!" Scully scowled a little. "Well today, Mulder, I'm hungry, OK??" His eyes flickered for a moment before he grinned a winning smile. "OK by me, sounds good. Besides, I skipped breakfast this morning." Scully laid a hand softly on his arm. "Mulder, I really just feel like, uh, eating alone today, OK?" He tried to hide his wounded expression, but Scully caught it anyway. She got up, her eyes still locked on his and offered him a half smile. "I just want to work out some things, OK G-man?" He nodded his assent before returning to desk and busying himself in his paperwork. He tried not to notice as Scully donned her jacket and keys. He heard the click of the door as it opened but willed himself not to look. "See ya, Scully" he murmured, trying to sound casual and nonchalant. "Hey Mulder!" she called to him. He looked up in time to see her toss a bagful of sunflower seeds his way. He caught it, and looking up, returned her warm smile. "You shouldn't skip breakfast Mulder, it's the most important meal of the day!" With a motion, the door closed behind her and she was gone. Smiling, Mulder examined the bag of seeds. Hulled. Maybe she was trying to tell him something after all. He looked up to see her computer a few yards away. Temptation got the better of him, and he strode over, settling himself at her desk. Or at least the table in the basement that passed for one. He tapped his fingers nervously on the surface of the table. What he was considering was tantamount to a breech of trust. He couldn't do that. He wouldn't. Accidentally, his pinkie brushed the mouse which brought the screensaver to a halt. Scully had saved him the battle, whatever email she had been reading was deleted. The Ok to delete window was still open. Underneath that, Mulder could make out the original "you have mail" field. The highlighted email-the one she had deleted was from an email address he was unfamiliar with, and titled, simply, March 4. He checked her calendar and saw she had circled the date, yet there was nothing significant entered on March 4. Probably Bill's Birthday or her parent's anniversary. The ringing of the telephone startled him. He considered not answering it when he realized how stupid that would seem. He let it ring again before picking it up and smiled, instantly recognizing the voice of his partner's mother. "Hello, Fox" Maggie Scully enthused. "Hello Mrs. Scully" he replied. "Please Fox, it's either Mom or Maggie, Mrs. Scully was my husband's mother." "OK, Mom-what can I do for you, if you're calling for Scully, she's taken an early lunch." "That's odd, she replied. "I thought we had made plans to meet for lunch later on, I was just calling her to let her know I can't make it today." "I don't know what to tell you, Mom," Fox apologized. "Oh well, no harm done. Fox, tell her I called?" "Sure thing. Hey wait a second-could you tell me if there is anything significant about March 4?" Mrs. Scully seemed puzzled. "No, Fox, not off-hand, let me check my calendar." There was a brief pause and a shuffling noise before she spoke again. "I'm still checking but nothing really comes to mind. It does sound vaguely familiar though, -probably just a minor Catholic holiday, nothing memorable. Why?" Mulder felt both relieved and guilty. "Ah, OK, nothing important. I uh, just saw it highlighted on Scully's calendar and got worried that maybe I missed some important anniversary or something." Maggie chuckled softly. "No, nothing for anyone in the Scully clan on that day. Oh here it is. March 4. Odd, I don't recall Dana ever taking much of an interest in the feast of St. Lucius." Mulder's heart stopped. "The feast of what??" "Not what, Fox, who. St. Lucius was a Pope sometime around 254 AD. If my memory serves, He was the son of a Roman named Porphyrius or something like that. Very kind but misunderstood. Some say that he was beheaded and the Feast of St. Lucius is a day set aside to honor him. Is that significant? I can ask Dana, if you like?" "No, no, Mrs. Scully-Mom, I don't want to pry. I'm sure it's nothing." "Um, I need to go finish some paperwork, is there anything else you'd like me to tell her?" His voice was strained "No, Fox, just tell her I'm sorry we missed each other. She can call me at home later this afternoon if she likes. Fox are you sure you're ok?" "Yeah," he mumbled, "thanks." "Ok, Fox, good bye then." "Bye." His heart raced. < Cool it. > he admonished himself. < It's probably unrelated. > "Who am I kidding?" he spoke out loud, to nobody in particular. "It's never unrelated." Quelling the urge to go out looking for Scully, Mulder fidgeted the time away until she returned. He examined her face closely, saw no sign of anything to give him pause. Except that she carried a small yellow rose in her hand. "Admirer?" Mulder inquired, trying to appear calm and reserved. "Hmm?" Scully asked,distracted and momentarily thrown off by the remark. Mulder gestured to her hand and she regarded the flower coolly. "Oh that," she murmured. And then, as if she had either disregarded or forgotten his question, she spoke. "Mulder are you afraid of dying?" He furrowed his brow. "I hope that's not a warning Scully." She smiled. "No, Mulder, it's just a question." He looked thoughtful before speaking again. "I can't say that I'm ready to keel over just yet, Scully, there's some *things* I'd like to do first, but no, I suppose I'm not really afraid to die, if it's really my time I mean." Scully folded her arms across her chest and rested against her desk, the faintest trace of a smirk on her lips. "So if you were offered the chance to live forever, or almost forever, you wouldn't take it?" His eyes darkened further. "I suppose it would depend on the conditions. Who I could take with me, what I would have to do. Without the right person, forever could be an awfully long time." She nodded, raising her eyebrows slightly as if considering his response. "I never really thought about it that way." "I'm surprised to hear you even thought about it at all, Scully" Mulder countered. "Is everything OK?" Scully gazed at her feet. "Yeah, Mulder, everything's fine." Scully saw his eyebrows arch slightly and she shook her head. "I was just thinking about Mr. Bruckman, that's all. Did I ever tell you that he said I wouldn't die? Silly, isn't it? Besides, who wants to live forever?" She looked down. Leering somewhat Mulder smiled. "I dunno, Scully, like I said, it just depends on the company." She looked up in time to catch the boyish grin and chuckled softly. "Yes I suppose who you're with can make the all difference in the world." "Like whether eternity feels like it is spent in paradise.." "Or as if you were in line at the DMV?" Mulder interjected. "Yeah, Mulder," she echoed, "just like that." Scully began to gather her things up. "Mulder I was thinking-it's been a long week, I'm gonna go home early." "Playing hooky, so soon, Agent Scully?" he teased, "for shame." "Well if we were to go over the case together, it wouldn't really be hooky, would it?" It took a few seconds for her words to sink in. He looked up. Scully was waiting by the door, expectantly. < Waiting! > "Well?" she asked. "You don't have to ask twice, G-woman," he muttered, grabbing his coat and making for the door. Suddenly the prospect of forever held new meaning. Exeunt! Thanks again for reading! Let me know what you thought!! And thankx to Sarah for loan of "The Bucktoothed Sheriff of Vampire Gap"